Thoughts on Binary Domain so far:
-This game controls super weirdly and I can't say I'm a huge fan. The sprint button being the same as the 'take cover' button is something I will probably never get used to. The aiming feels floaty (on mouse and keyboard here with sensitivity turned down), the weapon setup is not at all to my liking, and i had to rebind some pretty standard actions to their standard buttons (having to rebind reload to 'R' is probably not a good thing). It doesn't help that the button prompts can get confusing. The button to open the voice command menus is 'Tab' but the prompt looks like nothing on my keyboard. And the reason I had to rebind reload in the first place is because the tutorial told me to press 'M'. It meant the mouse. And even then, it mean to click the mouse wheel. That is the single most confusing button prompt I've ever seen (doesn't help that it looked exactly like a keyboard prompt.)
-This game is stupid as HELL. I have respect for any game that is so dedicated to being dumb, that when you and your partner get caught, he decides it's a good time to sit around and have a real-time tutorial all while under fire from enemies. The dialogue is stupid, the animations are stupid (good lord the blind fire animations had me in stitches), the humor is stupid, so far it's just enjoyably ridiculous and I love it.
-Can't tell if I'm a fan of the voice gimmick. I don't use a mic bc I don't have one right now, but they seem to really want me to use this thing. Bringing up Tab to issue commands is a little cumbersome, so I wonder if using the mic is actually better. I'm very interested to know what commands it takes; does it only take the commands listed by tab, or will synonyms do? What if you just say 'fuck' into the mic, will that have an effect?
-Wasn't a fan of the 'don't shoot your troops or else they won't trust you' thing as soon as I heard about. In every game I play with a companion, there's always points where they just decide to walk in front of me while I'm shooting, and Binary Domain is no different. It's extremely frustrating for the game to punish me for something that was entirely out of my control.
I've only played a half-hour according to Steam, so I'll have to dedicate more time to it soon. But for now, consider me a fan just for the unabashed over-the-topness and dedication to being silly.