Author Topic: Adam and Eve...  (Read 62884 times)

Offline Autosaver

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #90 on: August 03, 2011, 12:37:29 pm »
What happened to this being the religion topic?

I thought it was a spin-off of the politics topic.
I was going to say! I'm guessing it has to do with the fact...
Muslims kill people --> Iraq war stuff etc

Offline Sharky

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #91 on: August 03, 2011, 01:03:22 pm »
Christians kill people.
Made by SEGA

Offline Sharky

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #92 on: August 03, 2011, 01:22:34 pm »
America's size doesn't mean they should be expected to take the lead role in every single conflict that people want their help in. America may have handed the operation over to NATO but they're still stuck (as you point out) doing the majority of the work in this conflict.

I'm not sure why you keep bringing up the size of America. So what if we have states bigger than France? France has a hell of a better economy than us now and unlike us, France can actually afford to be in this conflict.

I don't know what you are talking about, I never said anything about American being expected to take the lead, nobody expects them to...  Also I don't care what obscure weird website you come across, the Americans are not the biggest role in Libya...

America spends (wastes) more on military than everyone else. A large country needs a large military and America has one... Nobody was exactly pushing America, not like the shitty way the Americans treated the French when they wouldn't go to the shame of a war that is Iraq. America stopped importing from France including wine which is their biggest import and basically tried to bully them by shitting on their economy... They aren't doing that in return, all people are saying is, epically in the countries that backed American in Iraq like Britain did BIG TIME... Why gave you our full support, in a long war even a ground invasion where we lots tons of men. There wont even be a ground invasion in Libya, where’s our support in return?
Made by SEGA

Offline Ben

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #93 on: August 03, 2011, 11:27:56 pm »
What happened to this being the religion topic?

I thought it was a spin-off of the politics topic.

People stopped discussing it for whatever reason.

America stopped importing from France including wine which is their biggest import and basically tried to bully them by shitting on their economy...

America didn't stop importing from France.....Did some businesses in America choose to re-name fries and stop importing? Sure, it's their right to do whatever they want with their business. You act like the American government was like "NO MORE FRENCH IMPORTS!" which was not the case at all. In fact the American government quickly began asking people to end the anti-French "freedom fries" thing and they made it a rule that in food courts in government buildings, etc "French Fries" had to be called "French Fries."

Nobody was exactly pushing America,

Are you kidding? Britain and France and other nations in Europe were doing their best to make America look like complete villains for not initially wanting to participate. The picture must look much rosier from over there, that's the only explanation I can think of for your views.  :o
« Last Edit: August 03, 2011, 11:32:58 pm by -nSega54- »

Offline Waffle

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #94 on: August 04, 2011, 04:53:51 am »
Those 'people' are just you two.

Offline Sharky

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #95 on: August 04, 2011, 06:48:26 am »
Are you kidding? Britain and France and other nations in Europe were doing their best to make America look like complete villains for not initially wanting to participate. The picture must look much rosier from over there, that's the only explanation I can think of for your views.
Then I can only imagine your awful media and news outlets were hyping it up and making drama out of it, as they always do. I'm sure Glen Beck and those types had a feild day.

How ever, here it was barely making the news...
Made by SEGA

Offline ROJM

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #96 on: August 04, 2011, 07:06:21 am »
Geez, the whole Libya thing is a farce anyways. These so called "rebels" already had weapons on them within the second week of demonstrating. And now they've killed one of their generals for some petty dispute. These guys are being backed by the states or whatever country that's giving these people weapons in the first pace. They're just don't want to be seen using military resources and doing the job themselves. Its Afganistan all over again. I know that those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it but bloody hell, to repeat the same mistake this quickly? And were still fighting in two other middle eastern countries.

Offline Ben

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #97 on: August 04, 2011, 12:39:43 pm »
For the record, Sharky, I actually did support us going into Libya, and still do.

Those 'people' are just you two.

Erm wha? I posted a response to you and you never replied to it, and Sharky and I then went off-topic. You are all welcome to come back in and continue the original discussion, but none of you have done so.

Me and Sharky's discussion's likely done now anyway.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 01:08:42 pm by -nSega54- »

Offline Autosaver

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #98 on: August 04, 2011, 01:03:52 pm »
Christians kill people.
That wasn't the point. >.>

The problem is that religion threads don't usually end of in a good spot. If they don't turn into flame wars, they turn into circles. Points have been said and I don't think much could be added on.

Offline ROJM

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #99 on: August 05, 2011, 05:35:10 am »
That wasn't the point. >.>

The problem is that religion threads don't usually end of in a good spot. If they don't turn into flame wars, they turn into circles. Points have been said and I don't think much could be added on.
Religon doesn't end in a good spot for anybody. You just have to see all the people being killed, depressed,abused or whatever in the name of religon to know that.

Offline George

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #100 on: August 05, 2011, 07:13:10 am »
I think the issue with religion and discussion of religion is that people that have believes in such things aren't open to talk about facts. They are too busy ignoring facts and believing stories that people have been telling for thousands of years.

