I got WipEout HD and Little Big Planet. Wanted to get inFamous instead of LBP, but a friend offered to give me his copy of that sometime soon.
WipEout HD is the first time I ever liked the series, and it is way easier than I expected - Which is a good thing. I absolutely love the style, but some of the songs are just annoying. The menus are classy as Hell.
I never liked Little Big Planet because the controls totally fucking suck and I hate the art, music and game direction, and Media Molecule have a crazy ego, but it really is crazy what people have made online and it is just fun to look at what people have done. Sometimes even the worst levels are enjoyable just because they are so bad.
Also, Assassin's Creed II with most of the DLC is available on PSN for $10... I had to finally get into the series at that price. So far, the game is pretty damn cool!
Great job, Jeremy.