PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2 (PS4 VER)This thread will be devoted to people's experiences playing the PS4 version of PSO2, the aim here is to develop a better understanding of how to navigate the games infrastructure and learn from each other's personal experiences so we can all enjoy this game on the PS4 as people have done on the PC, I wouldn't have thought that a tweaker launcher for the PS4 would ever be a possibility, not in a legitimate framework anyway, so with that in mind it's fairly concrete to assume that those who play this on PS4 will forever be stuck with Japanese as their only language option.
I downloaded the game on the 20/04/2016 from the Japanese PSN store via a japanese account that I made on my EU PS4, I currently play the game via this account and I also share this one SEGA ID across the PC/Android and PS4 versions of PSO2, I own a fairly higher than mid spec PC and the game plays really well, likewise the PSO2 ES version plays absolutely fine on my Sony Z3, never owned or played the VITA version of PSO2 so personally can't comment on that, does look good though from what I've seen.
Having made a separate SEGA ID account for the purposes of experimenting I found that with this account I could not link it to my EU PSN account, having since downloaded the game digitally via my Japanese account I tried registering that particular SEGA ID to my EU PSN account and it would not get past the login page, I wanted to do this so I could have access to the Playstation Trophies on my normal account but seems it's not possible at least from my experience with the digital PS4 version, I've heard some people have managed to log in to the game via their USA PSN accounts who have imported the Japanese physical release Blue ray, not sure how much truth there is to this but that's what I saw people saying over at Neogaf on release.
if anyone has any questions on my experiences so far then fire away, likewise feel free to air your own thoughts.
Thanks, Breadarms.