Author Topic: What are you playing, stupid?  (Read 748672 times)

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2625 on: November 03, 2015, 03:33:29 pm »
I just finished Shenmue a few minutes ago. Other than the very beginning and the very end with the forklifts (which were just painfully slow), it was extremely solid and I'm glad to finally beaten it.

I am now popping in Shenmue II because I imagine it'll take me until the end of the year to finish.

Which version are you playing? US or UK? Because before you start Shenmue II up, make sure to do the Shenmue I file save transfer! The UK versions make it easy, but the US version just needs a quick fix to the US Shenmue 1 file using VMU Tool to be used with the UK Shenmue II.

Offline Moody

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2626 on: November 03, 2015, 06:32:51 pm »
I'm playing the Xbox port, so no file transferring for me unfortunately. I'm out of CD-R's anyway, so I can't get it rn either. Someday I'll play the Dreamcast version with one of the hacks to make the game NTSC or put it in the dub or something, but for now...

I'm actually surprised how GOOD the game looks on Xbox. After playing through the first game on my HDTV, with its horrid aliasing and blown up pixels, playing Shenmue II is a visual delight. (not to say the first game was bad by any means but II trumps it by far).

Offline Phantasos

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2627 on: November 03, 2015, 06:34:14 pm »
What are the changes in Shenmue 2 if you do a file transfer?

Anyway, finished Killer is Dead, starting on Resident Evil Revelations and replaying Panzer Dragoon: Orta -  If I could perform lewd, licentious sexual acts with the guys that pulled this game off as means of expressing my thanks of its existence, I would. Free of charge. I just found out the other day it has the original Panzer Dragoon as an unlockable, shit like that makes me moist.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2015, 09:12:34 pm by Phantasos »

Offline George

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2628 on: November 03, 2015, 11:54:56 pm »
Stella Glow on 3DS, working toward that review come Nov 14th.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2629 on: November 04, 2015, 11:10:50 am »
What are the changes in Shenmue 2 if you do a file transfer?

Carries over most of what you collected in the first game. It's not essential, but it makes it feel more like an ongoing journey. I'm hoping Shenmue III allows for some sort of way to make it feel as though you have transferred, but given all the SEGA branded toys will likely not carry over...

Offline max_cady

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2630 on: November 05, 2015, 05:24:40 am »
Agarest Generations of War

Finally reached Generation IV. This JRPG ain't so bad after all. It has a bit of that Resonance of Fate charm. Thow in some light dating sim-esque mechanics and it creates an interestng experience. Since the first generation, the hero has three girls whom he must choose to marry and their offspring will continue the mission.

Leonhardt was a cool character, Ladius, his son, isn't bad, but he's just a carbon copy of his dad. Thoma, on the other hand, started off as annoying, but I ended up having the most enjoyment out of this generation, despite some BS ubber hard boss battles. So now, I'm playing as Thoma's son, Duran.

So after we had the straight up serious hero type (Ladius, Leondhart) and the ladie's man / joker (Thoma), now we have the emo foul-mouthed goth punk, because JRPGs gotta JRPGs.

Offline pirovash88

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2631 on: November 05, 2015, 02:35:13 pm »
Halo 5, lots and lots of Halo.

Anyone else have it?
Gamertag: Pirovash88 Twitch.TV/Pirovash88

Offline max_cady

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2632 on: November 09, 2015, 08:29:01 am »
Agarest Generations of War

So I just finished Generation 4 last night. A massive letdown... It's bad enough that Duran was arguably the most unlikeable main protagonist, he's basically a stone-faced emo douche who only starts showing a little more personality towards the end of the generation. The three main heroines are nice and all, but I never got to fully know them and the main protagonist just doesn't seem to have as much chemistry with 'em. Also it doesn't help that I apparentely skipped many events because since this generation has a lot of branching options, you can gloss over a lot of stuff unless you do all the events in a particular order. Good luck figuring that out without a guide! Hence why Duran and his relantionships feel a little underdeveloped. The only major event was the betrayal of one of main character's longest running comrades (since generation 2).

Well, at least I started the 5th and final generation with Rex, Duran's son and Leonhardt's great-great-grand-son. So far, he's way more likeable than Duran, he's closer to someone like Ladius or even Leonhardt, he even looks a lot like his great-great-grandpa.

Offline CrazyT

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2633 on: November 10, 2015, 07:28:11 am »
Finished Paper Mario a thousand year door. Amazing game. Loved the humurous dialogue and great characters. The battle system never got old and a very cool finally. The franchise seems awfully underrated as Jrpg. Probably the most fun I had with one, besides it being thematically meh with it being mario instead of a more appropriate character for the genre

After that I started up super paper mario for wii, and it totally blows. Guess I can go back to my PC backlog now!

