Author Topic: boogie2988 PS4 vs XBOX One  (Read 5391 times)

Offline Happy Cat

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boogie2988 PS4 vs XBOX One
« on: November 20, 2013, 09:26:56 pm »

A good video, hes played both consoles for a while now and has good opinions about both. Didn't want to post it in the PS4 or XBOX One topic cause then it would seem like its favoring one or the other.

Check it out, it's a great video, and he goes into deep detail. About why both are good choices depending on what you want.

Offline pirovash88

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Re: boogie2988 PS4 vs XBOX One
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2013, 01:23:55 pm »
Man, when did console boxes get soo ugly?
Gamertag: Pirovash88 Twitch.TV/Pirovash88

Offline Grant360

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Re: boogie2988 PS4 vs XBOX One
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2013, 06:26:15 am »
I picked up the XBO last night and got to say I am impresses. Its smaller than it comes accross in videos and looks nice. The interface and kinect integration is great, snap works well and kinect will use IR to operate your TV with voice commands. I also have an Acer Revo that I use pass-through for XBMC that works great. I feel a little let down by the launch lineup. I went with Forza, NBA 2K14 and FIFA (Bundled) there is also an offer at GAME where you get the new Marvel game half price next week. I chose the XBO over PS4 at launch because of exclusives and in the end DR3 and Ryse didnt impress that much. Still next year there is Titanfall, Quantum Break and Halo to come.

The PS4 looks to be more powerful but less feature rich. Which is a good and bad thing. I would say that it is a very very good value mid to high range PC right now but over time they will change that with software updates. The feedback from developers is VERY positive and it seems easy to develop for unlike their last 2 consoles. Multi format games seem to look better so far but the exclusives are thin on the ground (Probably for financial reasons)

Offline crackdude

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Re: boogie2988 PS4 vs XBOX One
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2013, 08:06:02 pm »
I'm stepping away from consoles for now.. This "new gen" seems pretty shitty. When I first saw 360 vids I was completely blown away, but the "leap" this time around is much smaller. These consoles aren't putting out anything we haven't already seen running on a 3 year old computer.

Of course it's the games that matter. In time these consoles may become great value if the games are good. But on the technical side alone, they are pretty tame.

720p30 is shit even by 2007 standards btw.

Offline Grant360

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Re: boogie2988 PS4 vs XBOX One
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2013, 02:46:14 am »
crackdude I disagree, when the 360 launched the games on the PC looked better. Perfect Dark Zero was nothing compared to HL2, FarCry and Doom 3 visually. It wasn't until Gears Of War thatthe 360 stepped up a full year later. Compare Halo 4 to Perfect Dark Zero. Its the same hardware. Its the beauty of consoles that over time things become optimised. So a full step away I think is premature. That said, waiting for the inevitable price drop and a few better games I think is sensible.


Offline crackdude

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Re: boogie2988 PS4 vs XBOX One
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2013, 11:45:30 am »
But at launch CoD2 looked at least as good on the 360 as on a decent high-end PC.
Almost everything that makes the PC version one of the year's best shooters remains intact on the Xbox 360 version of the game, which looks just as good and actually runs smoother than all but the most beastly of gaming PCs.

~Gamespot, 2005
The sports titles had unprecedented detail. And PGR3 alone sold me on the console when I pushed the right stick and was able to look through the window at the car I was passing by, all in glorious HD.

8 years later and a decent medium-high-end PC gets better framerates at higher resolution in higher graphical settings, the little details are barely a new thing (diminishing returns are a bitch) (EDIT: FIFA's crowd reactions are great, for example. But they won't make anyone run and buy a console) and there is no exclusive that really impresses anyone.

I'm not saying the consoles are bad at all. As you said, in a year's time they can be amazingly awesome and great value. But there's no significant improvement over the previous gen this time around.

It seems that Sony and MS are more concerned with making a safe and profitable investment than moving the games industry forward.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 11:50:05 am by crackdude »

Offline Grant360

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Re: boogie2988 PS4 vs XBOX One
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2013, 04:28:12 am »
I guess you are right. I hadnt really considered that. The other concern is that console architecture was always bespoke which meant the hardware could be pushed far beyond its spec. (The Dreamcast had a 200mHz CPU and powerVR chip which in my opinionfar outperformed the PS2). With cost being the most important thing it seems both console manufacturers have gone with off the shelf products meaning the optimisation will be minimal.

I guess in a couple of years I should be considering a Alienware X51 or some kind of Steambox.

Offline crackdude

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Re: boogie2988 PS4 vs XBOX One
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2013, 12:49:12 pm »
Yeah, I mean..these consoles have fine-tuned high-end laptop gaming performance. Nothing wrong with that, but if they had made a "traditional" games console, selling beefed up hardware at a loss, I would be all over them..

Hardware aside though, I can't wait to see what the first party devs devolop next year! I'm excited to see how they'll push these machines and make me have to shut up :P

Offline nuckles87

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Re: boogie2988 PS4 vs XBOX One
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2013, 10:14:33 pm »
But at launch CoD2 looked at least as good on the 360 as on a decent high-end PC.The sports titles had unprecedented detail. And PGR3 alone sold me on the console when I pushed the right stick and was able to look through the window at the car I was passing by, all in glorious HD.

8 years later and a decent medium-high-end PC gets better framerates at higher resolution in higher graphical settings, the little details are barely a new thing (diminishing returns are a bitch) (EDIT: FIFA's crowd reactions are great, for example. But they won't make anyone run and buy a console) and there is no exclusive that really impresses anyone.

I'm not saying the consoles are bad at all. As you said, in a year's time they can be amazingly awesome and great value. But there's no significant improvement over the previous gen this time around.

It seems that Sony and MS are more concerned with making a safe and profitable investment than moving the games industry forward.

I gotta agree with your sentiments on the graphical jump. Ryse is probably the best looking game I've played so far this gen, and the big improvements I see are mostly in the lighting and addition of finer details. The additional textures on people's faces and the way the individual pieces of armor moves. It's nothing that revolutionizes games though.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 10:20:09 pm by nuckles87 »