Thanks for mentioning this one Grounder.
Awesome game. Oh, and kudos to you for bringing up some quality titles in the otherwise quiet Classic SEGA forum. Usually I'd frown on so many topics being posted at a time, but all the ones you've made are totally worthy of discussion.
From '91 to '97 the Genesis was the only console I owned, and I actually had quite a small collection. Only about 20 games. All the Sonic titles, all the good Disney titles, TMNT Hyperstone Heist and some random ones from garage sales. Dick Tracy was one of my most played games in that ara, after Sonic and TMNT.
The game played like part sidescroller in the vein of Shinobi, part shooting gallery. There were some awesome moments, like the car chase and the boss fights. Colors were bright and well implemented, music was awesome. I will always have this one stuck in my head (at 50 seconds in): one definitely got a lot of play on car trips with my Nomad.