Author Topic: Just finished HOTD: Overkill  (Read 9640 times)

Offline cube_b3

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Just finished HOTD: Overkill
« on: July 28, 2010, 08:21:24 pm »
First of all when I was making this thread I thought of just writing overkill, would any one have had a hard time deciephring the difference?

Alright on to my impressions: the game sucks

I hated the game the second I saw the trailer so bare in mind, my preconcived notions heavily affect my judgement.

Why I hated it?
To many F-bombs, and the whole self aware over the top exploitation concept does not work for me. The game is inspired by Planet Terror which is inspired (/remake) of old era Grindhouse movies which are basically exploitation films. Planet Terror was a commercial failure.

On to the impressions:
Found myself a backup copy of the game, while I am extremly against piracy I never intended to buy this game. I was in a bad place and needed to kill time so I saw the copy and was like what the hell, i've got time to waste. Took me 5 hours to beat the game and I played the Carny stage 3 times in those 5 hours (not cause I enjoyed it, it gave me the most money to buy weapons).

The story in the game is intentionally worse than HOTD and that is suppose to be funny, something along the lines of yes it is bad, we know it is bad so we try to make it worse so it would be funny, I can't enjoy that.

Spoilers with story review
Made spoilers a diff color
+ Eventually 4 hours into I finally got around to enjoy it, I became immune to all the bull shit that was in it and took it for what it was the moment that happend was when G says, "If you want to settle your business with Papa Ceaser I understand" and Isaac goes ape shit, "You don't fucking need to articulate everything, so shut the fuck up I know you got my back" to which G replys, "I love you to"

+ That was just hilarios, I laugh just writing it. The ending conversation was abit of a repeat telecast but it was pretty good. Isaac's wise interpretation of setting back the femenist movement was alright as well showing how both characters personality had rubbed off each other.

- Then the whole incenstous theme took over which was disgusting and not funny and a man simply trying to save his mothers life in a retarded way would've worke and could've been relatable, how far will you go to prolong the life of your parents this was an intresting theme in the blade TV show with the character of Krista as well, but for some reasons the scribe thought something this disgusting and perverse has to be funny.

- The female lead is more or less dead in the ending, carrying her brains in jar doesn't qualify as a happy ending, and that to me was anticlimatic I failed at saving the woman which meant that my 5 hours of pretending to be a hero failed.

I looked around the internet to see if the game had an alternate ending instead found a post credit sequence which trys to connect the game with the Sega-AM1 canon.

- I couldn't understand the ending confrontation with Varla (now mom) and Warden Darling, wtf was going on to make it worse, they had to plagarize a scene right out of Planet Terror with the reel is missing, Abysmal even if the joke was suppose to be funny in a way that it jabs theatres of the past, it was already done in Planet Terror and Death Proof seeing the same joke for the third time won't be funny.

Now for the graphics
+ The splatter was good it went on walls and everything.
- The water animations were pathetic and HOTD2 was way better, when you jump into the water their is no sound effect, the water never splashes even when you killed the boss in water they were no splash effects.

I also didn't like the bad reel graphics feel cause the game just looked bad that way, with Umbrella Chronicles preceeding the game I think the game should've exceeded those graphics instead I got character models and environments (maybe) inferior (character models for sure).

- Their are no footsteps or movement feels to it where as even HOTD 2 trie to incorporate them, most notable was the terrible way ladders were climbed.

+ the voice acting was probably fine
- Lots of sound effects weren't their most notably relating to water, but here and there I noticed that alot of effects that should have played didn't exist.

+ atleast you can equip 2 guns an throw granades

- Umbrella Chronicles is better where you can carry as many weapons as you want.

- The game doesn't give you enough money to buy all the weapons before you end the game, I had to play Carny an additional 2 times to raise enough money to buy an extra weapon (I directly went for the rifle),

A bare minimum requirement should be in any game that an average player should be able to buy 75% of weapons and do maximum upgrades for atleast 40% weapons where as I got the maximum upgrade on the Pistol and only a reload update on the rifle.

