Author Topic: Seriously: Why does sega keep ignoring great franchises ?  (Read 12602 times)

Offline George

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Re: Seriously: Why does sega keep ignoring great franchises ?
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2014, 08:38:34 pm »
Why does SEGA marketing mismanage and under advertise some titles? Especially when they are from Japan? Why do fans ignore SEGA titles? Why hasn't a SEGA title property game seen massive hype on the level of Assassins Creed or Watch_Dogs since Shenmue?

Offline RegalSin

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Re: Seriously: Why does sega keep ignoring great franchises ?
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2014, 05:56:52 pm »
Well their are tons of problems. Go ask your parents about what they like and love, and ask them if they ever stop being into those things, and why not get back into them. Things like that. Many things have occured to the Mega-Drive generation, of gamers, especially past 2001. In order for them to do things like what they were doing, they need to have a console, that can play Dreamcast games out of the box. That is the problem. Without that, they are just porting all of their plastic gold, that made them who they were, and mocking their true nature. It is like if Nintendo just stopped making consoles, and ported their games to other consoles. I think that would make gamers confused, enough.

Look at the porting of Sonic Adventure. It was terrible. Had terrible graphics, terrible layout, terrible everything. However for those people, they got a version of SA, for whatever system they have. However the Dreamcast original feels more friendlier for some reason.

If a new Dreamcast console type would come out, would you buy it. That is the choice SEGA is having on the table. Otherwise, we could all consider the SEGA we knew dead.

Offline Kevin-N

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Re: Seriously: Why does sega keep ignoring great franchises ?
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2014, 04:42:07 am »
The mobile games ar also not helping, im don't buy mobile games ! I want console games and Sega don't make much for the consoles anymore !
SEGA fan 4 life !

Offline RegalSin

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Re: Seriously: Why does sega keep ignoring great franchises ?
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2014, 05:12:40 pm »
Okay, right now alot of messed up laws, are being made, and a lot people died in the wars since 2001. I mean great somebody is a yuppie, went to college, or people are just pussyvists, I mean great excuses. But to be honest, not too many people in the world lives past the age 20, or even 30. That is right, the South American standard is also the world standard. Not just the 1st nation standard. Also a lot of games are being directed towards the older audience. The 1980's kid age of fiction, is over, and it is a new age. The SEGA we knew is dead. Long live SEGA, or whatever it wants to call itself.

Many people moved on. Some people like me, studied towards game related stuff in various feilds. Only finding the dilemma's like, gender and age bias still exist. Along with race bias. Soooo... then many people got pregnant, and the laws just make impossible to spend money, when somebody who does not like privacy, and other rights, including sexual preferences. And no, in no way, non-heterosexual rights are being threatened, or is female gender is under attack. It is like a super stupid world, for many of us struggling. They want to tax the poor, for insurance, they want to tell a person, what they can and can't view on the internet. They want to burn videogames, thinking it will stop violence.

Even Megaman creator, is supporting and backing people to go into government jobs, that is how sad the world is, basically, the willing suspension of disbelief, is no longer shining on us, people are selling their stuff for zennies, getting lost in bottles of beer, baby daipers, or breast. It is a cold time. That is how poor the world is now. You just feel so unhappy, or feel so, empty, like the happiness, and laugh ability of the world is gone. We could have kids, and give them games, but for us, the world is worst then a waste-land. It is like if the fictionalized-bikers, from "Fist of the North Star" or "Violent Jack" won, and we are just victimized, r-tards waiting until death is sad like that, all the bikers, are having their way with our daughters, sons, and wives, and all we could do, sit down like children, and pretend everything is okay. Everything is cold, and barren.

It is like how people feel they are stronger, when they are older, but that is just your body losing it's
senses. Where is the god of god, when you need them. Just a barren wasteland, of a forgotten greatness. It is a cold time.

The problem, is that SEGA games needs a console, and nobody is brazz, enough to do it. I guess I will have to do, it right? Somebody has to do it.

Offline Spock

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Re: Seriously: Why does sega keep ignoring great franchises ?
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2014, 01:34:54 am »
The following is a list of great franchises that Sega could revive:

Alex Kid
Alien Storm
Altered Beast
Blazing Heroes
Blue Stinger
Burning Rangers
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Crazy Taxi
Double Dragon
Dragon Force
Enemy Zero
Fighting Vipers
Golden Axe
Planet Ring
Shining Force
Skies of Arcadia
Space Channel
Streets of Rage
Virtua Fighter

The list could go into thousands of games. There are a lot of games that begin with the letter S. Anyway, Sega should make games other than aliens, blue hedgehogs, and sports.

Offline Nameless 24

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Re: Seriously: Why does sega keep ignoring great franchises ?
« Reply #20 on: May 19, 2014, 08:51:53 am »
Why does SEGA marketing mismanage and under advertise some titles? Especially when they are from Japan? Why do fans ignore SEGA titles? Why hasn't a SEGA title property game seen massive hype on the level of Assassins Creed or Watch_Dogs since Shenmue?

SEGA's Marketing Team really needs an overhaul since they're current ones are really not good at it. (even Sonic's games have seen a decline)

The biggest issue with SEGA is that they seem to create mishaps where they really shouldn't have them (releasing Resonance of Fate the same time as Final Fantasy XIII, pissing off retro Shining Fans etc)

I don't honestly know how SEGA run things, but we can clearly see that they tend to trip over their own shoelaces when it comes to trying to get gamers on board.

Looking around, SEGA is still known, but they are clearly mocked rather than remembered fondly....instead of things like "I wish they created X game again" it's more like "X game isn't coming, typical SEGA" or "SEGA hates money/their fans etc".

