THIS is what it feels like for me playing Sonic games as a kid! Sadly, that dopamine-kick isn't as strong as it was for Sonic games back then. still love Sonic games though...
I do enjoy Sonic Superstars ... at least normal story mode.
Trip's story mode was too frustating for me.
...though not as much to get a mac device or some means to play game from the Apple Store.
Give it a time, it still could make it on another console.
I think Clutch the Opossom is supposed to fit that role of kingpin that Mammoth Mogul and post-SGW Breezy were. (Post-SGW Breezy was ment to replace Casino Night owner Mammoth Mogul.)
Yes, I do like Clutch the Opossom but he nevwer showed up again.
Was that a spoiler? I've yet to play the game... Though with -30% currently on Steam, I might get it.
Not really... It's one of the boss that showed up in the trailer.
(the giant boss whose Eggman riding was our robot that we assembled in Battle Mode)
Glad your side of the world isn't blinded by freemium waifus.
Oh, many were blinded, but they kept that to themselves. They're not as loud as western fans on Twitter and Facebook .... yet.