Author Topic: Report: Konami is pushing out from the AAA part of the industry minus the PES Franchise  (Read 12301 times)

Offline George

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Oh, mainstream gaming sites jumping the gun again and assuming the worse? Are we really surprised? Tho the term AAA is just a misleading title IMO.

Offline Team Andromeda

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Its funny people here talking about how hard it is to break into the mobile market, when its a cake walk compared to breaking into the AAA games market.

I would say the Mobile is harder as it so crowded and the time and is like months before the team need to find the next hit and follow up. 

I think the issue here is people are 'pretending they know' what they are talking about.

You just look at the output . I mean SONY still make out they support the Vita in the West , when we all know its pretty much a dead platform over here and you may be able to point to likes of EA still making the odd game here and there for it , but its half hearted really. Same goes for 3rd party support for the Wii U or MS in Japan with the Xbox One . We all know MS don't really give a crap about Japan not matter what they , but some could point out they still bring out games and Hardware in Japan . 
« Last Edit: September 23, 2015, 03:14:56 am by Team Andromeda »
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Offline Phantasos

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Oh, mainstream gaming sites jumping the gun again and assuming the worse? Are we really surprised? Tho the term AAA is just a misleading title IMO.

Konami saying that they're totally making AAA games from 30 series doesn't really syncs with anyone when they're literally cancelling every AAA games they were working on and not making anything else while shitting out Pachinko and slot machines from the same series they say they're totally making games out.

Konami sucks, it's not weird to assume the worst considering how they're entering this generation. They fucked Metal Gear Solid 5 (Although I attribute the fault equally to Kojima) and there's no reason to believe some low level PR bullshit, especially when their new CEO is all about preaching for mobile. They're pretty much dead and frankly, we're better off without them.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2015, 02:29:35 pm by Phantasos »

Offline George

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They canceled one game from a director that left the company and now that means they canceled everything? Also TA talking about how its harder to get into the mobile market than AAA console games?

Great. I thought people are suppose to post logically. So TA, spending 80+ million dollars to make MGS5 and having to sell 6 million units JUST TO BREAK EVEN, not counting marketing, is easy for developers instead of making 10 mobile apps for 1 million and if one succeeds it makes 500k a day?

Also (according to you) the AAA industry isn't crowded? There are only 35 million PS4/Xbone... how many phones are there?

Sorry dude, your math just doesn't add up. Nice living in a fairy tale world.

Offline Phantasos

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They canceled one game from a director that left the company and now that means they canceled everything? Also TA talking about how its harder to get into the mobile market than AAA console games?

Zone of Enders 3 was shitcanned. Silent Hills was shitcanned. P.T was bizarrely removed from PSN. Contra's dead. Gradius' dead. Suikoden's dead. Love Plus is dead. Castlevania's dead. Most if not all of the creators/series key members have left the company due to a complete apathy to core gaming, as said by all of them, most prolific of those being Iga, who said during his kickstarter campaign that he was relegated into making mobile shit while Konami shitcanned all of the said mobile shit because they felt too much like "core games".

All while crapping out Silent Hill, Castlevania, PES, Metal Gear and even Gradius casino shit.

It's fucking dead, dude. Most people don't even want AAA games from Konami, they'd rather have smaller scale games for Castlevania, Suikoden and Gradius, I know I would, but Konami also doesn't give a shit about because that doesn't bring the mad bucks. And they're warm and cozy making money with their gyms and whatever.

I don't even care that Kojima fucked MGS 5's development by making it open world and hemorrhaging money, that's not the point. Pointing out that Konami had a financial point in releasing MGS 5 fucked as it was or that the AAA industry is bloated as all hell doesn't automatically mean that Konami actually give a shit about games. Square Enix is probably retarded for keeping FF Versus 13 alive for so long but their brand has been at its most absolute highest in about a decade almost all because of that one game. Someone in that company is willing to spend cash to put games out.

Offline Nirmugen

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I can't put the best results from Squeenix either.

I shouldn't say this as a fact but I see some "Throwing everything until something makes that hit that we need it right now" behavior recently from them.
I mean, throwing a big remake now in between many big releases and you have a lot to look/worry about.

