Author Topic: Sonic 1 and 2 being officially remastered by Taxman and Stealth  (Read 12588 times)

Offline CrazyT

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Re: Sonic 1 and 2 being officially remastered by Taxman and Stealth
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2013, 11:02:09 am »
I've said it before in numerous threads, but I fully agree with you Barry.

I mean I love sonic 3 and knuckles, but when it comes down to it, it comes mostly from S3k's magnificent presentation and specific parts around the midst and the end of the game. When judging S3k as a whole experience, maybe half if not more of it exists of the same things that have been ruining games of todays generation(not just sonic_. I'd almost say perhaps s3k may be one of the first games to do that. Which is something people call style over substance/depth. The game no doubt has some excellent levels in it, excellently executed level gimmicks, but mostly you are just "rushing" through the levels without thinking too much. The latter is really a problem because it removes focus, it removes your full involvment. It doesn't require you to fully pay attention and do your best. It mostly goes like: get hit, land on a halt, spindash and pickup the next few rings so it doesn't ever matter how many times you get hit.

In sonic 1, apart from green hill, no level let you play like that. I'd say yes it's partially because of the absence of the spindash. If you got hit? You had to slowly accelerate yourself to the next few rings, which were placed a lot more scarcely in sonic 1. Not only that, but the level design does not encourage mindlessly running and jumping. It's cleverly designed where you're constantly paying full attention. Whether it's platforming, walls, bumpers or spings, spikes. There's a lot more threatening hazards in sonic 1, and I love that about it. It keeps you playing and makes that whole playthrough the more satisfying. I know from myself when I finish sonic 1, I feel more fulfilled. And I wish newer games would take more inspiration from sonic 1's real concept of "speed is a reward from playing well"

I think the only cons are 2 things. The game isn't that long(kind of hoping of an additional level in the new version), and the anticlimactic final boss. Which the other 2 games do a lot better and I think it is because of those two things the other games will always be considered the better games.

Let's talk hypothetically if taxman and co made a new sonic game. I'd love them to take inspiration from sonic 1 as well. Seriously screw the people that don't like being slowed down and think for a moment. A new sonic game should bring best of both worlds imo
« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 11:04:45 am by CrazyTails »

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Re: Sonic 1 and 2 being officially remastered by Taxman and Stealth
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2013, 05:52:02 am »
I also think that the spindash has been overpowered and way too spammable ever since imtroduction. Maybe its implementation needs rethinking

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Re: Sonic 1 and 2 being officially remastered by Taxman and Stealth
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2013, 06:55:36 am »

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 > Sonic & Knuckles > Sonic the Hedgehog 1 > Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Though all four are high quality titles. But I think you have to be crazy to think Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles is about style over substance or depth rather, the level designs speak for themselves.

They ape anything from any other platformer including previous Sonic levels (That is saying something considering previous Sonic levels are larger than any other platformers at the time too) and the compliant about the spindash came from the same sort of area as the "Sonic is hold right to win" you need to play these games extensively to notice that just is not true at all. Try to do that on Marble Garden, or Carnival Night. Sure you can get away with it on Ice Cap Zone, but it really is a bit hard trying to do it on all stages.

Do keep in mind the spindash trade off was bigger levels, compare Starlight Zone 2

With Oil Ocean 2

With Sandopoli 1

I have been playing through the classics myself, the only reason I worry for rings is to make sure I have enough to get into the special stages at the end of each zone for Sonic the Hedgehog 1. My average time (Excluding boss acts) before I got all the Chaos Emeralds was 2 minutes 47 seconds (Collected the last one on Starlight Zone Act 1) whilst the remaining three acts I completed below the average. I also do doubt the whole claim on scarcity of rings, usually find myself with more than enough, only Scrap Brain Zone Act 3 had that problem (Lamp post was next to hazards, caused 2 cheap deaths!) otherwise was blissfully playing with more than enough rings.

PS. Sonic the Hedgehog 1 final boss > Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Sonic CD and Sonic & Knuckles final boss. Actually my second favourite in the whole series.

Offline CrazyT

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Re: Sonic 1 and 2 being officially remastered by Taxman and Stealth
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2013, 08:42:10 am »
You'd be surprised to know that many people actually hate marble garden zone for the exact same reason why people dislike sonic 1's pace. Same goes for sandopolis. Oil ocean i'm not sure about. But yeah I agree with the stages you picked as example. Sandopolis act 2 is another stage people think is out of place in what should be a fast paced genre. I'm basing this from lurking and discussing around forums.

Let me just say that I think you picked the right stages that are a good example of what i'd like to see more in the franchise. Flying battery is also such a magnificent stage.

I think may have been unreasonably harsh. Maybe it is not so much that the level design encourages playing mindlessly, but the ring system instead. When they are placed everywhere, there's no reason to ever play careful unless there's botomless pits. Let me show you an example of what I mean.

This is a part of the final level of sonic3k/sonic&k

2 things here. The spindash and the rings. When you compare it to sonic 1, for instance at the lava sections in marble zone. It is much harder because the scarcity of rings and lack of spindash to accelerate yourself back to speed.

I just think these are subtle issues that should be looked at in order to make a better sequel if that would ever take place.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 01:58:21 pm by CrazyTails »