Well after watching this show...properly..its effectivly a good satire for Sega fans and the game industry too in a way.
It works on two levels...its satires Sega..the games..systems...and culture as well as elements on the game industry..while it balances the action for kids or anime freaks that want to see a fight or comedy caper. Its actually good.
The modem discussion between Dreamcast and Saturn was hilarious. This show is a must see for Sega fans. Its definatly a love letter to all things Sega..and that's pretty rare.
This is a show people need to see despite any reservations on how modern anime is..or the look of the show.
This reminds me..and i'm sure its where this concept is based from...the Megadrive super deformed mascotmanaga strip that appeared in Megafan...All in all it gets my thumbs up...