Author Topic: Madworld vs No More Heroes, which would you say is better?  (Read 5332 times)

Offline Nameless 24

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Madworld vs No More Heroes, which would you say is better?
« on: October 01, 2012, 07:26:19 am »
Both titles have impressed me in their own little way, but I find that Madworld has a few OHKO enemies whilst NMH has a few OHKO Bosses...which are both a pain to get through.

Now, before I carry on, I have beaten No More Heroes and not Madworld (I am stuck on some Wolf Boss), so I may come off as a little biased.

Overall, Madworld's way of killing enemies is much more entertaining then no More Heroe's way of killing enemies, but I would say that NMH has a MUCH better way of handling boss battles.

I would also say that the missions/mini games of NMH gives it a better replay value from what I've played.

In terms of graphical style, I would say Madworld wins out for sure, the way it represents everything is much better then NMH's very linear way of forcing you to kill everything in sight until you progress.

I would, however say that NMH is better at delivering stupid puns whilst Madworld is better at the methods of killing your foes in the environment which makes for some nice eye candy.

Overall, I like both games (and I should get back to Madworld) but for now, No More Heroes wins out for the entertaining bosses you encounter in the game...Madworld's are still creative, but not as fun for me since their vulnerable status seems to be very rare to get them in whilst in NMH once you've found an opening, you can exploit it and whittle their HP down for a few seconds until they come out of that state.

Please give me your thoughts on which is better. I'd like to hear why you think that Madworld is better then NMH.

I've not played the sequel either, so I'm not going to use the "NMH is better as it has two games to its series" excuse that reviewers may do when comparing games.
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Re: Madworld vs No More Heroes, which would you say is better?
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2012, 02:56:19 pm »
Well, I finished No more Heroes, while I got bored at the 4th level in mad world. It's strange, I really like madworld alot, in alot of aspects(that you've also pointed out) better than No More Heroes, but No more Heroes's total package was just better.

That said, no more heroes did get bored for me durign the second game so that didn't last long either.

Maybe it's just me not giving madworld enough time, but that had to do with it's apeal. That black and white visual was perhaps a little boring to me.

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Re: Madworld vs No More Heroes, which would you say is better?
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2012, 03:32:47 pm »
Madworld has a lot more polish than the first No More Heroes, but I'd say that No More Heroes 2 beats them both.

Offline Nameless 24

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Re: Madworld vs No More Heroes, which would you say is better?
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2012, 05:24:29 pm »
Interesting, I don't mind the B/W graphics of Madworld at all, as it stands out, but I can see why it wouldn't look appealing.

Yeah, Madworld is much more polished the NMH, as the latter had some strange control choices regarding the bike and some of the combat, but I felt that NMH's selling point was the Boss Battles which were probably the best polished part of the game and in some aspects very creative.

Madworld has more polish in general mass killing enemies, but some aspects of it annoyed me somehow...such as not knowing what I was supposed to do to get to the Bosses.
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Re: Madworld vs No More Heroes, which would you say is better?
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2012, 05:28:00 pm »
As I have played neither I couldn't say which is better. But if I had to choose I think I would go with MadWorld. I like the black and white visuals and the "gameshow" premise.
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Re: Madworld vs No More Heroes, which would you say is better?
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2012, 06:42:34 pm »
I lasted longer playing No More Heroes, but I think Madworld felt more sophisticated and creative as a game. I only played the first level of Madworld, but really liked it. I was ridiculously exhausted though from that play time, but I should definitely man up and try it again.

NMH had great bosses and style, but linear and repetitive levels. The recharging of your beam saber by simulating a sexual act was a hilarious idea, but hurt the experience when you had to fight a small room full of enemies, taking a beating thanks to a wonky camera and no ability to hide anywhere. The overworld was too barren for my tastes, which I can acknowledge as a result of a small staff, but playing something like Xenoblade Chronicles shows that the Wii can push gigantic and populated environments. Shenmue shows that even the Dreamcast could do it.

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Re: Madworld vs No More Heroes, which would you say is better?
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2012, 08:58:35 pm »
The overworld was too barren for my tastes, which I can acknowledge as a result of a small staff, but playing something like Xenoblade Chronicles shows that the Wii can push gigantic and populated environments. Shenmue shows that even the Dreamcast could do it.

A big thing they improved in the second game. They flat out dropped the overworld, and made the minigames and beat-em-up levels more fun. It's a really well done sequel, as the improved on what worked in the original, and dropped the stuff that didn't.

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Re: Madworld vs No More Heroes, which would you say is better?
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2012, 01:22:24 pm »
I very much preferred No More Heroes.

MadWorld kinda felt like it was just getting good as you reached the end.