I believe that part of Religion becomes culture and celebrating aspects of it is fine. Christmas, Easter etc. I don't mind this. I do mind the people that think they need to kill 90 innocent people on an island to achieve some religious gain or blow themselves up due to some God.

The facts are that religions hardly make sense. You can hate on evolution and say it doesn't exist, but that is ignorant. There is far too much prove of existence of evolution to ignore it. To say no is very stupid.

As for 'doesn't mean there isn't a creator'. Well, since most Christians and other religious groups like to find holes in other people's theories, especially evolution. Explain this. If 'coming form nothing' is a joke, where did God come from? In the end its always going to be from nothing.

We as a human civilization have to move on, find answers. Not believe what some book says is right. If we still did this, we would be in caves, telling our children how the world is flat and how God controls the rain.

Imagine all the things we have disprove that the church used to believe, events that happen that are now explained. Do you think the people that wrote the bible actually knew the truth or that they tried to explain what they couldn't grasp?

Think about it. This world isn't created for us. We adapted to it by course of evolution. If this world is perfect for us, explain that to the starving kids in the world.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #101 on: August 05, 2011, 10:00:57 am »
I wrote some Dragonball Z fanfiction not too long ago, telling the story of God and his brother and how they created the universe including Namek and the Namekian leader Guru. If anybody wants to add this to their religious canon, please go right ahead. I'd be honored:

Billions of years ago…

On the first day Gud created every single thing in existence, and it was fuckin’ good. “Real fuckin’ good.” he thought. The Almighty Gud yelled across the universe to his brother, “Hey God, think you can beat that?!”

On Gud’s second day, God created light. “What the fuck! Light?! I created every fuckin’ thing on MY side of the universe in a DAY, and over there you create LIGHT? Oh bravo. Mom would be so proud.”

On Gud’s third day a Twilight Zone marathon was on. “Oh, score!” said Gud.

On Gud’s fourth day the marathon ended. The ventriloquist episode creeped Gud out so he left the sun up for the remainer of the day. “Fuckin’ creepy ass puppets.”

On the fifth day Gud surveyed what he had created. Everything seemed alright.

On the sixth day Gud checked up on his brother, God was almost done with his end of the universe. “Not too bad. But still, five days?! C’mon!”

On the seventh day God was onto his sixth day, meanwhile Gud was dealing with an overpopulation of Beavers on the planet of Namek. “This is getting out of hand.” he thought as he created an army of angry bears to wipe out the beaver population.

On the eighth day God had finally finished. Gud sauntered over to the spiritual line dividing the universe and surveyed his brother’s work.


“Just ‘Meh’, Gud?”

“It’s alright, but it took you seven days! Rather weak. Heh, they should call seven days a ‘weak’! Fitting name, eh?”

“Ha ha brother, very funny. Hey, what do you think of man?”

“Who? That little pink guy?”

“Yeah, I named him ‘Adam’.”

“Oh my you, dude! That was the name of our cat back when we lived in the town house! Remember that?”

God thought for a moment, “Heh, you know, I don’t I guess it was… what’s that called. Oh shit, brain fart.”

Gud was thinking of the right term for it. “Like in the back of your mind…”.

“Yeah”, said God, “But theres a phrase for it. Anyway thats pretty nuts that I named him after a cat that I hardly remembered.”

“Yeah, screwy. So who is the lady?”

“Oh”, replied God “Adam wanted a fuck buddy.”

“Right on, right on…”

“So what being did you create?”

“Lotsa shit. Beavers, bears, algoretrosses, dinosaurs, lumberjacks…”

“Yeah, but whats your being? Like I have ‘human’, so you have?”

“Hmm” thought Gud, “Well, I was thinking of creating a general manager to watch the place while I did my own thing. Maybe I’d check in on him once in a while.”

God laughed. “But you didn’t do it yet? Ha! looks like I win, I’m done creating my half of the universe and you have yet to create your first being!”

“Fuck off.” Said Gud as he walked away.

On the ninth day, Gud created the general manager of Namek. He was a large green man with pointy ears, squinty eyes and a flat face. Gud also created the employee handbook and tossed it to the new being. “I got to get going, ‘Friends’ season finale is almost on. Read this, it’s mostly what you need to know.” The green creature stared up into the heavens “What’s my name?” “Oh, I dunno. Gu…” “Works for me boss, Guru it is!” “Great, ttyl!” “Later Gud!”

Guru lowered his eyes to the planet he now occupied. The ground was a magnificent blue while the sky was a glorious green. “Nice.” Guru then opened his employee handbook. Running his hand along the edge of the page, Guru let out a yelp. “Yelp! Fuckin’ paper cut!” Guru stuck his finger in his mouth, licking the wound. He felt a bit of flesh dangling off the tip of his finger. He chewed off the bit of skin and spat it to the ground. The small green bit of skin began to pulse and grow into a being much like Guru.

