Author Topic: RUMOR TIME: Sonic Dimensions for Wii U  (Read 6368 times)

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: RUMOR TIME: Sonic Dimensions for Wii U
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2011, 10:24:36 am »
I think we can expect the next storybook title in 2012, but not this. Sounds like a mish mash of existing things, thus why it seems real but isn't. Multi-colored Sonics: seen in Colors multiplayer and a plot of a Sonic X comic.

Offline nuckles87

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Re: RUMOR TIME: Sonic Dimensions for Wii U
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2011, 01:11:25 pm »
That was before Sonic generations orders came in,things change in this buisness. Besides the sonic games for wii U won't be ready in time so they need one to tide people over for launch at least.

So I suppose your implying you know a port is coming? :P

Frankly, I hope your right. As far as I'm concerned it would be a missed opportunity for SEGA to not port this game over to the WiiU has a launch title, just so long as they take the extra time to make some new content. At the very least, include some new levels in the WiiU version and release them as DLC on the other platforms.

Offline ROJM

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Re: RUMOR TIME: Sonic Dimensions for Wii U
« Reply #17 on: November 03, 2011, 09:30:11 am »
This is a bit off topic as well, but since this is a rumor, I don't feel so bad.

Instead of coming up with crackpot gimmicks, like the werehogs, why doesn't Sega just let sonic team develop new IP? Are they still that dependent on sonic to balance the books? It's getting rather annoying that sonic team has had only two new IP since Dreamcast. Three if you count fifth phantom saga and only one if you count Feel the Magic as UGA. I feel like a lot of things would be better received if they weren't conjoined to a sonic game. Likewise, I feel sonic would do better if we didn't get annual releases.
Probably under the new management they don't want to go beyond Sonic and PS. Their last non sonic game kinda bombed. I don't feel Sonic team's new leader is as adventerous to new ideas as the previous one was. Shame because Sonic Team's handful of new IP from the saturn to the DC era were giving them that AM2 type of rep.

But its the same, DIMPs who have the some of the best versus genre  programmer etc and the cream of SNK staff on the planet are relugated in doing just Sonic games. Their only game published(and now owned) by Sega was THE RUMBLEFISH.