SEGA really can't help themselves, but at least the fans acknowledge they don't do really bad crap like Capcom does with DLC and killing their own franchises (well...Golden Axe/Altered Beast was their bad days, but they've stopped doing that). So there's some hope.

I guess SEGA Japan is terrified of the Western Gamer that they think every single one of their franchises won't be successful in the west (Yakuza, Valkyria and Resonance of Fate numbers probably don't help), but I personally feel like SEGA West do a very bad job in making the games look desirable. (their customer service is on another level)

Honestly, I just think it's SEGA Japan not knowing how to advertise their games globally whilst their western output is easier to manage.
Big fan of Claymore, Miria in particular.

Currently playing Yakuza 0.

Offline Kuronoa

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Re: Seriously: Why does sega keep ignoring great franchises ?
« Reply #21 on: May 19, 2014, 09:16:49 am »
The following is a list of great franchises that Sega could revive:

Alex Kid
Alien Storm
Altered Beast
Blazing Heroes
Blue Stinger
Burning Rangers
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Crazy Taxi
Double Dragon
Dragon Force
Enemy Zero *
Fighting Vipers
Golden Axe
Planet Ring
Shining Force

Skies of Arcadia
Space Channel
Streets of Rage
Virtua Fighter

The list could go into thousands of games. There are a lot of games that begin with the letter S. Anyway, Sega should make games other than aliens, blue hedgehogs, and sports.
A nice list, but...
The ones in bold aren't Sega owned (and Double Dragon did get a revival!)
The ones in underline aren't really dormant (I count that by generation gaps)
I wouldn't want Sega to revive Enemy Zero without the late Kenji Eno.

Offline RegalSin

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Re: Seriously: Why does sega keep ignoring great franchises ?
« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2014, 10:13:21 am »
You mean to say, why can't we get together, get a license for something, and make a game, or product?

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Seriously: Why does sega keep ignoring great franchises ?
« Reply #23 on: May 20, 2014, 11:44:08 am »
Sega: Bringing back an old franchise as a major release is too risky. Bringing back an old franchise as a digital 'indie' release isn't worth our time.

Offline ROJM

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Re: Seriously: Why does sega keep ignoring great franchises ?
« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2014, 08:33:09 am »
SEGA's Marketing Team really needs an overhaul since they're current ones are really not good at it. (even Sonic's games have seen a decline)

The biggest issue with SEGA is that they seem to create mishaps where they really shouldn't have them (releasing Resonance of Fate the same time as Final Fantasy XIII, pissing off retro Shining Fans etc)

I don't honestly know how SEGA run things, but we can clearly see that they tend to trip over their own shoelaces when it comes to trying to get gamers on board.

Looking around, SEGA is still known, but they are clearly mocked rather than remembered fondly....instead of things like "I wish they created X game again" it's more like "X game isn't coming, typical SEGA" or "SEGA hates money/their fans etc".

SEGA really can't help themselves, but at least the fans acknowledge they don't do really bad crap like Capcom does with DLC and killing their own franchises (well...Golden Axe/Altered Beast was their bad days, but they've stopped doing that). So there's some hope.

I guess SEGA Japan is terrified of the Western Gamer that they think every single one of their franchises won't be successful in the west (Yakuza, Valkyria and Resonance of Fate numbers probably don't help), but I personally feel like SEGA West do a very bad job in making the games look desirable. (their customer service is on another level)

Honestly, I just think it's SEGA Japan not knowing how to advertise their games globally whilst their western output is easier to manage.

The real problem is, is that there's been a disconnect between Sega and the west which can be traced back to the Saturn era but became obvious in the early stages of their second third party career.

The old Sega use to make games that anyone could play no matter which country they are from. But after the saturn/DC era Sega's consumer division started to concentrate and then soley focus on the type of Japanese games that was becoming popular in Japan during the late nineties onwards.

It also didn't help when Sega split their divisions and they basically decided which platform they wanted to make games for. Also, the western gamer in the form of the Xbox started to play more western made games.

Now considering many of the older hands of Sega have left the company and you have at least a generation or two of Sega staff(sega annually recruits) who have made nothing but games for one market only, it makes you wonder if Sega is even capable of creating a pick up and play game like OUTRUN, AFTERBURNER and many other classics like they use to. While i adore BINARY DOMAIN i'm not sure if that game was market friendly to a wider audience. But we don't know because Sega didn't market the title properly.

You also have a management who will chase where the dollars are. That's why the PC side is getting the investment while the console side(mainly america) is left to rot.

Then the absence of the latest arcade titles...the key reason that people become fans of Sega wasn't present or should i say ported out regularly...thanks to some part of the elaborate way Sega arcade games have become as well as being japan centric as well.

Finally you don't have a maverick SOA president anymore. its no coincidence that Sega profile grew when Tom K and Hayes were in charge of the company in the west even though some of the direction and groundwork was laid by their predecessors. Although he ultimately failed in my humble opinion, at least it seemed that Sega west had a direction and focus under Hayes and was appearing to fulfil their journey. Since he's left Sega west is nothing more than a glorified Virgin mastertonic or Tonka USA. Just there to release games with the occassional token made games thrown in.

The reason why Sega got to where they are was because they used all their assets, the ability to make hot games, the combination of their western and development consumer teams and their arcade ports. Sonic was the game they needed to get the public's attention. The other stuff was the reason why the consumer stayed with sega.

Now its not even near to that level even though things are actually bigger than they were back then. I haven't seen a recent game from the japanese side which i thought could sell in the west on a mass scale. I very much doubt they have the ability to really create a strong entry for a Sega series that's been absent for so long. But you can never tell what may pop up in the future.