Author Topic: A message from SEGA and our attitude to the industry  (Read 6667 times)

Offline Mariano

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A message from SEGA and our attitude to the industry
« on: September 12, 2014, 02:52:53 pm »
Here is the update in their blog:

Seems that the whole industry is getting a little sick of Trolls and haters...this is not the first time i read something like this in the last months.

Have the customers of gaming became spoiled children?, i see everything these days except respect and empathy...

Offline JRcade19

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Re: A message from SEGA and our attitude to the industry
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2014, 03:07:13 pm »
Given the context I agree with the policy.

As for the industry, it has been cutting of its nose to spite its face for a few years now. There is little respect or empathy to be had for managers who cut off foundations instead of building them, let alone companies.

Offline Kuronoa

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Re: A message from SEGA and our attitude to the industry
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2014, 04:17:52 pm »
Good to hear they are cracking down.  There is just too much negativity, and so many comments that have nothing to do with their posts.
I want localizations and sequels like everybody else but the way some express their demand is terrible.
That said, if they do localize some more games I'm sure troll activity will cool down to normal levels.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: A message from SEGA and our attitude to the industry
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2014, 08:46:46 pm »
I'm glad they implemented this rule. Disagree with a game? Fine. But simply insulting the people in the photo is nonsense. I recall a while back, SEGA Amusements had photos from a show and a dude in middle eastern garb was there. Some comment started calling the guy a terrorist, it was just uncalled for and had nothing to do with the content of the photo - the arcade games.

While we don't outright ban people, we do this at SEGAbits as well in the blog comments section. If it's not on topic and out of line, insulting somebody rather than talking about the game and topic, we'll spam the comment.

Offline Aki-at

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Re: A message from SEGA and our attitude to the industry
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2014, 09:01:16 pm »
Yeah I don't see any issues here but it just goes to show the toxicity of the internet sometimes.

Offline George

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Re: A message from SEGA and our attitude to the industry
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2014, 03:43:25 am »
so strange, I commented on that blog post saying it was a great idea as long they didn't block valid criticism. Surprisingly they haven't approved it but approved this troll comment:

"“enthusiasm of our fans”

I lol.
Since 2012 you are going on the wrong direction.
Were is SEGA on PS4/One ? Vita ? 3DS ?
Oh right, shitty phone games and again and again with Sonic, Alien, FM, Total War.
You were so awesome in 2010 and now so shameless."


Don't get me wrong, I understand where he is coming from. I'm a SEGA fan and its hard to survive on the titles given to us in the last couple of years. It sucks. I get it. But its funny how these people are always 'You suck now, but 4 or so years ago you where awesome'

Being a SEGA fan I have heard this argument since 1996 Saturn launch, about how SEGA sucks and how they where better a couple of years prior. I heard the same thing about the launch of the Dreamcast, about it not having Shining Force or Panzer Dragoon.

I then heard the same shit when they went 3rd party, about how they weren't the same even after big 'SEGA fan type games'

I heard it once again after the SEGA Sammy buy out which IMO is valid, but its the same thing "Before Sammy they where amazing"

Rinse and repeat.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 03:46:48 am by George »

Offline Mariano

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Re: A message from SEGA and our attitude to the industry
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2014, 05:20:37 am »
so strange, I commented on that blog post saying it was a great idea as long they didn't block valid criticism. Surprisingly they haven't approved it but approved this troll comment:

"“enthusiasm of our fans”

I lol.
Since 2012 you are going on the wrong direction.
Were is SEGA on PS4/One ? Vita ? 3DS ?
Oh right, shitty phone games and again and again with Sonic, Alien, FM, Total War.
You were so awesome in 2010 and now so shameless."


Don't get me wrong, I understand where he is coming from. I'm a SEGA fan and its hard to survive on the titles given to us in the last couple of years. It sucks. I get it. But its funny how these people are always 'You suck now, but 4 or so years ago you where awesome'

Being a SEGA fan I have heard this argument since 1996 Saturn launch, about how SEGA sucks and how they where better a couple of years prior. I heard the same thing about the launch of the Dreamcast, about it not having Shining Force or Panzer Dragoon.

I then heard the same shit when they went 3rd party, about how they weren't the same even after big 'SEGA fan type games'

I heard it once again after the SEGA Sammy buy out which IMO is valid, but its the same thing "Before Sammy they where amazing"

Rinse and repeat.

I E-mail SEGA telling them about the comment from Mr.Spin dash, lets see whats going to happen.
About the "rise and repeat" thing is very common in the whole history of SEGA, a history full of hypocrites and jeks than doesnt apreciate anything and when they are right to complain about something they overreact and start to insult and said than eveything is wrong and blah blah blah...

I get than you are angry about something and i think is very healthy to complain if you are dissatisfied about the quality of a product. But in my world there is almost no room to be unpolite, ESPECIALLY towards others fans, that not necessary have the same opinion than you...
We have to unsdertand that respect is the base of everything and if someome or something doesnt treat you right dont fall to his level.

