Over the years I've observed a number of people who have this "fake it until you make it" belief. It's the same attitude that motivates people to use bots to make it appear as if their music is more popular than it really is on streaming sites, for example. But it's just a weird belief, as if all successful ventures were founded on lies and deception rather than sound business principles. I think it's compounded by this misplaced belief that the way to "make things happen" in the video game business is to petition companies, and that in some way consumers can control companies through these means.
What's really sad, though, is that if these people have any real ambition as businesspeople, they are going to ruin their reputations by going about all this in all these wrong ways... essentially doing things that are illegal and arguably immoral. No one legit in the industry will want to be affiliated with them in any way.