Author Topic: Just started playing Onimusha: Warlords  (Read 3119 times)

Offline cube_b3

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Just started playing Onimusha: Warlords
« on: August 26, 2011, 06:27:32 pm »
Ever have one of those nights where you just can't sleep?

I slept at 2 in the morning and woke up at 4 for sehri as I am fasting - in the month of Ramadan.

Unfortunately I couldn't go back to sleep, 3 hours later I gave on the prospect of sleep and got out of bed. I didn't really have any errands (as I'll be leaving for Texas in 2 days) except a meeting as 11 AM. So I started playing some SF4 an hour into it I was bored.

I try to balance one classic with one new game - my next game on the list is Uncharted but I lent it to a friend, so I had nothing to do...

I opened my seal Onimusha Essentials Collection and popped in the first game in the series.

It is obviously a game that was in development for PS1, the environments are tiny but beautiful.
The gameplay is a premature (if you can call it that) DMC version of DMC as it is purely set to the classic Resident Evil or more appropriately Dino Crisis 2 design template which means guns are replaced with swords.

I played the game for an hour and I am hoping it is a short game cause it doesn't look like it can hold me interest for long.

The games translation is terrible, not in a poorly translated way of the old days but in a disingenuous way. Fortunately you have the option to change to Japanese voices (as the english one is bad anyways) and I can more sense of what they are actually saying in the cut scenes. Unfortunately there is a major pit fall with that during the FMV cut scenes the subtitles don't show which was a major inconvenience in the opening cinematics and will be in future ones.

Right now the story barely makes any sense even... it is based on some true event or some Japanese war... with the twist of Demons involved (I assume those demon's are Shinigami's right?) So anyway some princess asks for the protagonists help and when he arrives she is kid napped so right now I'm on a quest to rescue her.

Let's see if the story picks up cause the gameplay won't keep me interested for very long.

I can understand why this failed in the US - it requires knowledge on Japanese history and the all to American localization isn't helping.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 06:34:48 pm by cube_b3 »