Yet you still got it wrong, didn't you saying sega had no plans for a sequel and that it wouldn't happen because the game apparently flopped
Yes it sell like crap , that why the sequel was moved to the PSP. Remember that platform you said was Dead and SEGA have dropped all support for. Who knows maybe with better next gen sales of both the 360 and PS3 ,we might get a Next Gen version again
I've always praised Sonic Team, I just don't praise Yuji naka. Get that right
Not so long ago you were making fun of them , along with John. Maybe just to wind me up, because I happened to praise them. Who knows and who cares. Oh and you do Praise Naka, when it came to Let's Tap.
What like you said VT could never be done on the Wii
And I was quite right with VT on the Wii (it is shit and doesn't work). Its funny how what I said about a Tennis game needing to be in 3d and 1st Person view to be used with motion controls (oh I'm sure that post is still up) is now happing with VT 4.
And I said there isn't a sequel to Samba and isn't one on the PSP being developed Which was and still is very much correct.
Or how about Crucible when you said the name was changed and i said it didn't?
It's name was changed, if it ever sees the light of day, you'll find out
Or the 32x debacle which you shameslessy tried to make out SOA was responsible for when it was proved that it was SOJ
It was SOA that made and developed the 32X, it was their baby after SOJ dropped plans for its Super Mega Drive, Jupiter and pushed ahead with the Saturn .
You need to ask Marty Franz and Scot Bayless, and get your facts straight.