Author Topic: Star Trek or Star Wars?  (Read 10543 times)

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Re: Star Trek or Star Wars?
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2014, 01:55:45 pm »
Doctor Who!

Not really a fan of either, but I like Star Wars much more I guess...still.....*Doctor Who*.
Big fan of Claymore, Miria in particular.

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Re: Star Trek or Star Wars?
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2014, 02:09:47 pm »
On top of that, it's a piece of fiction susceptible to dramatic license.  :P

That's pretty much what it comes down to. I tend to think the world Roddenberry built is rather unrealistic, but choose it overlook it because the writing within individual episodes is usually quite strong.

It's also worth mentioning that later writers for Star Trek did more to take the series in a realistic direction by introducing things like dedicated warships (Defiant) and making Starfleet and the UFP seem a little less "perfect" (Section 31).

As for the Klingons, Romulans and such not having fighters, I'm not entirely sure. Seeing as how most ships have incredibly strong deflectors that require an immense power to function, not to mention weaken, I'm guessing fighters have outlived their usefulness. I'd imagine it being very much like sending a squadron of jet skis against an aircraft carrier. *shrugs*

While a fighter's phasers probably wouldn't do much against a capital ship, I imagine a squadron of them carrying multiple photon torpedoes would be enough to break through the ship's shields. Many people tend to forget that Star Wars made use of shields as well and yet fighters were heavily utilized.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2014, 02:11:21 pm by Saturn Memories »
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Re: Star Trek or Star Wars?
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2014, 01:13:50 am »
I loved the Defiant, though it upset me they only used it against the Borg once. It was designed to fight the Borg after all. However, that kinda' goes back to what I was saying about special circumstances that led to the creation of warships. Between the Borg and the Dominion, Starfleet was now at war and realized they needed ships that were dedicated to defense.

Like you, I liked it when they made Starfleet more human. While I do appreciate  Roddenberry's vision, I agree, it's unrealistic. I'm sure he'd label us "pessomists", but human beings, I feel, will always be flawed.

I remeber reading once that he hated much of The Undiscovered Country because it painted some Starfleet officers as racist (toward Klingons). His arguement was that such things didn't matters anymore, but the filmmakers fought him on it. In my opinion, it's one of the best movies of the franchise. Although, Roddenberry also objected to Nick Meyer's insistance on modeling Starfleet after the NAVY, with proper uniforms and protocol. It worked though.

In regards to the tech, that's a whole new can of worms. Both series' have different tech going on and they don't entirely mesh. Lasers, which X-Wings and Tie Fighters use on the regular, aren't as powerful as phasers in the Star Trek universe. Shields in the Star Trek universe, especially the 24th century, can deflect 1-10 torpedo blasts before penetration. Again, depending on the size of a vessal, power output, etc. Can't even calculate phaser and disruptor blasts. In the Star Wars universe, the only shields I remember everyone pissing themselves over were in Episode VI, during the offensive on Death Star II. Hell, in Episode IV, X-Wings flew right through the Death Star's force field. In Star Trek, a ship would bounce of the shields....

And why the fuck have retained all THIS NERDY BULLSHIT THAT REALLY SERVES NO PURPOSE?!?! My God, I can be using all that memory space for meaningful shit. Good God, shoot me!
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Re: Star Trek or Star Wars......or Lexx?
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2014, 11:23:43 pm »
I choose the all mighty Lexx, the most powerful weapons in the known two galaxies.

Starwars is a bunch lasers, and people playing with pixie sticks. In Lexx we have bug weapons, and blasters that can disintegrate in seconds.

Star Treck, might be good for a laugh, but apparently Star Fleet are the weakest link in itself. Torpedo's, give me a break, the Lexx blasts can cut through entire planets, in a second, and even dodge torpedo's.

Clingon invasion, the Lexx will just absorb them into it's system, or expel them. We have the almighty Captain Stanley Tweedle, Zebbs the man eater, and of course Kai.

Lexx destroyed the earth, so Star Fleet does not exist, and I am sure the Lexx could blow up death stars  faster then they could maneuvers. including those god forsaken star destroyers ( why do they call them that, if they do not destroy stars??? ).   

Nothing else is bigger then the Lexx, and I am the Enterprise would be up to it's neck in webbing, if they had to put up with the crap, the Lexx did.

Imperial Storm troopers? Ha his shadow has waves and waves of brainwashed slaves, kinda like the United States has all those people joining the military, but everybody is drafted. Their are sex slave plenets, in the cluster compared to green Venusian women. In the cluster everybody worships his divine shadow, then getting a pay day.

About the Divine shadow vs the Emperor? His Shadow is the dark side, in the flesh, might be a giant big bug, but at least he is not a crippled old man. One well placed blast, of his shadows energy. 

Earth final conflict, V, or even Andromeda has nothing against the mighty Lexx. Speaking of which how did "Captain Symian, and Space Monkeys ended???

Fasers? we got flack packs...

Offline Spock

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Re: Star Trek or Star Wars?
« Reply #19 on: March 03, 2014, 10:24:42 pm »
I choose the all mighty Lexx, the most powerful weapons in the known two galaxies.

Starwars is a bunch lasers, and people playing with pixie sticks. In Lexx we have bug weapons, and blasters that can disintegrate in seconds.

Star Treck, might be good for a laugh, but apparently Star Fleet are the weakest link in itself. Torpedo's, give me a break, the Lexx blasts can cut through entire planets, in a second, and even dodge torpedo's.

Clingon invasion, the Lexx will just absorb them into it's system, or expel them. We have the almighty Captain Stanley Tweedle, Zebbs the man eater, and of course Kai.

Lexx destroyed the earth, so Star Fleet does not exist, and I am sure the Lexx could blow up death stars  faster then they could maneuvers. including those god forsaken star destroyers ( why do they call them that, if they do not destroy stars??? ).   

Nothing else is bigger then the Lexx, and I am the Enterprise would be up to it's neck in webbing, if they had to put up with the crap, the Lexx did.

Imperial Storm troopers? Ha his shadow has waves and waves of brainwashed slaves, kinda like the United States has all those people joining the military, but everybody is drafted. Their are sex slave plenets, in the cluster compared to green Venusian women. In the cluster everybody worships his divine shadow, then getting a pay day.

About the Divine shadow vs the Emperor? His Shadow is the dark side, in the flesh, might be a giant big bug, but at least he is not a crippled old man. One well placed blast, of his shadows energy. 

Earth final conflict, V, or even Andromeda has nothing against the mighty Lexx. Speaking of which how did "Captain Symian, and Space Monkeys ended???

Fasers? we got flack packs...
I will agree that Lexx was an interesting show. It even included a lot of humor in it. The problem was that very few people knew about it. The show really did not last long enough. Anyway, that was not really what the topic was intended for. If you had to choose between Star Wars or Star Trek, which would it be?

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Re: Star Trek or Star Wars?
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2014, 07:24:21 am »
On the subject of Star Wars, the final 13 episodes of The Clone Wars release to Netflix tomorrow and I know two of the arcs are pretty major when it comes to delving deeper into the creation of the Clone Army, Order 66, and Force Ghosts.

Offline Spock

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Re: Star Trek or Star Wars?
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2014, 03:05:27 pm »
If the new SW film is released next year, then I am sure a load of great SW games will be released as well. If a new ST film was released, then no one would even be thinking about a new ST game whatsoever.