I've been trying to get my 6 year old Niece into classic SEGA games recently, unsurprisingly Sonic has been a favourite. She was asking about the characters, what they're called, where they come from, why are all the animals in robots etc... She asked me if Sonic lives with his mum and dad... And I had told her I think he doesn't have a mum and dad. Later we came to a dreaded water level where she kept drowning, she told me she doesn't like these levels and I agreed water levels always suck.
'It would be better if Sonic could swim.' She said, I told her how they had always made a point that Sonic had never been able to swim. She thought for a moment and said, 'I know why he cant swim, he hasn't got a mum or dad to teach him.'
It's interesting the way children's minds work.