Author Topic: Man loses over $2,600 trying to win an 720. Left with bannana with Dreadlocks.  (Read 3502 times)

Offline RegalSin

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No really a $2,600 over-sized stuffed banana with Dreadlocks.

Tis the season, X-box......bha bha bha bha bha b ha X-box bha  ha hha hahahhahaah...oh gosh, where is Bill Gates when you need him.

A bannana with Dreadlocks and a Tam.......................................................This is the greatest news, since forever.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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RegalSin, could you put more effort into your posts? I mean, this is a weird old story from the internet, and all you added was a bunch of "bha bha bha"s and "....."s. Is there any real discussion here? I'd prefer you post random stuff like this in the post your current thoughts thread:

As is, I'm locking the thread. Sorry dude, but it's not worthy of a thread.