Having never seen one of his own, Guru panicked and flung the handbook at the head of the new being. the book cut through the neck of the creature, the body slumped to the ground. The head rolled around on the ground, and within moments a body sprung from what was once a bloody stump of a neck. Meanwhile, the lifeless body grew a new head. The two fully-bodied creatures stood. “Heh, sorry about that fellas. I freaked out a bit.” “Oh, no problem” said the first green being “You we’re supposed to do that. Check the handbook, page 2.”

Guru opened the book and read: Welcome to your first day as General Manager of Namek __________ (employee name here). Your first task is to create a race of beings. You and your race will be called Namekians. To procreate, simply slice off a bit of flesh from anywhere and toss it to the ground. What you had lost will grow back, while what you chopped off will become a new Namekian. Give him a name and then repeat the process. The others you create can do the same as you. Try to get to a million Namekians by today so we can show my brother, Mr. Two-Humans, how its done.

Years passed and soon Namek flourished into a strong planet of powerful beings. Namekians became fearsome warriors, relying on the power of Dragonballs to make wishes and drive the plot of an 80′s anime. Guru grew in size and power to become the leader of the Nameks. Using his omnipotent power, given to him as a gift from Gud on his first birthday, Guru altered his creation to being the outcome of a Namekian woman and a family dog. “Nobody must know my secret.” thought Guru. “If I am the product of a woman and a dog, they’ll not expect so much of me as a leader. Can you imagine the requests if they found out that I was basically Gud Junior?!”

More time passed and Guru and his friends went on many adventures. The final adventure was about to begin. The sun rose on Namek as an Algoretross bird cut across the sky. This was Guru’s final day alive.

Offline max_cady

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #102 on: August 05, 2011, 12:07:21 pm »

After taking a little breather on this topic, I'm ready to jump in again.
What kinda kills me on all of this, especially as the horrific massacre that had happened in Norway is that I see two completely different reactions, depending on what happens...

Had the criminal been potentially associated with some sort of islamic fringe group, the narrative automatically shifts into announcing the crime (rather then denouncining it) and finding almost immediately any sort of justification for his actions.

However, since in this case the criminal does not have any of those traits, instead it's causian nutjob, there no longer any need for any sympathy or justification, add in effective buzzwords such as "right-wing" and "christian" and you now have something that's garanteed to sell headlines.

First and foremost, how they know the nutjob is a christian I have absolutely no idea and I don't think that public domain pictures of the Crusades, photos of costumes and a rushed copy-and-paste manifesto is any evidence worth printing When you start asking a couple of questions, like:
-To which Christian causes has he donated, which group was he affiliated,etc;

Nobody asks this, but they sure milk that angle like there's no tomorrow. I beleive that his actions were political and not in any religious.

The other curious tendency, is that if indeed a christian was involved in any wrongdoing, there is no generalization, no splitting hairs, nada...

The perp is defined as a "christian".

Take someone else from a different belief system, and the label stops being muslim, or hindu and starts being purely and simply "religion", in order not to offend one particular group, an homogenous label is placed on every possible creed. Does that seem rational?

But anyway, here's a shocker: ignorance and bigotry can also be found in non-religious circles and communities.

I would also go far to say that reducing all the historical facts of most major wars into a religious cause is perhaps the single most intellectually dishonest remark I've ever seen.

As much fun as it is to see "scientists" argue, I put scientists in quotes, because real genuine scientists, unlike Dawkins, Dr. Paul Zachary Myers and such, they have better things to do than spent their times writing anti-religious rants filled with pseudo-progressive platitudes and telling people how they should think on their own scientific blogs that really have nothing to do with the scientific method.

How we all came into being, I have no idea, the big bang theory is an acceptable theory, except that, it was the result and not the cause. What was the First Cause? We have no clue.

The universe is in constant expansion, but if that's the case then it is expanding on something that was already there. But we don't know.

I can understand that there are some ruffled feathers between creationists and evolutionists, but you know, at this point, who cares? Creationism as much as a flawed view of the world, barely has any footing in the US or any other part of the world, unless you count one school in the middle of Nowhere, USA, which even then, no longer teaches it, so score one for a battle in a war that's been over a long time.

So when people come to me and preach "ah, ah, ah look at those silly creationists", my response is "who the heck cares?", I don't know anyone nor was I ever taught creationism at school.

We as a human civilization have to move on, find answers. Not believe what some book says is right. If we still did this, we would be in caves, telling our children how the world is flat and how God controls the rain.

Here's another example of misinformation, the "flat Earth" myth is a subject that been embedded into pop culture for years, as apparentely Columbus wanted to prove that the world was round.
This is an insult to every historian known to man, since everybody knew (except maybe some pagans) around that time that the world was indeed round.

And you know, people have moved on, churchs are mostly just building and the Vatican is little more than a city and the Pope is little more than the spiritual leader of the Vatican city. So it puzzles me how the Church is supossed to be dominating mankind when other modern strands of irrationallity and fringe groups have a much tighter grip on politics and culture.

Offline Autosaver

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #103 on: August 05, 2011, 01:06:18 pm »
What if God made "evolution"


Offline max_cady

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #104 on: August 05, 2011, 01:41:29 pm »
You mean evolution by design?

It's an interestinfg brain teaser.