Author Topic: My reivew of Lollipop Chainsaw  (Read 10111 times)

Offline crackdude

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Re: My reivew of Lollipop Chainsaw
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2012, 09:21:06 am »
nSega, I wasn't directing my comment at you! I just glanced at your review again and realized my example kinda fits your score and price suggestion LOL

I know your score represents what you think about the game's quality, but you think it should be cheaper. That makes sense.

But some pro-reviewers sometimes effectively dumb down scores because of price. This happens a lot in sports games.

FIFA 10 gets a 9/10, for example.
FIFA 11's review states that "the game has improved in every way possible since last year", but gets a 8/10 because "didn't improve enough".
So it's a better game with a lower score. That doesn't make sense.

Sorry if you thought I was being offensive, totally my fault. I love youu :3

Offline crackdude

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Re: My reivew of Lollipop Chainsaw
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2012, 09:24:03 am »
How often do you go reading through reviews for games that came out in January this year or before Christmas last year?

VERY often really..
I buy a full priced game once every...2 years?
Many people like me are always on a budget. And usually get games on the cheap. And I'm interested what cheap games are good.

Maybe I'm the minority..but yeah it bothers me quite a bit.

Offline SOUP

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Re: My reivew of Lollipop Chainsaw
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2012, 10:28:03 am »
I'm right with crackdude.
I very rarely buy games at full price. There are a few exceptions (first party Nintendo titles that will never drop in price, and Uncharted games), but when pretty much every $60 retail release is guaranteed to drop down to $40 in 5 months or less, then drop down to $30 or $20 not long after that, I just can't justify buying them right away.

I get left out of the online conversation when a game first comes out, but it's worth the savings of $20-$40 per game for me.

The summer time is generally when I get caught up on games that came out the previous holiday season.

Offline Ben

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Re: My reivew of Lollipop Chainsaw
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2012, 12:39:19 pm »
nSega, I wasn't directing my comment at you! I just glanced at your review again and realized my example kinda fits your score and price suggestion LOL

I know your score represents what you think about the game's quality, but you think it should be cheaper. That makes sense.

But some pro-reviewers sometimes effectively dumb down scores because of price. This happens a lot in sports games.

FIFA 10 gets a 9/10, for example.
FIFA 11's review states that "the game has improved in every way possible since last year", but gets a 8/10 because "didn't improve enough".
So it's a better game with a lower score. That doesn't make sense.

Sorry if you thought I was being offensive, totally my fault. I love youu :3

It's all good dude, lol, I'm just trying to understand where you're coming from. As far as people lowering scores because of price, I don't see anything wrong with it. People shouldn't place emphasis on scores anyway, they should be reading the review itself. Score is just a number, and not something that should be treated as a be-all-end-all thing. The written content of a review is what should allow you to decide if a game's for you or not.

Again, we're in an age when games don't have to be $60. Games (like this one, IMO) can be released on XBLA/PSN for $20. So yeah, I do think it's worth mentioning, because most people do not like paying high prices for a game they can beat in 4 hours, and yeah, developers should take that into account; if you're making a full-priced retail game, you have to do more than stripper jokes and a short length.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: My reivew of Lollipop Chainsaw
« Reply #19 on: June 24, 2012, 06:24:38 pm »
From what I see of week to week sales figures, outside of some rare cases day one buyers are the majority. It seems that for the bigger sellers especially, they have big day one sales then really dwindle down a lot after that.

Offline crackdude

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Re: My reivew of Lollipop Chainsaw
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2012, 05:19:18 pm »

I agree that the important part of a review is the text, not the score. But the score serves as a comparison medium. And as such it doesn't seem fair to compare a game less favorably to other because at launch it was more expensive, while the game on itself is better than the other one.
Though it is always vital to talk about the game's value in a review I think.

Well, something like FIFA or Call of Duty will only lower the price when a new one comes out, making the previous one obsolete. So it makes sense a day-one purchase.

I think a nice way to score games would be a "How much I would pay for this game" score.

Offline Ben

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Re: My reivew of Lollipop Chainsaw
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2012, 04:11:41 pm »
I think a nice way to score games would be a "How much I would pay for this game" score.

But wait, wha? Then that's making score (and price) THE defining factor. Which is what I thought you were against?

Ah!!! So confusing.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: My reivew of Lollipop Chainsaw
« Reply #22 on: June 26, 2012, 06:22:29 pm »
I think he means review the game as it is, with price out of the picture. Then next to the score the reviewer could state what they'd pay for the game, or what they'd feel comfortable with paying. Like, $60 for MvC3 is too much in my opinion. I'd rather pay $30.

