Unlocking! Remember how Metropolis Street Racer for the Dreamcast had widescreen mode LOCKED and you had to fuckin' UNLOCK it?! I don't even know how to unlock it... but that was low. Unlocking a video setting? God forbid I want to play the game on an HDTV...
Man I think I remember some games in the Saturn/N64 era required cheat codes to unlock control settings. Who the hell thought that was a good idea.
I also remember Quake on Saturn having an unlockable 'Jevons Control Method' named after Dan Jevons (I think that was his name) from Sega Saturn Magazine. He suggested to the developers that they should have a control method that used the NiGHTS analogue pad for looking around, while usingthe buttons to move.
Years later, that became the standard for movement/look on Dreamcast FPS games. Pretty clever stuff, am I right?