Author Topic: Vanquish official thread!  (Read 82497 times)

Offline max_cady

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Re: Vanquish official thread!
« Reply #135 on: December 02, 2010, 12:22:47 pm »
I don't know anymore, Vanquish, like other high profile Sega games has to compete for coverage time and sadly everybody(the video game media in general) is too busy talking about how cool Call of Duty: Black Ops's multiplayer is.

Vanquish having no actual multiplayer options, is a lone wolf and immediatly shunned by opinion makers. Because Sega announced an exclusive DLC deal with Gamestop, only to be barely mentioned in most major news outlets, announcements after announcements of special versions of Vanquish that mean didly squat because the media is more concerned over what Bobby Kotich says, rather than acknowlodging that a game like Vanquish exists.

Sorry I was just venting...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Vanquish official thread!
« Reply #136 on: December 02, 2010, 01:25:24 pm »
It's true as both of you said, Vanquish just got caught up in the flood of huge Christmas games that have both greater appeal and bigger names behind them. Fallout New Vegas, Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, GT5, Fable 3 and more all came out in the same period. I think I mentioned this earlier as well but it really hurt the game's chances. Would be interesting to see how it might have done if it had waited until January/Feb.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Sega Uranus

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Re: Vanquish official thread!
« Reply #137 on: December 08, 2010, 06:36:23 pm »
Okay I have been playing it for a bit now and am on Act 2, but forgot which mission.

I am really just not enjoying it. Not to say it is bad or anything, I just do not personally think it is fun. I can see the appeal, especially for replay value as the levels have a lot of different spaces to travel over to.

Besides the strange collision detection and absolutely horrible team AI I do not really understand what I am not enjoying, the style and concepts are totally right up my alley!

I am honestly kind of dreading playing it again... I have not been this off put by a game this entire year I think.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Pao

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Re: Vanquish official thread!
« Reply #138 on: December 09, 2010, 06:57:54 am »
I've finished it last month, didn't have the chance to post my impressions here.
Overall, a great game, not as good as Bayonetta for several reasons, the first being that its short, very short, when they said it won't have Multi-player I expected some lenghty campaign, but that's not what I got.

The reply value is also too low, finish the game and you have nothing to play other than the tedious challenges, the little Pangloss statues you shoot are useless and doesn't unlock anything from what I've heard, GODHARD mode is not fun like I expected it to be too.

The game can also feel repetitive, especially after the first playthrough, there isn't much variety, most of the levels goes like this [ Enter gate > Defeat enemies > Gate is now Open, proceed, rinse and repeat].

The script is also boring, something I did not expect from a PG game, they tried too hard to appeal to the west with it, the story is rubbish (coming from someone who didn't have problem with Bayonetta's story), and the music isn't anything special, the game didn't have the "charm" of former PG/Clover games.

Its unfortunate since the gameplay mechanics are the best I've ever played from a TPS game, perfected, nothing comes close to it.

Vanquish is a great game with amazing gameplay and graphics, everything else kind of disappointed me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Vanquish official thread!
« Reply #139 on: December 09, 2010, 01:25:02 pm »
I feel I should chime in with my dissapointment over the content. While overall everything in the game was solid, compared to Bayonetta it felt very empty, especially when finishing it. I was expecting to unlock the 'Zero Restriction' mode you get in the last boss fight, some new guns, maybe some new levels etc. All I got was God Hard difficulty and the tactical missions. They aren't bad, but just compared to the incredible amount of stuff in Bayonetta it was dissapointing (weapons, costumes, characters, accessories, artworks etc).

Even so, it's not like all that content is the standard, so I don't think it hurts the game overall.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Sega Uranus

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Re: Vanquish official thread!
« Reply #140 on: December 09, 2010, 06:10:39 pm »
Yeah, that is the big reason I feel the game did not sell well. That and it is not from a recognizable IP... And because of all the other great games coming out at the same time.

I am enjoying it a little bit more, but every time I die it seems like it is for the dumbest reasons... Your health should be separate from your other energy thing, it just really fucking sucks that you can only use the punch once then you have to run away or duck behind some cover (another problem is how you cannot just normally duck) and then wait like 30 seconds for everything to recharge.

I really just do not think this is a excellent game at all. Not terrible at all, but I never want PlatinumGames to ever make another third person shooter.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Pao

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Re: Vanquish official thread!
« Reply #141 on: December 09, 2010, 11:03:40 pm »
Quote from: "Sega Uranus"
but I never want PlatinumGames to ever make another third person shooter.
I disagree.
I think the gameplay in Vanquish is the best in its genre, it does everything other TPSs did before to perfection, and add its own twist on it, I've played a lot of TPSs but none comes close to the Gameplay of Vanquish, whether its the gameplay mechanics, enemies, or level design.

