Curse you, Red Dead Redemption!
Damn, I started playin' that game and haven't put it down since. At least two hours every day. A whole lot more on weekends.
It has a good story (thought I feel like it lacks focus sometimes, especially down South) and there's literally so much you can do. There's a couple of great side quests. There's hunting, horse breaking, poker(to which I still have no idea how to play), random strangers that I rescue from time to time, hidden treasures, buying up properties,etc,etc.
But, there's one thing that annoys the heck out of me. It doesn't matter how well you, it doesn't matter if you're a friggin' saint, if you happen to shoot the wrong person at any given time, you have a bounty on your head. If you try to break up a fight, by lassoing a guy, presto, instant bounty for kidnapping.
There are robbers who pass by shooting up the place, drunk guys attempting to stab hookers at the local saloon and the marshalls won't do jack. If I so much as point a gun in the wrong direction at a random bystander and I'm in trouble with the law.
You have to go to very specific places to either give a pardon letter or pay up for the crimes.
But other than that, it's an awesome game and I already downloaded the Undead Nightmare expansion to get some more playtime out it.