Offline George

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You just named 4 games, most of which where rumored and not really announced. So you think it would be smart to put in 20 million plus on a Silent Hill game when the highest selling title for that franchise has been part 2 that did like under 3 million units like 14 years ago?

If it was cancelled it was probably due to the fact that Kojima spends too much freaking money on shit that doesn't matter. Do you think people didn't want David Hayter as Big Boss and instead wanted Jack from 24? David Hyater is cheaper, makes no sense. Why have a Hollywood director when Kojima can direct a game JUST FINE (Silent Hills)? Does the game really need Norman Reedus as the main character?

There is more to Kojima's projects cancellations and its not just "LOL KONAMI IS DEED LOL" In the end of the day, you can't substain AAA games when Japanese games are becoming niche franchises. Japan moving to mobile has hurt its games industry. They would have been fine dealing with American/Eurpean rise of indies and AAA devs if Japanese people bought more console games. 1.7 million PS4's sold in Japan (and like 2 Xbones) shows you why many Japanese games are cutting back on console games and people are mad, literally, that this Japanese company isn't spending millions of dollars on a Silent Hill game that has a niche fanbase?
« Last Edit: September 25, 2015, 02:47:20 am by George »

Offline Tad

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I would also add, that Kojima is also responsible for some really weird stuff inappropriately placed in his games too. I'm not sure who should get the credit for P.T, but I must admit it's the first horror game that did exactly what it's suppose too; scare you! 

Offline pirovash88

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Yeah, but how much of PT's success was because of Kojima? For all we know the majority of the ideas that made the Demo great were because of Del Toro.

Square Enix is probably retarded for keeping FF Versus 13 alive for so long but their brand has been at its most absolute highest in about a decade almost all because of that one game. Someone in that company is willing to spend cash to put games out.

Not necessarily true. One could argue that SE having brought in Eidos is what saved their ass. While they were bleeding money on shit FF games, reimagined Tomb Raider and Deus Ex games are what kept them going.
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Offline Tad

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I suspect so. The puzzles (mainly the jigsaw on the screen) was pretty bad, so that what probably Kojima mind :)

Offline Phantasos

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You just named 4 games, most of which where rumored and not really announced.

All of them were officially announced and officially canceled, dude. Press reports, the works.

Yeah, but how much of PT's success was because of Kojima? For all we know the majority of the ideas that made the Demo great were because of Del Toro.

Del Toro didn't touch P.T. He was only spitballing ideas with Kojima about Silent Hills. P.T was actually made by a small team that was composed by former Team Silent members.

Not necessarily true. One could argue that SE having brought in Eidos is what saved their ass. While they were bleeding money on shit FF games, reimagined Tomb Raider and Deus Ex games are what kept them going.

Square Enix mismanaged the hell out of Eidos at the beginning. Thi4f was crap, Lara Croft was a Uncharted clone and only turned a profit with 6 million fucking copies, Absolution is the absolute worse Hitman game of the series. Legacy of Kain was turned into a shitty moba that somehow manages to contradict the lore. Human Revolution was the only good game (Great, actually) of the first wave of games. They've only started to showcase a bunch of awesome looking games now, Just Cause 3 seems like the only FUN open world game of this generation, Rise of Tomb Raider, The new Hitman looks amazing and the new Deux Ex looks like the best of the bunch.

Anyway, people that play Eidos games don't give a shit about Square Enix and people that play Square Enix games don't give a shit about Eidos. I think it's more due to the fact that Square Enix is turning its image around by pushing console gaming so much in a mobile infested market. Nier 2 (Niche as all fuck. Happening anyway), the way they've done a complete 180ยบ to the shitstain that was the original FF14 to the second most popular MMO out there (Subscription based and everything), Kingdom Hearts 3, Final Fantasy 7 remake, FF15 gathering massive amounts of hype. They're just announcing games all over the place. Both western and eastern. Both mainstream and niche. They're pretty cool right now, man.

Offline Phantasos

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« Last Edit: October 26, 2015, 07:08:02 pm by Phantasos »