Author Topic: Internet Problems!!!  (Read 18066 times)

Offline cube_b3

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Internet Problems!!!
« on: February 01, 2011, 01:56:51 pm »

I just typed the whole god damn thing and the internet stopped working when I hit submit. Here I go all over again.

Internet Problem

Complaint Made - was in uni when they called to check it is fixed, I said it is fixed.

Complaint Made Again - Cause it wasn't fixed.

Visit - Dum ass suggests remove wireless router and connect with Wire. I am like Fuck You I disconnect, get me proper support.

No response.

Complaint Made AGAIN! - Bitch calls me, tells me no support unless I move my current package it an tripple the price CORPORATE PACKAGE. I was driving she was being stupid I hung up.


Aside from the last paragraph I was very polite through out the problem, I am just rewriting the whole damn post briefly.


She emails me after I hung up:
Dear valued customer,
This is with reference to your e-mail dated 30th January 2011, regarding complaint against the internet service.
Our record indicates that your complaint against the internet service has been successfully resolved on 1st February 2011.
Secondly as per the telephonic conversation dated 1st February by our quality team, you have duly confirmed that your complaint has been successfully resolved.
For any further assistance, please call on our 24 hour help line 111-111-965, or you may email us at, or visit us at our Customer Service Centres
Thank you for choosing the services of WorldCall Telecom Limited.
Nadia Raza
Customer Relation
World Call Telecom Ltd.

Quote from: "I"
Hello Nadia,
First and foremost I feel I should apologize for appearing hasty and impatient in our telephonic conversation as I was driving at the moment.
O topic I was very concise, I clearly told you for all intents and purposes my complain is NOT-Resolved.
I've been using World Call for over 6 years while I've had my share of negative experiences, I am not looking forward to disconnecting it unless I do not receive the required support.
For the past month I have been experiencing slow browsing to no browsing issues, from the last technical visit it appears that the problem is reduced if the cable modem is directly connected to a computer. Such a solution is irrelevant as I have not purchased a 4MB connection, just so I could connect it with a single computer. I have multiple devices in my household such as an iPhone which only has Wifi compatability. These are all domestic household products, your solution for my problem was to upgrade to a "Corporate Package", to top it off after our conversation I called customer support and inquired about your corporate packages, it took me 10 minutes to explain to the incompetient attendant, who kept confusing a Wireless Router with the Wireless Internet USB Dongle, finally he informed me "No Router Support" will be provided by WorldCall.
I am completely dissatisfied with the lack of support, your suggestion of switching to a corporate package is simply absurd and without merit!
The face of the internet has changed over the last decade, it is 2011 not 2001, contemporary devices no longer have Ethernet RJ-45 Ports, it is all wireless.
Further more  Wireless Routers (or the one in my possession) doesn't have any technical networking setup, it is all plug and play.
If WorldCall has a preffered router I can switch to it, that is one thing I can do from my end.
Your lack of support, doesn't make me feel like a "Valued Customer"
Bilal Zia

In Conclusion I don't want to disconnect my connection, I've been with this company since day 1, and they got BroadBand Cable to Pakistan and are an ever growing compant (Cable tv, Wireless Dongle, Telephone Services etc) and I'm one of their frist 5000 customers, specifically 4199.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Toggi3

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Re: Internet Problems!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2011, 10:52:50 am »
What router do you have?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline cube_b3

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Re: Internet Problems!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2011, 01:43:47 am »

I have 2 a G Series one and an N-Series one.

I've already gotten a new connection, but I can return it within 72 hours for a full refund let's see how that works.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »