Author Topic: The Youtube Channel of Hideki Naganuma and Skankfunk,the guy who lives with him.  (Read 5362 times)

Offline Trippled

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yes, "skankfunk" is just known known as someone who lives with him.

Anyway, just discovered this. Whenever one of both of them make a track for a game, they upload it here. Small contributions to either recent Sega games such as Monkey Ball and Yakuza are uploaded here (mostly by that skankfunk guy), some rather unknown contributions (like Smilebit sports games), and other small stuff for Anime or other japanese stuff.

2 favourites of mine I found by Naganuma:

Offline Centrale

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Great find!  I enjoyed seeing Hideki Naganuma (briefly) in the bonus documentary in the new Jet Set Radio re-release.

Offline semmie

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yakuza fans i guess ;)

Offline DJaw

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Can't wait for yakuza 5

Offline segaismysavior

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The Yakuza: Black Panther tracks are stellar.    ;D