The Pikmin 3 demo was OK, if you're into this particular franchise. What bugs me about this press conference, is Reggie and how the Nintendo guys handle their press conference. They make these Presentation 101 mistakes: Know your audience.
Microsoft's Don Mattrick has his cynical laughter, but Reggie talks to reporters as if he's giving a lecture, rather than creating excitement for the product. It's even worse this year. He's just droning, speaking very slowly and still being smug about it. Why wouldn't people be angry?
Another major issue, way too much focus on the new controller and very little focus on the actual machine, hence why so many people confused over what exactly is the Wii U.
New Super Mario Brothers U seems like a nice idea, but overall there seems to be the growing sentiment that the franchise is now becoming Nintendo's own Sonic in a way.
The 3rd Party stuff, I won't anything else that hasn't been already said. I not completely sold on using different screens to do different stuff. The Wii-U is not like the Nintendo DS, you dig?
The Wii Fit U/Just Dance segment was just a huge slap in the face.
Some of the 3DS stuff was good.
Zombi-U was the only thing worhwile.
I have no clue what Nintendoland is.