Author Topic: Modern Warfare 2019  (Read 2553 times)

Offline Edward51

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Modern Warfare 2019
« on: August 20, 2020, 06:11:47 am »
How do you like the latest CoD Modern Warfare? How do you compare to the previous ones? I have to say that this one is really good. The campaign is more for shock value than good story (but who expected that tbh?), but there were some interesting moments like Bravo 6 going dark.

Multiplayer for me is excellent. I play almost daily and although there are annoying players (which is normal for the series), I have to say the way they keep fixing bugs and balancing OP weapons it makes feel similarly to when I was playing CoD4. They should add more options when choosing a game mode, for example what maps I'd like to avoid.

What do you think? Am I the only who enjoys playing so much?  ;-D

Offline OliviaMurphy1987

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Re: Modern Warfare 2019
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2020, 08:47:18 am »
Just as the game is great, this series isn't known for it's longevity. It would be much better if they release their games, let's say every two years. I appreciate the latest changes in this MW, but I don't feel like paying for a game that won't be supported longer than a year. I don't care for their battle royale mode. I play both campaign and multiplayer. Online component is very important for me, but after many negative choices in the series I'm hesistant about buying any later releases after MW3. I'm glad you enjoy this game and I hope they'll support both MW and new BO, but we're speaking about Activision here  :P :o