Author Topic: Football Manager Documentary  (Read 3800 times)

Offline TruthEnigma

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Football Manager Documentary
« on: September 12, 2014, 06:10:06 am »
This is a bit awesome. Next month apparently there's going to be a documentary on Football Manager shown in British cinemas.

Offline ROJM

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Re: Football Manager Documentary
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2014, 06:49:58 am »
That's good to hear...i'd really love to see more video game documentaries and films about the industy specifically Sega...its only now that the people involved in the golden age of gaming are beginning to speak about their experiences during that time...Compared to what we have in comics conventions and movie and TV games are way behind..way way behind. Sega has enough material to make dozens of documentaries. I mean isn't it about time we heard from the founder of Sega David Rosen? What about Hayao Nakayama? Both instrumental in Sega history. I think someone should do a film or video an interview with these guys before they inevitably die of old age, since they are not spring chickens anymore...

Its about time video game fans start to value the history of the industry and talk to the people we haven't heard from yet instead of going on about atari, sony and microsoft t in all these lesser vg documentaries..

Offline TruthEnigma

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Re: Football Manager Documentary
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2014, 07:09:07 am »
agree completely. I'm looking forward to Microsoft's Atari documentay ( I understand Howard Scott Warshaw is great in it) and Indie Game the Movie was awesome. More of that would be very welcome. There's so many interesting stories in the gaming industry like the 1984 crash, the 16bit wars, the list goes on.

Offline ROJM

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Re: Football Manager Documentary
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2014, 07:31:09 am »
Well like i said i heard too much about Atari to last me a life time...I want to hear about stuff we haven't heard for example

The arcades 3D era..when Namco and Sega was fighting it out to create the best 3D model games and tech. That's a story on to it self..because it basically set the tone where the rest of the industry had to follow..

A shining force documentary would be really interesting especially if the current producers of the series decline to get involved..

A VIRTUA FIGHTER documentary...a documentary about the masters of sega like Yu Suzuki..

PHANTASY STAR documentary...

HOTD documentary..a documentary about light gun games...TOTAL WAR if there hasn't been one already..a documentary about Sega of America and sega europe...A documentary focusing on the Saturn..a system of two fortunes..its failure in the west and its success in the east...

Capcom and the origins of Streetfighter hasn't really be covered properly, A doc about the founder of Nintendo and how he was an utter utter barSteward...Konami,Irem..

Accalim masters of the world..the rise and fall of america's first biggest third party publisher...IE they lost traction when Nintendo lost their dominance to sega...

and one i'm personally batting for a documentary about video game music and how it evolved in become a mini industry onto it self..imagine Kuzo being involved in that!

Never mind i doubt any of them would happen...before the key players die off....

That's just the ones from the top of my head