Hi everyone! I just got told about this site from a friend on Racketboy.com, and since I'm a huge House of the Dead fan, I figured I'd drop by here. So I guess I'll give a short intro. I'm Stephen, I'm a junior at Appalachian State University studying history and political science, and I'm a (relatively for my circle of friends) big game collector. I'll post a link to my Backloggery page if anyone is curious and/or wants to add me there.
http://backloggery.com/elkinfencer10Anyway, I had a question about House of the Dead 4. I just got my PS3 a couple months ago, so I've been wanting to download House of the Dead 4, but I was wondering how important to gameplay Playstation Move is. I know it, obviously, adds a lot, but is it so different that it's not even worth getting if I don't have PS Move? I know I don't even like playing House of the Dead on my Saturn without a light gun, but I like Lethal Enforcers 2 on my Sega CD just fine with a gamepad, so I wasn't sure, and I figured this would be the best place to ask for opinions.