This is a cheap attempt to create replay value, but I won't be playing this shit again.
In conclusion 4 hours into it I was able to get some AAA amusement out of it but that only lasted for 50 minuites or so it ended when I saw Mom in Guns body, I kept hoping when I killed mom her body would shrink G would take the body to a hospital and swap brains or even go ahead and do it himself, unfortunately that didn't happen

I have never been more happier playing a pirated game usually I have this feeling that I'm stealing something.

P.S. The pirated game was purchased from a store as pirate games are the only games commercially available here, I usually have to travel abroad to buy me my games so just so you know somebody payed someone for this backup.

I am not denouncing anyones opinions merely stating my own.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2010, 02:27:36 pm by cube_b3 »

Offline Orta

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Re: Just finishe HOTD: Overkill
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2010, 08:38:45 pm »
tl;dr. I think you don't get it. But then again, you think Sonic 06 is good.

Not a single mention to what's probably the best part of the game: the soundtrack.

Yeah, you don't get it and you took the whole storyline too seriously.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline cube_b3

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Re: Just finishe HOTD: Overkill
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2010, 08:53:39 pm »
If you dislike Sonic 06 it is fine, If you like this game that is fine as well stating that here isn't needed and offtopic, I know S06 is a terrible incomplete game because the released version is a game that feels like in mid stages of development, but mentioning it here was not needed and I don't appreciate it.

The sound track did not click for me had I mentioned anything it would've been that I preferred HOTD2's score and that would have just added to the pile of negatives so I choose to leave out any mention of it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline SOUP

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Re: Just finishe HOTD: Overkill
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2010, 09:06:39 pm »
It's not a typical HOTD game, but that's why they didn't put a number on it.  I can see if you don't enjoy the style that they went with. It's not everybody's thing.
But as far as what they were going for, I though they pretty much nailed it.

I loved the little touches, like continuity errors. An example being the guy in the wheelchair getting his glasses knocked off, then having them on in the next shot.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline crackdude

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Re: Just finishe HOTD: Overkill
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2010, 09:14:45 pm »
I loved your review. Your review was sincere and I love when people simply point out details that were good or bad. It's details that make or break an experience.

Too bad you didn't like it though.

I think the "problem" is that the other HOTD games were bad. Really bad. So bad they were great. This one is great and tries to be bad to be greater. Some people might find that not-fun.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Sega Uranus

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Re: Just finishe HOTD: Overkill
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2010, 01:34:33 am »
All of your points do not really lead to it sucking. You had AAA quality fun for 50 minutes in a 4 hours game, but still say it sucks and are glad they lost money from you not really purchasing it? What? It is priced the same as bread now practically. Have a heart!

Comparing this to Resident Evil is the obvious choice, of course, but this was designed to be more of an arcade game. I personally think it would break the experience if you could just pause the game and change/upgrade every weapon right away.

I am with Orta on this one. You just do not get it. I hated it when I first saw how nuts they were going with the swearing and all that, but really everything just worked perfectly for what they wanted. It was also a pretty low budget game on a console where chances like this never take off, it sold pretty okay but for the budget I am sure it made it's money back and then some.

It is a good game that works the way it should. Obviously it is not for everyone, but to just say it sucks completely because you do not like the style or story is silly.

And Sonic 06 did not suck because it was unfinished. Almost every idea put into it was bad, it was just poorly programmed and designed to boot. But we should keep that out of this discussion.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Orta

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Re: Just finishe HOTD: Overkill
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2010, 04:49:21 am »
You picked on the water. The water of all things in this game. It makes an amazing difference on how it's played...   :roll: It feels to me you weren't willing to give the game a chance, you started playing it with a "it sucks" attitude.

So what, they added cheap replay value to the game. They also added the director's cut mode and two or three minigames along with the collectible golden brains, which you didn't bother to mention. This is not where you should pick on, I recall this game was praised for trying to extend its lifespan in a fair way, given its arcade nature. The upgrades are excusable, Headstrong made a decent effort in that department. If you're posting a review of something you don't like at least do a fair one.

