Author Topic: Binary Domain Vs Aliens: Colonial Marines  (Read 5534 times)

Offline ROJM

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Binary Domain Vs Aliens: Colonial Marines
« on: October 05, 2011, 05:21:04 am »
When Binary Domain first got revealed most people scorned the look of the game

But things changed when more details of the game started to filter out be it from announcements and trailers which have turned BD into one of the potential must have games for sega afficiandos next year.

ACM was a different story, that title was always anticipated, especially when Gearbox was revealed to be the developer.

While i'm definatly going to buy both titles, my feelings of anticipation for both titles have changed a bit.

After seeing the demo of Aliens Colonial marines,the other day... I have to admit that Binary Domain looks like its going to be the better game.
While the game demo for ACM was still a work in progress, the game just looked generic to me. It didn't grab me like i thought it would. There was nothing there apart that its an Aliens tie in that made me intrested in the actual game itself. While binary domain subsequent trailers have pulled me in with the promise of the boss battles, the trust factor and the new way of dispacthing the enemy.
I really hope that GBX isn't just relying on the fact that its Aliens just to sell this game(which it will sell loads) i'm just worried that because Sega has published Vanquish, which also pulled out all the stops to offer something different and BD, that ACM may pale in comparison, especially because its coming from the same publisher.
Has the anticipation for BD or ACM gone higher or lower with everyone else since the BD TGS trailers and the recent ACM demo trailer were released?

Offline Sharky

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Re: Binary Domain Vs Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2011, 06:26:06 am »
After watching the trailer for Alien:CM I have to say I was slightly let down by the gameplay shown. But I'm not ready to dismiss the game yet, I think they really did a bad job of demoing the game. Its bigggest selling point (besides the Aliens license) is that it'll be a 4-player Co-Op game and they barely highlighted that at all. I think if Valve had shown off Left-4-Dead only in single player I think people would have had the same reaction.

There were a couple of disappointing things that could be fixed though, I don't mind the scripted moments at all but I think the non-scripted Aliens could be a bit more fearce, I think the fire effects could be vastly improved on and I was a bit saddened that it seemed like the Turrents could only be placed in certain pre-set locations and not set up anywhere you wish, but maybe I'm wrong.

I think it still has a chance to be a great 'AAA' title.

As for Binary Domain, I think it'll be a great game with awesome unique features, I also think it'll be underrated by critics and it'll be overlooked by gamers... Sadly.
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Offline max_cady

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Re: Binary Domain Vs Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2011, 07:07:30 am »
A tough one.

Binary Domain only really won people over when the first actual set piece trailer came around. But like many have said before, new IPs are in an uphill battle right now.
Aliens is already an established name among sci-fi and horror fans so I have no doubt that the game will do well.

I was impressed with both, though.

Colonial Marines at least has the look and the feel of the classic movies, so I'm sure fans will be pleased.

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Re: Binary Domain Vs Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2011, 07:36:08 am »
Its a strange one this, isn't it? I remember when Binary Domain was announced and how I thought Nagoshi and his team were trying way too hard how to appeal to the audience the game is aiming for. Before anything of Aliens was announced I was already excited thanks to the license.

Binary Domain however has gone from strength to strength for me though, I think everyone here wrote the game off, to get back to a point of interest is an accomplishment enough. To get to a point of being game of the year shows the talent behind the developer. The change since they showed the trailer on their youtube SEGA Europe account is unbelievable, I cannot point it into words how much my outlook has changed on this game.

Aliens CM now however seems far too scripted too me from that short demo, I disliked the fact acid did no harm (from what I saw, hopefully this would get fixed) and with the amount of time we have to wait for this title (I know Gearbox have been incredibly busy) that trailer sort of killed my interest. I will now wait for information after release to see if the game is good or bad, on the otherhand I will be there day one for Binary Domain and it looks like it could be Team Yakuza's best yet, I never thought I'd be saying that around February this year.

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Re: Binary Domain Vs Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2011, 10:38:18 am »
In a weird way I felt that Binary Domain was gonna be great from even the first weak teaser/trailer. I didn't expect it to end up this big however.

