Author Topic: Peter Moore talks Sega in his latest IGN Interview  (Read 9998 times)

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Re: Peter Moore talks Sega in his latest IGN Interview
« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2016, 03:26:00 am »
Caring for Sega didn't work out very well within SOJ in the 90s..
Sometimes you need someone balanced, and Peter Moore is pretty balanced and enthusiastic no matter where he is. Great guy

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Re: Peter Moore talks Sega in his latest IGN Interview
« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2016, 06:37:27 am »
Oh man I always hated him...  He reminded me of Simon Jeffery, (the very worst) I always got the feeling he never cared much about SEGA or their games and was just filling a CEO role as a buisnessman.

What ?  He cared and loved his role at SEGA and still doesn't like to slag off or talk down SEGA even now (unlike Tom K) Peter Moore was also one of the biggest supporters of the DC and project and was fighting hard against Japan no to pull the plug . In the Moore days SEGA had good E3 shows, a good rep with its own fans and SOA really pushing ahead with top quality software and bringing good games to the USA and stuff like SEGA Net and Sega's Network Application really pushing the goal of online gaming to the masses .

He and his team (which was gutted after the Saturn) did wonders with what little resources they had . Peter Moore does a great job at what ever corp he works for and continues that do this day .
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Re: Peter Moore talks Sega in his latest IGN Interview
« Reply #17 on: September 05, 2016, 11:02:14 am »
Didn't he give himself a sweet contract at MS by using DC exclusives as leverage?

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Re: Peter Moore talks Sega in his latest IGN Interview
« Reply #18 on: September 05, 2016, 11:23:19 am »
Didn't he give himself a sweet contract at MS by using DC exclusives as leverage?

It doesn't work like that, does it . You can't award yourself a sweet contract from a Corp the size of MS . It's more likely there were impressed by his skills, during talks and negotiations over SEGA dealing with MS. MS were working with SEGA for a long time, I remember Ed Fries being at a Shenmue preview event inside AM#2 .

He's a good person and one fans can talk too . I didn't like his spin on the 360 Ring of death or the deal he did with MS over Shenmue II in the USA. Shenmue II should have come to the DC in the USA, even though MS paid SEGA loads to make it exclusive to the XBox in the USA
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Re: Peter Moore talks Sega in his latest IGN Interview
« Reply #19 on: September 05, 2016, 03:00:38 pm »
I agree, it doesn't work that way. Microsoft was impressed with Peter Moore and his connections he made in the industry. Peter Moore had massive respect (listen to the interview, he literally names Japanese developers by name that created big Dreamcast games and names niche games even 15+ years later) for the talent at SEGA.

Its not surprising that when SEGA went 3rd party and he went on to Xbox that he would persuade Microsoft to try and workout a exclusive deal with SEGA. You got to know, even tho Dreamcast was a failure in Japan and didn't do amazing in Europe, it had a big fanbase of hardcore gamers in America.

We did a podcast with Gary Johnson (Toejam & Earl) and he said the contract for exclusivity was basically Microsoft paying the advertising or something to that effect. Which seems like a win for Microsoft on both fronts (more exclusives getting ad = more advertising for your console).

Hard to know if signing a exclusive deal is a good idea at the start of a console generation. See Sonic on Wii U for example, they came off the massive success of the Wii and Sonic was a huge seller on Nintendo platforms. How'd they know the Wii U will flop and signing the contract was probably a bad idea. I guess it didn't help that Boom games were shit and Lost World left more to be desired.

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Re: Peter Moore talks Sega in his latest IGN Interview
« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2016, 04:25:58 pm »
Then perhaps I misjudged him, Though I still don't like his character or personality.
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