I honestly think you don't get the point towards the story, you took it way too seriously. It wasn't supposed to make sense, it was supposed to be stupid as hell. I can understand the language, I didn't mind at all, maybe it's a cultural thing (people here drop bombs all the time). Isn't the game in the Guiness book of records?  :lol:

Opinions are opinions, however this game is not "shit" by any means as you pointed out. Being bad is different from not liking it.

tl;dr "motherfuck" :afroman:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Just finishe HOTD: Overkill
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2010, 05:04:46 am »
Overkill is the best ever, all over the world.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Just finishe HOTD: Overkill
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2010, 07:52:59 am »
I'm seeing a pattern here. Cube dislikes something, makes an overly long post, his love for Sonic '06 is brought up, he says that is off topic that he is hurt and it should be discussed via PM, others lol and then Mademan states the truth in one sentence.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline crackdude

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Re: Just finishe HOTD: Overkill
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2010, 08:12:18 am »
Though I do not agree with cube, I can relate to him in this.. There are games that I despise simply because I find some bad details offsetting. It's not an unusual thing.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline cube_b3

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Re: Just finishe HOTD: Overkill
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2010, 01:25:18 pm »
Quote from: "crackdude"
I loved your review. Your review was sincere and I love when people simply point out details that were good or bad. It's details that make or break an experience.

I am glad someone did.

Too bad you didn't like it though.

Not really, I had a fixed perception towards the game, I hated everything about it before even playing it so the game would've had to be the next Shenmue or something to win me over, had it not had incests and the more or less elimination of the female lead I think the game would've qualified as a passable experience, I may have not been a fan of the Grindhouse genre but I could've accepted it for what it was, while I am not a hardcore fan of Planet Terror, I get the satire they wanted to acheive.

I think the "problem" is that the other HOTD games were bad. Really bad. So bad they were great. This one is great and tries to be bad to be greater. Some people might find that not-fun.

Well said, sir.

Quote from: "Sega Uranus"
All of your points do not really lead to it sucking. You had AAA quality fun for 50 minutes in a 4 hours game, but still say it sucks and are glad they lost money from you not really purchasing it? What? It is priced the same as bread now practically. Have a heart!

5 hours I said 5 hours. Even if it is 4 like you say here 1/4th of a game is enjoyable that isn't my definition of a good experience, the whole experience was so terrible for the last 5 chapters that my expectations had dropped as well, so when I could comprehend and relate to something finally, it got me momentarily excited, but the anticlimatic ending ruined that experience as well.

Comparing this to Resident Evil is the obvious choice, of course, but this was designed to be more of an arcade game. I personally think it would break the experience if you could just pause the game and change/upgrade every weapon right away.

I am comparing it to the rail shooting Chronicle series, where you change weapons without pausing.

I am with Orta on this one. You just do not get it. I hated it when I first saw how nuts they were going with the swearing and all that, but really everything just worked perfectly for what they wanted.

I have made it clear before posting my impressions that the specific genre was not to my taste to begin with.

It was also a pretty low budget game on a console where chances like this never take off, it sold pretty okay but for the budget I am sure it made it's money back and then some.

What does that have to do with my impressions and disdain towards the game?

It is a good game that works the way it should. Obviously it is not for everyone, but to just say it sucks completely because you do not like the style or story is silly.

I acknowledged good points in my impressions, the overall experience for me sucked.

And Sonic 06 did not suck because it was unfinished. Almost every idea put into it was bad, it was just poorly programmed and designed to boot. But we should keep that out of this discussion.


Quote from: "Orta"
You picked on the water. The water of all things in this game. It makes an amazing difference on how it's played...

The water is discussed in the graphics section not gameplay and it really does look terrible, especially when preceeding games in the series were better at it.

:roll: It feels to me you weren't willing to give the game a chance, you started playing it with a "it sucks" attitude.

I mentioned before the impressions I hated everything about it and never wanted to play it, but I was stuck in a boring place and needed to kill time.  I explained that before the impressions.