Offline ROJM

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Re: A message from SEGA and our attitude to the industry
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2014, 06:48:00 am »
Too little too late...this has been going on since 2004 with the trolls running around the sega its evolved to the point where its out of control. Also it really doesn't mean anything coming from I remember when me and Sharky was down there that if someone made a valid point against Sega themselves..they would usually end up getting banned from there. Yes people shouldn't get insulted but i very much doubt that this is because they are that concerned by that as much as they are by people attacking and their staff on how they operate.

Offline Skateboard

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Re: A message from SEGA and our attitude to the industry
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2014, 03:27:44 pm »
I am a bit skeptical as to why this is happening right now. I just hope that reasonable criticism does not get blocked. Providing forums and blogs involves having participation. If a lot of SEGA fans are unhappy with SEGAs direction and I think there are many then SEGA should have to deal with it. One just needs to compare SEGAs line up for this years TGS with what is going to get released in the west. Of course no reason for insulting people and all the mindless rudeness you so often find which is just ridiculous. It is my understanding that even a few negative people/trolls can ruin the discussion. So in the end it's hard to say. I think being in touch with your fans is better then shutting them out. We will see. One thing seems to be true that SEGA has created lots of frustrated fans over the years and it seems to continue. There is just too much to name. (PSO2, yakuza, shenmue, shining, valkyria, sonic, no new console, blah, blah... one sees a lot of complaining and campaigning at the SEGA forums...

Offline ROJM

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Re: A message from SEGA and our attitude to the industry
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2014, 06:27:07 am »
I am a bit skeptical as to why this is happening right now. I just hope that reasonable criticism does not get blocked. Providing forums and blogs involves having participation. If a lot of SEGA fans are unhappy with SEGAs direction and I think there are many then SEGA should have to deal with it. One just needs to compare SEGAs line up for this years TGS with what is going to get released in the west. Of course no reason for insulting people and all the mindless rudeness you so often find which is just ridiculous. It is my understanding that even a few negative people/trolls can ruin the discussion. So in the end it's hard to say. I think being in touch with your fans is better then shutting them out. We will see. One thing seems to be true that SEGA has created lots of frustrated fans over the years and it seems to continue. There is just too much to name. (PSO2, yakuza, shenmue, shining, valkyria, sonic, no new console, blah, blah... one sees a lot of complaining and campaigning at the SEGA forums...

This is down to the Sega fans embarrassing the company with various public campaigns..SHENMUE was one, the Sega PC was the other....and the PSO/YAKUZA localization complaints which has been building up for years. Also this thing on cracking down on the fans started with the SHINING FORCE you tube incident when some fans was saying that the old series was ten times better than the new one..SOJ took offense to that and that's when the whole thing started to happen..before then Sega was one of the more relaxed big corps when it came to you tube video channels of their they're turning on their own fans and getting rid of half of those vids..and now its,yes they have a problem with trolls but they have always had one and they never did anything about it...they doing something now because more fans are complaing. It sounds if you step out of line and complain about something you don't like and keep doing it you could get banned along with someone who is just trolling the forums. Its not a good direction at all to see them go this route... 
« Last Edit: September 14, 2014, 06:29:27 am by ROJM »

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: A message from SEGA and our attitude to the industry
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2014, 08:29:51 am »
Rereading the blog post, this isn't game related. It's people insulting people, namely cosplayers photos bringing mean and crude comments. Or if, say, a photo of a SEGA staff member is posted and somebody insults their weight or says something sexual. That'll get a ban.

I don't think reasonable criticism about the games or company will get a ban.

Offline Kuronoa

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Re: A message from SEGA and our attitude to the industry
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2014, 09:50:50 am »
Regular over there, I still see a lot of the same "complainers" and negative feedback for years.  They don't get banned.  IF they did they probably didn't chose their words well.  They do lock "dead horse" threads and a few misinterpreted that as censoring them.

But yeah Barry is right it is more about personal attacks when I reread it.  They even flat out said "But we’ve noticed a disturbing trend lately – people posting mean or inappropriate comments on these photos."

Offline ROJM

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Re: A message from SEGA and our attitude to the industry
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2014, 10:19:46 am »
I know what they are saying but deep down you both know that it will apply to people with legit criticisms. They will get brushed in with the trolls who are causing trouble. Like i said all this thing has been happening there for years...with people trolling negative comments on everyone as well as race haters and insane overthrow the government types that also post on that forum...and then they usually try to come down here. Anyone who was posting at Sega saw this in 2004 and 5...yet they didn't do anything about it. I can't see it having gotten worse than it already was to tell you the truth. Sega didn't do nothing while its good they are taking action excuse my cynicism that they will apply this to innocent people who are genuinely criticizing and not attacking.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: A message from SEGA and our attitude to the industry
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2014, 09:04:56 am »
This is hardly unique to the gaming industry or Sega fanbase IMO, it's just people being dicks on the internet.

Offline ROJM

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Re: A message from SEGA and our attitude to the industry
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2014, 02:00:21 pm »
Yeah buts it gotten bigger obviously because of the evolution of the internet with the social media side of things.