Author Topic: Sharky's corner of negativity: "SEGA of America f***ing sucks"  (Read 40505 times)

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Re: Sharky's corner of negativity: "SEGA of America f***ing sucks"
« Reply #90 on: November 16, 2014, 04:30:01 pm »
but bad luck or things not going to plan is expected in this business...Pandemic..bad luck..even though Sega could have reached some deal with them like they had with WB

You can't plan for things that are unforeseen. There wasn't any hint of EA buying up Pandemic, just like there wasn't any hint that EA and the NFL would do any exclusive deal . SEGA and Pandemic done a nice deal to make a nice war game and sadly EA spoilt all that, but these things happen.
And this is coming from someone who didn't mind SONIC RIVALS.

SOA idea was far better , Having all the GBA Sonic games remade with 3D polygons graphics (sort like Ghost N Goblins for the PSP). I think that's how Blackdone even won the contract to develop the game was by remaking part of the GBA Sonic game with polygons graphics .

SEGA Japan and ST though that every new Sonic game on a different systems had to be a brand new game in its own right.
[size=0pt]Izuka san says lots of things..most of it is BS. NIGHTS 2 was  always going to be a Wii game..if he didn't think that then he's more stupid than i thought he wasizuki-san. Sega in their history as a third party up to that point had never put a mascot kiddie game on the main systems[/size]

Sigh... Iizuki-san is the main man with NiGHTS and Sonic (32Bit days and on) It was meant to be 360 (it was the lead platform) and there was even a demo build of the game. Sadly SEGA Japan mistakenly thought NiGHTS was a kids game and thought it be better on the Wii. And No, sorry SEGA Japan does put their some of their mascot or liked characters  on other systems that are not seen as Kids like Toe Jam and Earl on the XBox, Super Monkeyball on XBox and PS2 or even VF Quest on the PS2.
Course they did and you know it and Nagoshi knew it. YAKUZA was not the game he wanted portrayed  with the dub release.

Nagoshi-San and the Japanese wanted the swearing in, The English dub that was something that SEGA couldn't do nothing about sadly as SONY America at the time were of the thinking that American's didn't like reading subs when playing games.
Anyway, it's not like it's just SEGA America or Japan that have made plenty of mess up's or still do . The amount of mess ups  SEGA Europe made with the DC is almost with-out equal and really painful to list, but some of the real stand out beauties are: Spending over half the £100 Million PR budget on sponsoring loads of Football teams, while not making sure to have AAA football game to call it own, Thinking it was better to advertise Soul Calibur on national   (the best looking game on any Platform at the time) by showing someone sending a e-mail through the DC WTF ?, Thinking it be better to launch Virtual Tennis during the New York Open rather than during Wimbledon, buying no Clinch only to close the studio after one game -same goes for the Rally Studio set up under huge expense 
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Re: Sharky's corner of negativity: "SEGA of America f***ing sucks"
« Reply #91 on: November 17, 2014, 04:36:54 am »

You can't plan for things that are unforeseen. There wasn't any hint of EA buying up Pandemic, just like there wasn't any hint that EA and the NFL would do any exclusive deal . SEGA and Pandemic done a nice deal to make a nice war game and sadly EA spoilt all that, but these things happen.

Never said it wasn't..but things went wrong during several eras of Sega...but they had a strong business plan that could counter and survive it. Jeffery's plan wasn't strong enough and it wasn't a good one. Sega Europe had plenty of things going wrong like the closure of the racing studio but they still had made good decisions and a better business plan under Hayes to weather it.

SOA idea was far better , Having all the GBA Sonic games remade with 3D polygons graphics (sort like Ghost N Goblins for the PSP). I think that's how Blackdone even won the contract to develop the game was by remaking part of the GBA Sonic game with polygons graphics .

Sigh... Iizuki-san is the main man with NiGHTS and Sonic (32Bit days and on) It was meant to be 360 (it was the lead platform) and there was even a demo build of the game. Sadly SEGA Japan mistakenly thought NiGHTS was a kids game and thought it be better on the Wii. And No, sorry SEGA Japan does put their some of their mascot or liked characters  on other systems that are not seen as Kids like Toe Jam and Earl on the XBox, Super Monkeyball on XBox and PS2 or even VF Quest on the PS2.

By the time NIGHTS came around they were. Talkiing about the Ps2 and Xbox era when Sega was finding its feet as a third party hardly proves you're point. By the 360 era..Sega was releasing those type of games soley on Nintendo platforms... so there was no way in logic that Sonic Team failure san could have thought that NIGHTS was going to be a 360 game. So let's not buy into the fantasy.


Nagoshi-San and the Japanese wanted the swearing in, The English dub that was something that SEGA couldn't do nothing about sadly as SONY America at the time were of the thinking that American's didn't like reading subs when playing games.

And i agreeded they went OVER THE TOP..which you yourself said they did. Also YAKUZA could easily include swearing considering the genre its based on. Yet that hasn't really happened. So i can't see Nagoshi really wanted swearing in the game when he could easily include it in his titles..Japan does not have an aversion to swearwords or other things in their games.

Anyway, it's not like it's just SEGA America or Japan that have made plenty of mess up's or still do . The amount of mess ups  SEGA Europe made with the DC is almost with-out equal and really painful to list, but some of the real stand out beauties are: Spending over half the £100 Million PR budget on sponsoring loads of Football teams, while not making sure to have AAA football game to call it own, Thinking it was better to advertise Soul Calibur on national   (the best looking game on any Platform at the time) by showing someone sending a e-mail through the DC WTF ?, Thinking it be better to launch Virtual Tennis during the New York Open rather than during Wimbledon, buying no Clinch only to close the studio after one game -same goes for the Rally Studio set up under huge expense 

The VIRTUA TENNIS was a mssing point for sure. But that of course was when everyone in Sega was messing up during the DC era..and plenty of the titles could have easily sold if they matched the campaign right. Marvel Vs Capcom is a great example...if Sega marketed that title with Capcom and used Stan Lee to appear in the really could have stood out.