Author Topic: Spiral Knights massive update overhauling the system.  (Read 4045 times)

Offline CrazyT

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Spiral Knights massive update overhauling the system.
« on: August 03, 2013, 04:55:27 pm »
I used to be a very active Spiral Knights player. Have been off playing the game since a couple of months. I wasn't too happy with some of the latest updates, but then this update just came out recently, and it all made sense. It seems most of the updates I didn't like, didn't fit the previous system. They were making way for this new major overhaul for the game instead.

So what has changed?

They added "sprites". Which are very similar to PSO's mags. Basically a sort of companion flying behind/above your shoulder.

And the biggest change is the overhaul in the energy system. You do not require energy to play anymore(very important currency that u only got 100 per day of for free) to go through the clockworks (where you fight monsters and stuff). I know it may have seen as a flawed concept but (lol) most of us actually enjoyed the game in that state. Making profit and then earning energy wasnt that hard. I guess for the casuals it did kind of suck. It's awesome that you don't have to worry wasting that 10 energy when going down and all of a sudden having to quit.

I thought i'd highlight the 2 most important updates. You can check the rest in the SEGA blogs link above.

Anyway, since I havent seen many people talk about this game. Is anyone still playing or planning on jumping back again like me? The game has changed a LOT since launch. It's almost not even the same game anymore

« Last Edit: August 03, 2013, 04:57:29 pm by CrazyTails »

Offline max_cady

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Re: Spiral Knights massive update overhauling the system.
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2013, 07:23:16 pm »
I stopped playing regularly since last September, but only because the game was starting to hurt me financially! When I finally reached the Third Tier, the difficulty spikes were so massive that I started using so many of those Energy Packs and buying a few small ones every once in a while.

When I realized that I had spent over roughly the same amount to buy 3 full price games, I felt hurt bad.

When Phantasy Star Online 2 was announced as F2P in the West, I dropped this like a bad habit, hoping to save a little cash.

 I have been marginally interested in the new stuff that's been announced, but very rarely I've gone back and played it. Though I have to admit, even though I haven't played it much, I did peek in there and I've noticed that it's quite a different game than before.

More enemies, a much better UI, better match making, graphical overhaul, at least, it's nice to see that the money I spent on this didn't go to waste.

Offline CrazyT

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Re: Spiral Knights massive update overhauling the system.
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2013, 07:34:04 pm »
Aw man... wow I kind of feel bad for you for losing that amount of money. Money does help gaining better equips and progress much faster. But equips wont help if you dont play well. Personally i've invested a few euro's just as support for the devteam, but i'm mostly a free player and i'm already fully 5 star equiped

We should really play together sometime. I think I still have you in my friendslist(hamburger right?) There's a lot of depth to the simple mechanics. I think you wont have to spend that much cash once you become a lot better at the game. If we tag allong sometimes i'll try to give you some tips if there's any need for it.

It's a reallly different game now. Reviving doesnt cost energy anymore. GOing down each floor dont cost energy anymore. Only thing that does cost energy are the things you can purchase.

Anyway I just tested out the new features, and they are really great. Pets are a great incentive for people(if they want) to spend their money, hence keep the game economy healthy. Its a good thing for free players and I think sinks like this allowed for the removal of gamebreaking mechanics like "energy to progress".

« Last Edit: August 03, 2013, 07:35:49 pm by CrazyTails »

Offline Happy Cat

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Re: Spiral Knights massive update overhauling the system.
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2013, 12:11:48 pm »
looks good, I really want to get back into the game sometime... but i was an idiot and tied the game to my steam account so now i'll have to be booted into windows to play. lol (hate ubuntu) but that's just a minor complaint, gotta boot into windows to play most games anyways.