So what, they added cheap replay value to the game. They also added the director's cut mode and two or three minigames along with the collectible golden brains, which you didn't bother to mention.

The brains weren't cheap which is why they aren't mentioned, and I didn't play the mini games but I assume setting records on tasks should be a fun replay experience for those who would want it.

That said, forcing me to play again and again for buying weapons and then playing Director's Cut for other weapons is bull shit atleast at the VERY FUCKING LEAST I should've been able to buy 3 additional guns and fully upgrade 2 of them, and that Sir is BULL SHIT.

In Umbrella Chronicles you can unlock upto 80% of the weapons in your first playthrough. I would've finished the whole game with my initial pistol if I didn't play the fucking carny stage 3 times to buy the rifle.

This is not where you should pick on, I recall this game was praised for trying to extend its lifespan in a fair way, given its arcade nature. The upgrades are excusable, Headstrong made a decent effort in that department. If you're posting a review of something you don't like at least do a fair one.

The whole shit fest is a console game, not an arcade one. Their entire efforts were to make the arcade games, a console compatible what you talking about?

I will talk about what I don't like, these are my impressions that I am sharing it isn't an objective review, have you even read my post cause the things your stating are weird.

I honestly think you don't get the point towards the story, you took it way too seriously. It wasn't supposed to make sense, it was supposed to be stupid as hell. I can understand the language, I didn't mind at all, maybe it's a cultural thing (people here drop bombs all the time). Isn't the game in the Guiness book of records?  :lol:

The style wasn't for me but I got it, but when anyone watches an action movie or plays a game it is a form of escapism to make you feel like you can do anything and on that regards the failed big time walking home with the girls brains in a jar isn't a job well done, I was willing to accept any absurd explanation to restore her humanity but that didn't happen just saying she is alive doesn't alleviate anything.

Opinions are opinions, however this game is not "shit" by any means as you pointed out. Being bad is different from not liking it.

* I have stated I hated this game before playing it.
* I compared the weapon system to shooters on the wii only
* I respectfully think that your a fan boy who is offended somebody spoke negatively of your beloved game.

tl;dr "motherfuck" :afroman:

what is tl;dr?

Quote from: "Barry the Nomad"
I'm seeing a pattern here. Cube dislikes something, makes an overly long post, his love for Sonic '06 is brought up, he says that is off topic that he is hurt and it should be discussed via PM, others lol and then Mademan states the truth in one sentence.

You forgot to mention the part where you ariculate ever mother fucking thing, every mother fucking time, I have been fucking posting here mother fucking before fucking you, so you don't fucking need to go around fuck-stat-ing that.

^^^ See who i just copied :P


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Just finishe HOTD: Overkill
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2010, 03:23:32 pm »
Quote from: "cube_b3"

tl;dr "motherfuck" :afroman:

what is tl;dr?

Your answer is in your last post, cube.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Orta

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Re: Just finishe HOTD: Overkill
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2010, 04:46:09 am »
Quote from: "cube_b3"
* I have stated I hated this game before playing it.
* I compared the weapon system to shooters on the wii only
* I respectfully think that your a fan boy who is offended somebody spoke negatively of your beloved game.

This sums your post. How can you hate something before trying it? It doesn't make sense at all. It basically proves my point on your attitude towards the game beforehand. Sure, it's your opinion, everybody is entitled to their opinion (read: hide behind it), but it won't make your opinion a valid one given the circumstances. I'm not asking for "objective reviews", I'm asking for fairness. If you gave a certain game a fair chance how can you not give this one a chance? You're just shouting all your hatred towards House of the Dead Overkill barely bothering with the positive aspects of the game. Seriously, something like this coming from a doctor is mindboggling.

But, sure thing, I'm the fanboy. How can you call me that when I gave you reasons on why the game isn't bad? This is a solid and fun game. You even admitted to getting "50 minutes" of fun out of it. Stealing something you supposedly hated before trying with the goal of killing time (what? why?)...