The problems of Vanquish are problems that has nothing to do with the experience of making TPSs, I think if they made a sequel with a longer campaign and good replay value, it will be infinity better.

Vanquish got potential and I feel PG have made the best TPS gameplay in the history of gaming.

By the way, even though it doesn't matter to a lot of people, but even the critics agree that the gameplay is one of a kind, Gametrailers gave the gameplay 9.7, a score that they haven't given in a long time, other sites also gave similar praise for the gameplay.

Now I'm more excited for Shadows of the Damned, since Mikami is handling the gameplay and from what I've played from Vanquish, its gameplay perfection.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Vanquish official thread!
« Reply #142 on: December 10, 2010, 01:29:10 am »
Quote from: "Sega Uranus"
I am enjoying it a little bit more, but every time I die it seems like it is for the dumbest reasons... Your health should be separate from your other energy thing, it just really fucking sucks that you can only use the punch once then you have to run away or duck behind some cover (another problem is how you cannot just normally duck) and then wait like 30 seconds for everything to recharge.

One thing I agree on is the Melee combat being under-utilised. I can understand that they need to limit it because it's quite powerful, but to make you instantly overheat was a bit too much of a penalty I thought.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Sharky

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Re: Vanquish official thread!
« Reply #143 on: December 10, 2010, 04:26:50 am »
I didn't have any problem with it overheating at all.

I agree with Pao that Vanquish is right up there as one of the best in the genre for gameplay... I think having the melee attack drain your suit enegery is a very good way of making sure you have to really think about using it, you can't spam it and it's only a last resort type of thing.

I'll say at first I thought I would hate it but after finishing the game I like it a lot.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »
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Offline Sega Uranus

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Re: Vanquish official thread!
« Reply #144 on: December 10, 2010, 11:53:43 am »
Quote from: "Pao"
Quote from: "Sega Uranus"
but I never want PlatinumGames to ever make another third person shooter.
I disagree.
I think the gameplay in Vanquish is the best in its genre, it does everything other TPSs did before to perfection, and add its own twist on it, I've played a lot of TPSs but none comes close to the Gameplay of Vanquish, whether its the gameplay mechanics, enemies, or level design.

To perfection?! No way! Not even close...

Early third person shooters on the PlayStation 2 have some better concepts. You cannot even "Blindly fire", you always have to pop up. This would have helped a lot when you are recharging.

The cover mechanic is poorly done I think. First of all, a lot of enemies are taller than these, so ducking behind them is useless... Speaking of that, you cannot duck normally. Other games like Gears of War do not have this either, but you CAN duck in Vanquish if you press the A button then hold the trigger to jump in a pose... Why can you not just click in the left analog stick instead to duck too?

On the topic of cover... Things hit me constantly when I am behind stuff. This just fucking sucks and makes the game look glitchy.

You cannot walk or run, either you have to do a light jog, BOOOOOOOOST or enter slow motion where barely anything moves. I cannot see how anyone would say this is better than what other games have accomplished.

Obviously Vanquish is designed with single player in mind, so it was never designed with multiplayer but... There is no multiplayer. I am not sure how you can compare it to some of the most loved games this gen when the basic reason they are usually loved is for the multiplayer.

It is really annoying that you have to lose all of your powered up weapons every time you die... How is that supposed to motivate the player when there are times when enemies just launch out of nowhere and surround you in a small room, killing you in like five seconds just so you lose all of your power-ups?

There are only 8 weapons... All of them outside of the disk launcher are some of the most generic I have ever seen. I like how you can blow off limbs, but so far it seems like it barely does anything. The bosses you can do this to can still walk perfectly fine when you destroy their legs too... WTF...

The camera is also kind of wonky, not the worst I have seen around, but clearly not as good as games like Gears of War. Just needed a bit more polish I guess. I like how when structures are behind you they phase out... That at least is a great concept, but it has been dozens of times before so it should not really matter I think.

Otherwise, the AI is very good, the art - Which is fairly bland - Works very well with the style and setting I think (even if it is not always easy to see where they are), and the cutscenes are really brilliant... Otherwise I am not sure why people like this game other than it being from PlatinumGames. I had way more fun and less issues with Alpha Protocol, and that game was kind of a mess.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline CrazyT

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Re: Vanquish official thread!
« Reply #145 on: December 10, 2010, 03:00:19 pm »
I just got Vanquish today.. and honestly SEGA uranus. I  got nothing against your opinion, to each of their own, But vanquish may be the best game of all time! Of all time!!!! The game is just pure awesomeness. I friggin love it!!!!!!!!!

