Picked up three games today and gave them a try:
Real Sound by the late great Kenji Eno for the Saturn. Can't really play it, since I don't speak Japanese. But I did pop the disc in and give the game a listen (the game was made for the blind, so no visuals at all. Not even intro credits or logos). Very relaxing stuff! Story is about two school kids who fall in love. Lots of bird sounds and people talking. Game itself came with photos of cards and a packet of seeds.
Sports Jam for Dreamcast. Developed by WOW Entertainment but released in the US by Agetec. Why the heck didn't SEGA publish their own game for the Dreamcast??? Fun little arcade-style mini game title, very much reminds me of the Mario & Sonic games. Almost wonder if this is where the M&S team got their ideas from.
Panic! from Data East for the SEGA CD. Like Real Sound, it's not really a game. I mean, you imput stuff on the controller, but its not a game in a traditional sense. Move from scene to scene, push buttons, see what happens. Really weird, but entertaining, game. Reminded me of WarioWare in terms of visuals and humor.