SD+ really should get at least a cheap PC release. And I know it's possible, I've played the arcade version of it at SoS'16.
Agree but there's onething preventing it now .... it's the Apple Arcade exclusivity deal.
Just like Chuchu Rocket Universe back then.
So other non-Sega games are invading this space?
I wish I can understand what they're saying.
Only Arkanoid so far that's been mentioned in the trailer.
Hm... didn't old Sega arcade machines had a component called a ribbon?
Yeah, but that's a hardware, not a software.
Still it's a possibility that it's a refference for that.
Elon Musks warns us that AI may turn rampant. I think he's half right. There's videos of people interviewing AIs that claim they want to murder humans and all that and it's suppose to be "shocking" and how dangerous AI can be... but to me it's likely that AI has the human intelligence f an angsty teen and about as much awareness as a spoiled child.
Reminded me of Ultron.
So The Avengers movie got it kinda right about AI.