I believe that the game just simply isn't "your thing". Your insane, that's what it is!! :twisted:

Review might come in the future when I finish the game.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Vanquish official thread!
« Reply #146 on: December 10, 2010, 03:46:42 pm »
OMFG u hater, go back to bald space marine games like halo u mainstream casual.

Just kidding, although let me have a discussion with you on the following points;

Quote from: "Sega Uranus"
Early third person shooters on the PlayStation 2 have some better concepts. You cannot even "Blindly fire", you always have to pop up. This would have helped a lot when you are recharging.

One thing I agree on,  a blind fire would have been nice to buy some time when you are pinned down. However, I think that the cigarette mechanic works even better and fits the game much better too. Sam is a chain smoker and it just plain looks cool, so using a cigarette to distract enemy fire was a stroke of genius in my mind. Try it out, it actually works really well.

The cover mechanic is poorly done I think. First of all, a lot of enemies are taller than these, so ducking behind them is useless... Speaking of that, you cannot duck normally. Other games like Gears of War do not have this either, but you CAN duck in Vanquish if you press the A button then hold the trigger to jump in a pose... Why can you not just click in the left analog stick instead to duck too?

Not quite sure why you want a crouch so much. If you crouch out in the open, you'll still get shot to pieces anyway. If you mean going into slow mo aiming, then it is a bit complicated for what could have been a simpler command, but nothing game-breaking.

On the topic of cover... Things hit me constantly when I am behind stuff. This just fucking sucks and makes the game look glitchy.

I don't think I've ever experienced this issue unless the enemy was behind me (obvious reason to get hit) or if it was a big explosion (which also makes sense).

You cannot walk or run, either you have to do a light jog, BOOOOOOOOST or enter slow motion where barely anything moves. I cannot see how anyone would say this is better than what other games have accomplished.

I wouldn't see any benefit in having a walk speed in this game, the whole idea is to speed through it quickly. If you use the boost and only the boost and stop before overheating it recharges quickly too so boosting around for speed/convenience wasn't an issue.

Obviously Vanquish is designed with single player in mind, so it was never designed with multiplayer but... There is no multiplayer. I am not sure how you can compare it to some of the most loved games this gen when the basic reason they are usually loved is for the multiplayer.

I just do not see this game working with multiplayer at all. Neither in co-op or competitive, it's just not that kind of game in my eyes.

It is really annoying that you have to lose all of your powered up weapons every time you die... How is that supposed to motivate the player when there are times when enemies just launch out of nowhere and surround you in a small room, killing you in like five seconds just so you lose all of your power-ups?

You only lose one level of power-up, and I didn't think it was a problem. It does motivate you to not die which is fine, and the punishment isn't huge either. I lost my Assault Rifle powerup a few times but managed to max it out again right away usually. It also stops you just Super-powering every gun in the game.

There are only 8 weapons... All of them outside of the disk launcher are some of the most generic I have ever seen. I like how you can blow off limbs, but so far it seems like it barely does anything. The bosses you can do this to can still walk perfectly fine when you destroy their legs too... WTF...

The weapons were dull (and most importantly, why couldn't I use my pistol like in that QTE event! That side-arm was awesome!), but the lock-on Laser had a cool Panzer Dragoon vibe about it at least.

As for the limbs, yeah that was weird. I was hoping you could cut off Argus legs and they would crawl around on their arms or something.

The camera is also kind of wonky, not the worst I have seen around, but clearly not as good as games like Gears of War. Just needed a bit more polish I guess. I like how when structures are behind you they phase out... That at least is a great concept, but it has been dozens of times before so it should not really matter I think.

I never once had an issue with the camera.

Otherwise, the AI is very good, the art - Which is fairly bland - Works very well with the style and setting I think (even if it is not always easy to see where they are), and the cutscenes are really brilliant... Otherwise I am not sure why people like this game other than it being from PlatinumGames. I had way more fun and less issues with Alpha Protocol, and that game was kind of a mess.

I genuinely enjoyed it, not sure how to elaborate on it though. I'll get back with something more substantial later.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Sega Uranus

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Re: Vanquish official thread!
« Reply #147 on: December 11, 2010, 01:07:36 pm »
Quote from: "MadeManG74"
However, I think that the cigarette mechanic works even better and fits the game much better too. Sam is a chain smoker and it just plain looks cool, so using a cigarette to distract enemy fire was a stroke of genius in my mind. Try it out, it actually works really well.

I do like this, but it is not something you can just do out on the fly whenever and you eventually run out of cigarettes too.

Quote from: "MadeManG74"
Not quite sure why you want a crouch so much. If you crouch out in the open, you'll still get shot to pieces anyway. If you mean going into slow mo aiming, then it is a bit complicated for what could have been a simpler command, but nothing game-breaking.

There are some sections where you cannot hug the walls. There were a few times I would be at a higher level than the enemies, but because there was no cover I would still get hit.