Personally I'd do away with price defining the score all together, because who knows what a dollar means to somebody. When Sonic 4 Episode 2's price was revealed, I read a ton of comments from people moaning about the price (not here) saying they'd have to save up their money. To me, saving up $15 is a joke. I have $15, its no issue to me. So when I read a review and they give a game a poor score because $15 is too much for them, it makes it hard for me to figure out how to trust the score. Like, if something like $15 is a non-issue for me, would the review score be higher? Probably, considering price was a big factor in the review.

Offline max_cady

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Re: My reivew of Lollipop Chainsaw
« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2012, 06:44:41 pm »
To me the whole issue with price being important is understandable. When you drop 60 USD dollars, you want to feel like you are getting your money's worth, simple as that.

I'm a bargain bin hunter, I play the waiting game till there's an affordable enough price. That's the joy of delayed grafication.

Now despite the price tag, Lollipop Chainsaw seems the kind of game I'm willing to get far down the road, when the inevitable markdown arrives.

Offline Ben

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Re: My reivew of Lollipop Chainsaw
« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2012, 07:33:08 pm »
Personally I'd do away with price defining the score all together, because who knows what a dollar means to somebody. When Sonic 4 Episode 2's price was revealed, I read a ton of comments from people moaning about the price (not here) saying they'd have to save up their money. To me, saving up $15 is a joke. I have $15, its no issue to me. So when I read a review and they give a game a poor score because $15 is too much for them, it makes it hard for me to figure out how to trust the score. Like, if something like $15 is a non-issue for me, would the review score be higher? Probably, considering price was a big factor in the review.

You're looking at it from a different angle.

Yes, dollar value is different for everyone and that's totally valid. To some, they literally can't afford $15, and you can. Okay, that makes sense.

But that's not exactly where I'm coming from. I'm thinking more along the lines of something else. I'm going to put out a thought here (one I disagree with; I really enjoyed Sonic 4: Episode 2 far better than Sonic CD) but here's what I'm talking about:

Okay, Sonic 4: Episode 2 is selling for $15. That's at the high end of pricing for digital-only titles on XBLA/PSN, but it's common pricing for NEW games with this type of hype. But then Sonic CD can be purchased for $5. Is it worth paying 3 times that price for a game that is "not as good"?

See what I'm saying? It's not an issue of being "able to afford" $15, it's an issue of "maybe there are better games I can buy for cheaper or for equal pricing to that relatively high asking price."

"Hey, I can afford to pay $15, no problem, but is the game worth paying $15? for?"

That's sort of the issue. Gamers have lots of games that they're interested in and that they want to buy. I think they want to know which games are better value for their money. A gamer with only $50 or $60 to spend at this moment may want a game that'll get them the most for their money. If you were only going to pay full price for one and wait for a drop on the other, and I were to recommend either Xenoblade Chronicles or Mass Effect 3, I'd recommend Xenoblade, a 60-70 hour game...over ME3.

I didn't harp on that in my reviews of either Xenoblade or ME3 (I think they're both worth $50-$60 and  didn't mention price at all in my reviews of either) but I have a section in almost all of my reviews for Replay Value where I almost always mention the length because that's important to most people.

The only reason I mentioned price for Lollipop Chainsaw is because it was a game clearly developed on a low budget and a game that, I felt, based on its quality and the amount offered, should have launched for a lower asking price; It was a rare instance where I felt strongly enough to mention it, and I think gamers want to know that. Again, it's not the main criticism I'm leveling against the game; the game is what it is and it will always be what it is, even with a lower price.

However, my point in bringing up price was to tell Suda 51 fans that in SOME WAYS, the game is still worth experiencing, just maybe for a lower price. In other words, at 5.5/10, this is NOT a recommendation. But if you can find it for a budget price, you may find its many flaws and uninspired gameplay more forgivable. Again, this will *not* make the game any better, but at a lower price, you may be more willing to look the other way regarding certain major issues with it.

I think price is perfectly valid to bring up, on occasion. It's not something I do all the time, but price is fairly important to people right now, it seems.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 07:41:49 pm by -nSega54- »

Offline crackdude

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Re: My reivew of Lollipop Chainsaw
« Reply #25 on: June 27, 2012, 12:25:09 pm »
But wait, wha? Then that's making score (and price) THE defining factor. Which is what I thought you were against?

Ah!!! So confusing.

Kind of, yes. But completely disregarding the game's actual price.

I review Game X and give it a 30$ score.
That means that I would buy that game at 30$ because it's what I think it's worth. In my opinion you shouldn't waste more that 30$ on Game X.
If Game X came out at 70$ it means you should wait. If you find it on a 10$ bargain, means you should get it.

This way, the score shows that the best games are worth full price, while others are worth waiting for a price-drop.


I was just giving out an idea, though. It is not ideal. Mainly for Barry's reason.
If I can wipe my ass with 100$ bills, money isn't a problem.