Offline max_cady

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2634 on: November 11, 2015, 02:16:15 am »
Agarest Generations of War

Oh, God, I have to finish this JRPG soon 'cause I got sooo many TV episodes that I haven't watched yet! Anyway, more shenanigans with Rex. One ubber hard boss fight cleared. 65 hours put into this game so far... Yep, I was really going loco over the whole thing. Yep, I was really hungry for some JRPG action.

Offline CrazyT

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2635 on: November 11, 2015, 11:04:41 am »
So I officially started with Fallout 3. I think its really good so far, although a bit slow start. These games are usually a slow burn because you gotta find your best playstyle within the many options. Also getting to know a bit of the open world and finding your comfort within it

Offline Moody

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2636 on: November 11, 2015, 03:47:00 pm »
Hey speaking of Fallout, Fallout 4 is out! I'm having a blast right now (though I need to buy some more RAM for my computer to make up for the slack my graphics card is doing). My favorite moment so far has been finding one of those creepy cymbal monkey toys out in the woods, its eyes started glowing as I got towards and I pointed my gun at it in defiance. It summoned monsters to kill me.

I'm glad there are still moments like that in the game. The intro had me seriously worried the game was going to be really super serious, but that seems not to be the case. I'm only about five hours in so far, and I'm really happy to be playing this.

And for those wondering, yes the game is buggy as hell, and it doesn't seem that well optimized. I haven't found any crushing bugs, just immersion-breaking/funny ones, but if that's something that worries you, wait a month for all the patches, and if it REALLY worries you, wait until they've released the final patch and then buy the game, and then install the unoffical patch(es). Me, I'm fine with bugs, I'm honestly just waiting for the super comical ones to be found.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2015, 04:11:01 pm by Moody »

Offline CrazyT

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2637 on: November 18, 2015, 08:32:19 am »
Fallout 3 is amazing. Cant believe I let it wait for so long. Its gonna take a while till I catch up to 4 lol. Gonna play vegas too after. This kind of makes me wanna try out all bethesda games. My god how am i gonna do that

Offline Moody

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2638 on: November 18, 2015, 09:03:16 am »
Fallout 3 is amazing. Cant believe I let it wait for so long. Its gonna take a while till I catch up to 4 lol. Gonna play vegas too after. This kind of makes me wanna try out all bethesda games. My god how am i gonna do that

Steam sales! Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, and New Vegas go on sale quite cheaply soon for the holiday sale. Editions with all the DLC included typically drop down to around ten dollars for the holidays, if you don't care about the DLC atm tho it's even cheaper. Skyrim is the most expensive by far though.

I also recommend trying out the original Fallouts if you like old computer RPG's. I like them, but they're hard to get into if you're unused to that style of gameplay. As a heads-up, New Vegas functions more as a sequel to Fallout 2 storywise than Fallout 3 but playing Fallout 2 first just gives you a leg up on lore and background details.

Offline max_cady

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2639 on: November 18, 2015, 05:20:26 pm »
Agarest: Generations of War

YES! YES! YES! I've finally beaten this ubber-long Strategy RPG. The fifth and final generation ends. The ending is both positive and a little sad at the same time. Agarest: GoW is a pretty good SRPG but I can see how a lot of people might have some issues with it.

The obvious one: It is pretty long, it's basically fights, after fights, after fights, then a lenghty cutscene with a ton of dialogue. Once in a while you have to make a decision that will affect the main hero's relantionships with all the main heroines as well as impact the ending of the game. But ever so often it feels like a chore. Also free exploration is the biggest design problem in all of Agarest. The layout on a lot of these dungeons / free roaming areas is pure bullshit because many of those look exactly identical and sometimes you have to do something very specific to acess a new area.  Also the game has way too many characters, some of which you will likely never get to use in battle, like ever and there's really no penalty for not using them. I played the game with roughly the same 4 or 5 major characters.

Having said that, if you are a JRPG afficionado, Agarest: GoW does have some good things going for it:
- The dating sim aspect of it, since our hero's son has to carry on the mission, you often take decisions that will either please all the girls or make them hate you. The more a certain female character loves the main hero, the more powerfull their offspring will likely be. And whoever the main hero marries, the child will inherent traits, it stats and actual appearance. Some of it is window dressing since the character will go through the same adventure, but that choice allows for some replayability
- The combat system is pretty good, despite having a two step phase (first one for just moving and the second for actual combat), it has a nice level of strategy;
- The game feels long unnecessarily long, but I'm happy to see that a lot of effort went into crafting the story and new characters (save for the 4th Generation, the writers must have taken a sick day on that one), every new generation feels completely different;

It's fun if you want more low-budget / indie-esque JRPGs, but everyone else be warned, it's pretty long and at first a lot of stuff will go completely over your head if you don't have a guide with you.