General Gaming Discussion


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[1] Sega in the Charts

[2] List of 2024 Homebrew Games on SEGA Console (Genesis, Dreamcast, SMS, etc)

[3] SEGA GAMES LIST - 2024

[4] List of 2006 - 2023 Homebrew Games on SEGA Dreamcast and Genesis / Mega Drive

[5] Good Sega games & reviews

[6] List of TBA (Not yet Finished) Games on SEGA Console (Genesis, Dreamcast, etc)

[7] Sonic The Hedgehog - A Little Ball of Energy in an Extremely Handsome Package

[8] 16-Bit Blast Processing Heroes - Ecco, Vectorman, Ristar, Kid Chameleon, etc

[9] SEGA Mobile Games - Something To Do With Your Hands That Won't Make You Go Blind


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