Alien colonial marines looks good but I was never hyped for it in the first place. Say what you want about the scripted sequences, but that's where the big money is at nowadays. I don't expect it to be so much however throughout the game.

Both great games but I have always prefered "japanese" style of gamedesign. With that I am more interested in BD

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Re: Binary Domain Vs Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2011, 11:09:12 am »
Alien colonial marines captures the look, feel and atmosphere of the the movie perfectly, it looks anberloutly increasable and an Alien fans wet dream,  Binary Domain has come on leaps and bounds - but it needs too. It's going up against the likes of Gear Of War with no classic movie behind it.

Both are looking brilliant, when SEGA 1st did a trailer of Sonic Gen you could almost here the collective groans and it come a long way
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Re: Binary Domain Vs Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2011, 11:28:06 am »
While ACM does look increasable, I don't know that I'd go so far as to say it's anberloutly increasable... that's high praise indeed!

ACM has to stand the scrutiny of fans who have usually been let down by Aliens titles in the past.  Frankly I wonder if the Aliens series can really translate well to a video game form.  The tension and horror aspects of dealing with an unknown and barely-seen menace for about an hour and a half, must be drawn out to at least a ten hour campaign, with the only way to raise the stakes being by the introduction of bigger and badder aliens.  It looks like they're going all out to provide fan service for the title by focusing on hitting the highlights of Aliens the film, which might be the only way they can succeed.  The four-player co-op will make or break it.

Binary Domain has definitely turned around its bad first impression, but still has a long way to go in the hype-building department.  Of the two, though, it's the one I'm much more likely to pick up at full price.

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Binary Domain Vs Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2011, 03:09:11 pm »
The tension and horror aspects of dealing with an unknown and barely-seen menace for about an hour and a half, must be drawn out to at least a ten hour campaign

No different from the actual film them, because after the 1st half and hour (where it turned from an horror to an all out action film), Aliens most certainly wasn't scary and you had pretty much seen your foes, but that motion tracker helped to keep the tension and I guess the same with be true with the game
I think people also forget and look over (maybe because it was a PS game) just how good, tense and down right pants scary Alien Resurrection was.

The single player will make or break this tile, just as much as the multi player mode imo 
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Offline max_cady

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Re: Binary Domain Vs Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2011, 04:20:49 pm »
Only the first Alien movie was the only movie in the series where you barely see the monster itself and it was pretty scary.

Offline SEGA_Portuguese

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Re: Binary Domain Vs Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2011, 10:34:44 pm »
Well, i dont like shooters, so i was not intending to buy ACM or BD. But i started to like Yakuza more and more and more and now im really want to play BD. Plus, the trailers looks awesome. like i said, i dont like shooters, but this one i will buy. I just hope Japan give a chance for the game, otherwise i dont believe the game will sells well...people in other foruns are only talking about "oh, robots again, do not want", seems that people will not give a chance for the game...

About ACM, people are expecting too much from this game and usually in this kind of situation, the end is not good...
« Last Edit: October 05, 2011, 10:38:53 pm by SEGA_Portuguese »

Offline Sharky

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Re: Binary Domain Vs Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2011, 01:55:40 pm »
Welcome to the forum SEGA_Portuguese
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Offline ROJM

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Re: Binary Domain Vs Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2011, 05:52:34 am »
No different from the actual film them, because after the 1st half and hour (where it turned from an horror to an all out action film), Aliens most certainly wasn't scary and you had pretty much seen your foes, but that motion tracker helped to keep the tension and I guess the same with be true with the game
I think people also forget and look over (maybe because it was a PS game) just how good, tense and down right pants scary Alien Resurrection was.

The single player will make or break this tile, just as much as the multi player mode imo

Yeah well ACM has had over 6 years to make an impression and when they get the chance they come out with a weak ass trailer. I don't expect the trailer we saw as the final game but really,this game is coming out in march and they should have really upped their marketing with this game by now. BINARY DOMAIN has already gone from zero to lukewarm anticipation to becoming an anticipated title within two to three months of its intial announcement. But as for the graphics, i really was expecting much better. it looks too much like ALIENS VS PREDATOR to me in the style. I was expecting a bit more realistic look to the marines like how they actually looked in the movies and not some comic booky look to them.