I understand your complaints towards the upgrades. It's a design decision, not everybody will be happy. I'm pretty sure they made it this way based on the fact this is an arcade game and that players would replay the game to improve their scores, not just once to watch the cinematics and make sense out of the plot... sigh. You have yet to make a point on why this game is "shit". It's probably the story. Whatever.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline cube_b3

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Re: Just finished HOTD: Overkill
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2010, 08:23:20 am »
How can you hate something before trying it? It doesn't make sense at all. It basically proves my point on your attitude towards the game beforehand.

I saw it, and the style it was going for wasn't for me look at it this way several men don't like chick flicks they really hate them because of the nonsensical love or whatever that takes place in them, vice versa several females really hate action movies and even find some of the really epic ones hair brained.

So before giving my impressions I clearly stated this genre thing isn't for me, a game starting with a stripper on the pole gave an immediate bad taste. The art style, the language and to a lesser extent even the music didn't feel right.
Some of the acoustic synth tunes were nice but I prefer the adrenaline pumping music of the AM1 canon.

Sure, it's your opinion, everybody is entitled to their opinion (read: hide behind it), but it won't make your opinion a valid one given the circumstances.

My opinion is a valid one, representing the mindset of someone such as myself. There are people in this world who may curse socially but not be comfortable with a game that has a 30 swears per minuite. This is just one example there are several things in the game that are repulsive to a certain demographic instead of getting offensive try to see the other side.

I'm not asking for "objective reviews", I'm asking for fairness. If you gave a certain game a fair chance how can you not give this one a chance? You're just shouting all your hatred towards House of the Dead Overkill barely bothering with the positive aspects of the game.

I tried very hard to acknowledge good things, first of all you need to understand what I have posted is a first impressions. In case of reviews you have to play the entire game at the very least 2 times before giving a verdict all I had was a go at it therefore I've only discussed things that caught my eyes.

Assuming the minigames were good, I would've praised them had I played them. The choosen art style aside I had issues with the gameplay the fact that I wasn't able to buy more than 2 guns out of 6 or so was pissing off and then I saw a director's mode which basically revoles around 6 or so more guns, that is bull shit and I will not downplay it. Look at it this way given the gameplay experience is entirely in the guns I spent 5 hours on collecting them and didn't even obtain 20% of what was offered, for god sake I had to play the carny stage 3 times before being able to afford 2 weapons.

If you read the impressions on story, graphics, gameplay and sound. I have tried hard to balance the good things and the positives furthermore I started on every criteria with positives and moved on to negatives... while the positive things aren't explained in detail the negatives are simply because millions of people have read praises already rewriting extended paragraphs on how well the blood splatters from the mutants to the walls and floors isn't really needed.

I also limited myself and not say more than 2 or 3 a maximum of 3 bad things per criteria I had some more issues with the graphics such as the poor character models which are like really really bad, Isaac's bald head and forehead have no textures whatsoever, and everyone's hands look plasticy.

The game also has no vibration settings, the rumbling was crazy intense in the game I wanted to turn it off or at the very least reduce the amount of it, I can also further criticize the sound effects but i don't need to cause i've already said enough bad things the whole last 2 paragraphs weren't necessary but I just wrote them to illustrate that I am holding back on both ends I may have not noticed everything that worked in the game but I haven't stated everything that didn't.

Seriously, something like this coming from a doctor is mindboggling.

I suppose calling you a fan boy wasn't the most civil thing, and I thought about it later but at the moment I was answering several posts so I didn't phrase my comeback as appropriately as possible for which I apologize to you now, that said you don't need to bring my professional into this and fyi I have a few years left before officially becoming a doctor.

You even admitted to getting "50 minutes" of fun out of it.

It would've been a passable game had I had 2.5/5 hours of fun and those 50 minutes as I've explained multiple times ended terribly. The fun started when I was given a mission I could relate to "save the cheerleader, save the world" save the stripper and kill the bad guy the ride started off nicely clear cut simple and fun but things got weird, fucked up incesteous themes were introduced out of nowhere, even when Warder Darling kissed his mother for the first time I thought he went for the cheek or something... the scenario presented was FUCKED UP, not funny, not from any stretch of the examination it was disgusting and I couldn't wait to 'give him BULLETS' and save Varla Guns and in the end I couldn't acheive either instead bizzarre auditory stimulus of a grown man climbing inside a gaint mutated womens vagina, I feel disgusted thinking about it and you want me to think better of the game on those few fun minuites.

