Author Topic: Yakuza for 360 unlikely  (Read 8471 times)

Offline cube_b3

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Re: Yakuza for 360 unlikely
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2011, 05:20:01 pm »
Skooze Me?

What say you about Alan Wake - the game was a super hit.

Offline George

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Re: Yakuza for 360 unlikely
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2011, 05:16:11 pm »
If Alan Wake was good, I would care about it being ignored.

Offline ROJM

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Re: Yakuza for 360 unlikely
« Reply #17 on: September 06, 2011, 04:45:59 am »
I wonder what they approached the Hardware companies for?

I mean SEGA is to big of a company for Sony and Microsoft to deny them from publishing a small game like the original Yakuza.

@ The Reboot Discussion

Wouldn't mind it, they were some good stories (in the 2 games i've played) but I feel they weren't told really well... no scratch that I doubt they can tell them better even if they tried. You just like the Yakuza games or you don't. It is probably that kind of thing.

P.S. I'll be buying Yakuza 3 tomorrow :D... I'll probably not like this one as well.

@ The Money Hurdar Discussion:

You guys forget that Sony is at least 10 times at the very least bigger and richer than Microsoft.
Because they probably wanted an exclusivity deal from the get go,that's why M$ said no to Sega. M$ got burned when they agreed to the SHENMUE deal and it didn't go as planned and they more likely wanted a title to sell well in the states as well as Japan.

And Microsoft doesn't give two shits about this comment. Yakuza series does 90% of its business in Japan, if it was exclusive to Xbox 360 in Japan starting with Yakuza 3, it wouldn't have changed the position of the Xbox brand there.

If anything, the games would have probably been failures and Nagoshi wouldn't have his own team. I'm up for ports, but when you basically hold 4-5% of the console market of the region where the IP does 90% of its business, its not worth porting.

Probably not now,but at the time the 360 was hardly the monster seller in the west when RGG was doing the rounds in 2005 and neither was the xbox doing great in japan or the west. If M$ really wanted the japanese market they should have at least tried harder to secure some exclusive titles from the third parties that could have made a title that would appeal to that market and hopefully got the xbox brand a stronger posistion in the east.

Offline max_cady

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Re: Yakuza for 360 unlikely
« Reply #18 on: September 06, 2011, 06:07:39 am »
I wasn't very clear about it.

You see, Alan Wake was perhaps one of the most expected IPs for the Xbox 360. Especially when you consider that nowadays only 3 (maybe 4 franchises) still have some weight.
Forza, Fable, Halo and Gears of War. 5, sadly, if you include Rare's Kinect titles. Alan Wake was a very different game from all of those and it bombed, both out of overhype and being released on the same week as Red Dead Redemption.

Knowning Microsoft, they would also somehow throw Yakuza under the bus...