Author Topic: SMS Motherboard replacements?  (Read 3491 times)

Offline Ice_Ven0m

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SMS Motherboard replacements?
« on: August 27, 2014, 09:41:27 am »
Greetings to all!!!!

I have a little dilema I would like to call eBay mistakes and lesson learned.  In an attempt to reclaim childhood dreams, I had decided earlier this year to purchase a Sega Master System.  This was the second console my family had during my childhood years(the first one was a Colecovision).  I have many, many fond memories of the Master System and the library of games it had.  Owning it led my younger brother and I to be better than our friends at their own NES games.  Anyway, I bought a Master System from a seller who had a high rating and thought nothing of shipping an almost 30 year old console, based on the shipping price.  Well, as they say hindsight is 20/20.  When the console arrived, it was shiiped USPS(Red Flag 1), the box was semi crushed(Red Flag 2), and when I opened the box it was stuffed with crushed newspaper(Red Flag 3).  Immediately I started rummaging through the package to inspect the console and my heart started sinking quickly.  The console shell was crushed on the AV out/power in corner, which had the av port bent back inside the shell.  I began taking apart the console , and to my utter disbelief and horror, the system board was broken right at the av/power corner and also near the cartridge insert traces.

I contacted the seller as soon as i found out the issues with it and he stated that it was in working condition before it left.  I find that hard to believe considering the internal damage I found.  At any rate, I kept the console mainly because the items also included in the purchase were the SegaScope 3D glasses with adapter(both not damaged and working perfectly), a contoller, the light phaser, power and video, and Hang On/Astro Warrior in box.  The amount I purchased the lot for was less than I had found for just the glasses.  Since that time I purchased a Sega Master System from a local retail store that specializes in Retro games.

Now that I have set up the scenario, I have a question.  Other than buying a large enough Perf board, does anyone know of any system boards that are out there in circulation  that I can take my old components and install them to breathe life into this console?

Offline nuckles87

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Re: SMS Motherboard replacements?
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2014, 10:49:18 am »
The motherboard is pretty much the entire system, so it wouldn't really be particularly economical for it to be sold by itself. Your best bet is eBay. You probably won't find a standalone motherboard, but you might find a system with a damaged case but operational board.

Alternatively, your best bet might be to repair the board. I've no expertise in repairing these things, but I'm fairly certain it can be done. If you can't do it, seek out someone who can. I have a local retro game shop that repairs these sorts of things, maybe you can find one of those?