For the last time those 50 fun minutes equaled to the worst climax of all time.

Stealing something you supposedly hated before trying with the goal of killing time (what? why?)...

Of all I have read from you this is probably the most offensive. Do you have any idea where I live, I live in a city where pirated mediums are commercially sold, my family, friends, and any one in the social sphere consumes them happily I am the only one in my social sphere who doesn't touch a pirated medium instead I choose to travel abroad and buy something 50 times the price of what I can get domestically.

Doing something nobody in my social circles understands 9/10 people laugh at me when they hear I haven't played X game cause I plan on going to X country in my summer holidays to buy it.

You aren't exposed to piracy therefore you don't do it, I live in it and avoid it something like a bar tender not drinking alcohol.

Furthermore as I mentioned I was stuck somewhere, in other words I had to spend a night somewhere where I had nothing to do, so I choose to pick it up and play it. Had I not been in the situation I would've never even played this FUCKED UP game to begin with.

Hounestly if anyone can find a game about incests funny or their style of game... I have no comment. Despite such a grotesque conclusion I wrote in my review I wrote in my review the ending dialogue between G and Washington was insightful and funny.

I understand your complaints towards the upgrades. It's a design decision, not everybody will be happy. I'm pretty sure they made it this way based on the fact this is an arcade game and that players would replay the game to improve their scores, not just once to watch the cinematics and make sense out of the plot... sigh. You have yet to make a point on why this game is "shit". It's probably the story. Whatever.

In my entire playthrough aside from missing a few of those useless skulls I didn't come across any reason to play the game again.

All HOTD games in the series had ground breaking graphics combined with alove for shooting the undead furthermore all these games had alternate pathways save a survivor and they tell you to take a safer path, you can play the game again to see what path you take if you don't save them.

This game on the other hand has shitty graphics, so playing it again to enjoy the detailed character animations and the realistic 3D world is out of the equation, so is the prospect of going to places you missed in your first playthrough, now the only reason to playthrough the game is to unlock weapons I'm going to pass on that shitty excuse. Had the level design offered more options I might have considered playing it again with other weapons but as a whole even for shooter fans I recommend getting 2 & 3 return for true HOTD action and if you are intrested in good shooters designed for home console pick any of the 2 RE chronicle series.

I didn't want to bash on the game this hard but I am afraid you asked for it.

In conclusion, I am posting my impressions which contains all that I liked and disliked in my 5 hour playthrough those glowing skulls may've been something amazing and worth playing the game over and over again for you but they weren't for me.

I am not sorry if my opinions do not correlate with your views, but this is how I perceived them. That said, if you've enjoyed this game good for you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Orta

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Re: Just finished HOTD: Overkill
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2010, 09:56:32 am »
It's good to see you're finally getting the story. It is fucked up. That's the point. Now it's a matter of not taking it too seriously. Have you played Bayonetta? The story makes no fucking sense yet it's probably the best game I played this whole generation. I don't know what you mean by bad graphics since Overkill is among the best looking on the Wii. There is a problem with the flow of the game (it "stutters") but it seems it's the Wii's fault rather than the game itself.

As for piracy, sir, I live in the so called "north" and yet I am laughed at for buying games. My "social circle" (let's call it that way) are people who study computer engineering and whose future will likely depend on software sales. Nothing is much worse than this. I am exposed to piracy, I do it to see if it's worth the money, and if so I buy without second thought. It happens all the time. Hell, I bought a DVD recorder today and there was a pirated Windows inside. It's how pretty things are around here.

So, in the end the game wasn't your thing yet you decided to go for it. Fair enough, you gave it a chance. Most people don't. I salute you for that.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »