Author Topic: Die Hard series?  (Read 3346 times)

Offline RegalSin

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Die Hard series?
« on: May 19, 2014, 11:26:58 am »
I was going to put this in the "Classic SEGA section", but I am talking about Die Hard, not "Another 48 hrs" or "Rush Hour". I am talking the original non-Romancing Stone, action packed Rated-R but meant for an G audience movie.

I am just wondering. "Die Hard" the typical foreigner terrorists bomb, thing ( back when every Terrorist was some East European person, who ironically was from odd sounding nation, before 2001 occured ). Apparently a lot of these games are awesome to play. In fact I own the Sequel, of the SEGA Saturn "arcade port", itself. However their is also an PSX and N64 game ( I think I thinking about Mission Impossible ). The PSX has two games if I am not mistaken with the same title, but dramatically different games.

Speaking of Die hard, a couple of unofficial, games fictional works, have been created. Including an interactive adventure game, and now a Published Fan-fiction of the game itself.

This fan fiction, being dubbed a "light novel" is being written by the same person who did artwork for the Ace Autorney comic? I Don't really get it, why should I just for this fan ficiton?


In my opinion, I think Ace Atourney is the wrong person to even consider a writer/artist and instead I wish the person who did Kite/Mezzo Forte would some-how be invovled. It would just be nice, since the creator of Kite is obviously fond of such series.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2014, 08:50:59 pm by RegalSin »

Offline Kori-Maru

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Re: Is there a bad game in the Die Hard series?
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2014, 01:17:45 pm »
If you mean the Dynamite Deka series, then no. The games aren't bad, short but not bad by a long shot.

The guy who's illustrating the light novel is not the writer of the story but is simply doing the artwork for the book. ~ The House of the Dead Unofficial fan site

Offline RegalSin

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Re: Die Hard series?
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2014, 08:58:14 pm »
Speaking of which I am playing the living daylights out of this game right now. It reminds me alot of Shenmue, where the moments of the actions are most graphical. This entire game with each senario ( fight ) would have made an excellent fighter.

You have the fight in the rest rooms ( which is the best one so far ), The garage with the trash dump, the out of place fire engine fight which makes no sense. Then the guy is on the phone "Where is the presidents daughter", and she is right in the little draw inside the draw.

The only difference is that you have to press the button according to the situation. Like get out of the way, press left or right. first attack either kick or punch. So many little things, including dodging and crotching. The game is amazing on the Saturn, I am just so sad that SEGA never really updated the hardware at all, asides the memory and Mpeg-2.