Author Topic: Your favourite SEGA Christmas gaming memories.  (Read 3995 times)

Offline Team Andromeda

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Your favourite SEGA Christmas gaming memories.
« on: December 22, 2011, 07:39:22 am »
With it being Christmas , anyone else have some fav SEGA christmas Memories ?

My best Christmas memory SEGA Hardware wise was  getting a Mega Drive for Christmas along with Super Hang-On, Revenge of Shinobi, Golden Axe, Altered Beast , Ghost N Ghouls .I  Got up early 6 am and already pre Planned what games I would play in Order (has I knew which games were bought) . 1st it was to be Altered Beast, Then Golden Axe, Then Ghost N Ghouls,  then Revenge of Shinobi and  then Super Hang-On.  It was an incredible Christmas day with just me and my faithful old Staffordshire Bull terrier being up (all the rest of the Fam were in bed|0 and I was just  being totally in awe of the games I was playing and the GFX and sound I was seeing and hearing , more so with the stunning speech in Alerted Beast and the stunning parallax scrolling in Revenge (the moon rising was jaw dropping back in the day ).The funny think was I doubted the screen shots of Alerted Beast, Ghost N Ghouls were real screens of the MD code, I couldn't believe it when it was the actual graphics I was seeing on the TV. Really good times and still to this very day I have the lauch Mega Drive box with my Staff's footprints on it (has my Staff always loved to get in the way of anything and check it out)

A close 2nd was when I had the MS for Christmas and me and brother were playing Wonderboy till 3am in the morning . We both had a massive telling off by mum  who in her temper threatened to cut the power cord,  if we didn't get to bed .  Funny thing was, when mum went to unplug the cord she jumped back in fright , because the MS Power Supply plug was so hot (it had been on for so long) and that still brings

SEGA gaming wise it would have to be getting to play Orta of Christmas and just being so jaw dropped at the stagering graphics on other on EP and Ep 5  , or me and me best mate and his brother playing D2 on DC and making a drinking game of the hunting sections , where each time you missed a target you not only had to had over the Joypad , but drink 2 fingers worth of a can and a short (we were all in a right mess) Seeing my brother trying to play  Pen Pen pissed as fart over Christmas was a top treat too and quite a sight too

Anyone else got some fav SEGA Christmas memories ?

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Re: Your favourite SEGA Christmas gaming memories.
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2011, 09:46:33 am »
Christmas is the reason I'm a SEGA fan! I got my Genesis, bundled with Sonic 1, during the Christmas of 1991. Was hooked ever since then.

Believe it or not, my first taste of Sonic was on my Grandma's black and white TV. I got the gift at her house, and wanted to play it before we got home. SO I enjoyed a b&w Green Hill before finally seeing it in full color later that day at home.

Offline SOUP

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Re: Your favourite SEGA Christmas gaming memories.
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2011, 01:35:59 pm »
Mine would have to be the Christmas morning when I opened up my Genesis bundled with Sonic 2.
I'm pretty sure it was the only SEGA game I owned until Sonic 3 came out, and I got an obscene amount of gameplay out of it.

Funny enough, my mom actually got me a Super Nintendo for that Christmas, but switched it out shortly before Christmas morning after hearing me go on and on about how cool Sonic was.
The rest as they say, is history :D.

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Your favourite SEGA Christmas gaming memories.
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2011, 03:36:16 pm »
Christmas is the reason I'm a SEGA fan! I got my Genesis, bundled with Sonic 1, during the Christmas of 1991. Was hooked ever since then.

Yes Christmas and new SEGA hardware was a brilliant combination  Good times, really good times
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