Yes, we still have a forum.
I'm not balding at all, but I am getting little gray hairs to the left and right of my forehead. Not many, just enough that I pluck the noticeable ones. Hopefully I get the Mr. Fantastic look. Or it stops where its at and I don't get more until I turn 50.
I'm still thinking about Ben Affleck being announced as the next Batman...
I haven't posted in a while.. Just a lot of Animal Crossing going on.. Why doesn't Sega release a Chao garden thing for the 3DS? Then I can just evaporate forever.
may i ask How long did you quit before you got back on it?
Iizuka said hes thought about releasing a Chao app for smatphones at Sonic Boom
I stopped smoking about 9 months ago, when I found out my wife was pregnant. I've been on and off for about 9 years now.. It comes and goes depending on my stress level.