Also, you have to "Jump" into a direction to start the slow motion. This can cause problems because you might jump behind another set of cover. Sometimes it is really annoying when the cover itself is too tall to shoot over. Why can he not enter slow motion when standing at all?

Quote from: "MadeManG74"
I don't think I've ever experienced this issue unless the enemy was behind me (obvious reason to get hit) or if it was a big explosion (which also makes sense).

It only happened to me a bunch of times early on in the game. It might have been because the bullets were able to shoot through "Softer" blocks?

Quote from: "MadeManG74"
I wouldn't see any benefit in having a walk speed in this game, the whole idea is to speed through it quickly. If you use the boost and only the boost and stop before overheating it recharges quickly too so boosting around for speed/convenience wasn't an issue.

The walking would be useful for when you are trying to select weapons between one another. That is mostly a nitpicky issue, I will agree... I just like walking in games, especially when the scenery looks so cool!

But the running I think is necessary. Especially when you are overheating it would have been a good way to be able to get away from the enemy instead of just casually jogging away. If it worked the same way it does as Gears of War I do not think it would hurt the game at all, it would only be used for people to try and escape.

Quote from: "MadeManG74"
I just do not see this game working with multiplayer at all. Neither in co-op or competitive, it's just not that kind of game in my eyes.

I do not think so either. I was just pointing out that people should not really compare it to other third person shooters because of how different it is overall.

Quote from: "MadeManG74"
You only lose one level of power-up, and I didn't think it was a problem. It does motivate you to not die which is fine, and the punishment isn't huge either. I lost my Assault Rifle powerup a few times but managed to max it out again right away usually. It also stops you just Super-powering every gun in the game.

Yeah, it is not as big of an issue as I thought. Originally when I died it would be in small sections and almost right away. It really would frustrate me because it would usually happen back to back.

But that is really the biggest problem with the overall gameplay - The punching. We already established that so moving on...

Quote from: "MadeManG74"
The weapons were dull (and most importantly, why couldn't I use my pistol like in that QTE event! That side-arm was awesome!), but the lock-on Laser had a cool Panzer Dragoon vibe about it at least.

As for the limbs, yeah that was weird. I was hoping you could cut off Argus legs and they would crawl around on their arms or something.

It kind of bugs me that most of the special weapons, the sniper rifle and rocket launcher have so little uses. I always end up with just going to the same weapons I had before like the assault rifle, heavy machine gun and shotgun and I just move on my way. Maybe if I play through again I will try to go against this, but they just seem the most useful. I am really not even sure what the LFE gun actually does, either.

But I think the weapon placements are done very well. I love the yellow boxes that are spread around with randomized selections and how beating levels means you do not lose your weapon... That is a surprisingly cool concept.

Quote from: "MadeManG74"
I genuinely enjoyed it, not sure how to elaborate on it though. I'll get back with something more substantial later.

I like it a bit more every time I play, but I think a lot of the wow factor from this game is coming from the style of it all, not really the substance.

I do not think it is a bad game at all, just came out strange. Not really rushed... Just strange.

Unless the rest of the game is worse (I somehow doubt that) I will be going for a second playthrough and unless the challenge mode is as really impossible as everyone makes it out to sound I might try to get all of the achievements too, not sure, I heard those had no checkpoints...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Sega Stylista

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Re: Vanquish official thread!
« Reply #148 on: December 11, 2010, 06:20:04 pm »
The true gameplay of Vanquish is experienced in the challenge mode.  I haven't even finished the story mode once because I've been absorbed by the challenges.

The challenges are meant to be played in an old-school, high energy, on the edge style where you have to execute a critically timed sequence of actions perfectly in order to get really killer times, like in the sub 3 minute range..

Again, its a matter of figuring out the technique/strategy for fastest elimination of the energy spawns/larger enemies and then execute it perfectly. There are quick ways and slow ways to kill the bigger enemies, part of the challenge is in figuring it out. It's an exercise of critical timing and technique. The point is to play the game "tighter and tighter" each time. Very old-school.

I'm just throwing some times out as benchmarks.  They all can be beaten by several mintues:

Challenge 1: 8:13.98
Challenge 2: 7:08.36
Challenge 3: 5:19.00
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

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Offline Sega Uranus

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Re: Vanquish official thread!
« Reply #149 on: December 12, 2010, 03:36:24 pm »
The boss in the third act was so awesome... What a fantastic idea. The fourth act is kind of bad with the tall grass in your way, but I will get over it.

Now, is it just me or are the robots that attack you in groups that boost around on the ground in Act 3 the robots from [spoiler:1t4eojmd]Space Harrier?[/spoiler:1t4eojmd] Please tell me they are!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »