Author Topic: So... Has anyone noticed... (Sega/Sonic related)  (Read 40643 times)

Offline CrazyT

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Re: So... Has anyone noticed... (Sega/Sonic related)
« Reply #75 on: March 30, 2011, 07:44:03 pm »
The thing is that sonic adventure 2 does indeed have more replay value then sonic colors. Sonic unleashed as well, but imo their the bad kind of replay value. 100%ing sonic adventure 2 was such a crazy acomplishment that I today can't believe that I would do such a thing, but it was more forced than I was enjoying it. Sonic unleashed... never played it again after first playthrough. It was a bad game, one of the worst imo. No offense to those who like it but.. I really hate the game. From story, to choice of theme, to that fucking chip character and even the gameplay. I could eleborate more on that but that's another subject.

Sonic colors is not the greatest game of all time, not even close. I'd even admit it's average. Compared to games like donkey kong country returns it's clear that more attention and more effort pays off. But it's as simple as this for me. I was enjoying the game literally from beginning to the end. No frustration, no shitty gameplay thrown at me and yeah even some very excellent moments. The medal collecting was optional but yet fun. Getting the emeralds by doing the simple simulator stages(simple but still new and even with some sonic 1 level design references) was optional but yet fun as well. I really like sonic colors in that regard. It is the only 3d sonic game that is solid. There are some of those who prefer sonic unleashed over colors and forget about all the crap unleashed brought with it as well. Werehog, medals and all that shit. Honestly if you ask me, the daytime stages were a mess as well, but the fact they forget about everything else when comparing the two is kinda sad.

It had been a long time but I could finally enjoy a sonic game without forcing myself. They still have a long way to go.. they might even be very close right now as the 20th anniversary comes closer with each day. But colors really brought a lot of hope to me personally after previous disasters and it regained alot of my trust because a lot of the  things in colors just scream: "we get it".

Just my personal views on the matter. Oh and it's OST rocks
« Last Edit: March 30, 2011, 08:12:11 pm by CrazyTails »

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: So... Has anyone noticed... (Sega/Sonic related)
« Reply #76 on: March 30, 2011, 08:11:59 pm »
Quote from: "Sharky"
-The Egg Shuttle mode for your non-stop play through...

Wait... WHAT?!

(Looks it up)

Okay, that is insanely cool. That is EXACTLY what I've been wanting to see in a 3D Sonic title. Looking forward to that mode once I get a hold of the game (and console).
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline CrazyT

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Re: So... Has anyone noticed... (Sega/Sonic related)
« Reply #77 on: March 30, 2011, 08:14:40 pm »
Oh lol wow, I guess you've missed that.

It's indeed an awesome feature. It's basically the only mode that keeps me replaying the game.. Allthough I expect future sonic's to have more stages so a save feature within a sorta egg shuttle mode would be great! In sonic colors you have to do everything on one playthrough. It takes pretty long. around the average of 3 hours. A skilled player would probably do it in 2.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline cube_b3

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Re: So... Has anyone noticed... (Sega/Sonic related)
« Reply #78 on: March 31, 2011, 12:49:47 am »
Quote from: "MadeManG74"
I get the feeling that cube cares only about Graphics and Storylines in games (or if they are somehow involved with classic Sega developers). Not an insult, but that just seems to be the trend.

What feeling? Shouldn't it be a fact echoed in my posts?

I do care about classic Sega Developers, despite losing a lot of employees Sonic Team is still 100% Sega and I love them, they still groom young and fresh developers, and Takashi, Sunoe etc are all fairly old.

I also care a lot about the story line, can you blame me from Sonic 98 - Sonic 06 Story Lines have been an integral part of the game and i'm a fan of that era.

As for graphics I completely disagree, how would I like 06 more than Colors/Unleashed if it was about the graphics? I however do prefer 3D Sonic over 2D for 2 reasons.
- True Sense of Speed.
- Greater Exploration.
I also found Super Mario Bros and Crash PS1 games more fun than the last 2 Sonic games, so again I am not all about graphics.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Sega Uranus

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Re: So... Has anyone noticed... (Sega/Sonic related)
« Reply #79 on: March 31, 2011, 02:46:22 pm »
Quote from: "Sharky"
and ANY replay value
WHAT, which Sonic game has better replay then Sonic Colours? The replay in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 are complete filler crap. Its all 'replay this level now with shitty unsonic like gameplay or complete these silly missions.'

Un-Sonic like? Are you serious? Sonic Colors is literally the most un-Sonic like platformer on any console.

-What about the substories from Unleashed that were based on Yakuza games?
-Mission modes?
-Chaos Emeralds?
-In-level items that increase gameplay (puzzle pieces, medals, character moves, chao stuff) but are not necessary like the wisps.
-Extra characters that actually played differently and did not need to unlock wisps to access 70%+ of the levels?
-Unlockable art, music, and just more overall general features?

Tons of other stuff, notice how I did not mention the dozens of other unique features the other games have.

Quote from: "Sharky"
- Sonic colours has the E-S rating system,

So does every 3D release since Sonic Adventure 2. I will give you that Colors has the best of the ranking system in a long time, but it still has awkward flaws like Unleashed, Shadow and 06 had. They have weird scoring systems that made it easier to get higher ranks in the later levels for just not dying, while some of the earlier ones were fairly challenging (Apotos Act 1 took me a dozen tries to get an S rank, but I got it on the second attempt for Eggmanland, even though I died in it a bunch of times).

Sonic Adventure 2 still has it best, do not play it too fast, be sure to kill all of the robots and pick up as many rings as possible, as well as doing all of the tricks you can. Great design.

Quote from: "Sharky"
-Multiple paths that only unlock as you progress and find new wisps making replay very important, in fact one of the beginning levels the first time you play it, its a very short run from start to end but once you re-play it with the whisps you earn later in the game it opens up into a massive level...

That is one of my complaints. While it is not an issue, it was possible to find anything in any level in stuff like Sonic the Hedgehog 2 without finding new items first.

It is a fairly lame sense of replay value. You should want to replay levels because they are fun, not because the design had purposely locked you out before.

Besides, I think every Sonic game with 3D graphics has had stuff like this, even Sonic R had it.

Quote from: "Sharky"
-Online leader boards for score attack

This was done poorly. Not because of the friend codes, but how you can only update it when the timer says you can, and you have to update your times specifically. It should just put them on your leaderboard once you complete a level.

I doubt most of the people who played the game even knew of this honestly, but it is not a bad feature at all.

Quote from: "Sharky"
- 5 Collectable red rings in each stage that unlock cool levels based on classic Sonic levels.

It adds good replay value, but HOLY SHIT it is such an obvious Mario ripoff. They could have at least made them a different color...

Also, it sucks how when you find these in challenge mode they do not add to your overall total.

But the unlockable levels are literally the worst levels in any Sonic game in years and it makes it all far too obvious that the new gameplay style is hugely inferior to the original Sonic games in so many ways.

Quote from: "Sharky"
-NOT TO MENTION [spoiler:32ec03fn]Super Sonic for the first time in levels, in a 3D Sonic game.[/spoiler:32ec03fn]

I really can't think of a 3D Sonic game with BETTER replay value... Only ones like Sonic Adventure DX with crappy filler and characters that have gameplay unsuited to Sonic games.

[spoiler:32ec03fn]Super Sonic[/spoiler:32ec03fn] breaks the game and always has. I hated playing through saves of Sonic 3 with it on. Nice extra and I am happy they finally added something the fans wanted, but it is really not that big of a deal.

Quote from: "Barry the Nomad"
Quote from: "Sharky"
-The Egg Shuttle mode for your non-stop play through...

Wait... WHAT?!

(Looks it up)

Okay, that is insanely cool. That is EXACTLY what I've been wanting to see in a 3D Sonic title. Looking forward to that mode once I get a hold of the game (and console).

This is the best addition to Colors for sure, but it kind of proves how lame the level diversity and bosses are. Five or six acts for only six worlds... Some of them are really awkwardly short, like there are a few levels where you can already hear the end ring as soon as the level starts, which I think is unacceptable. The biggest reason Sonic the Hedgehog 2 had only two acts each was because they wanted to make more levels overall and thought three acts would get boring... Five or six is the most acts in any game to date I think. Lame.

Another problem is that the scoring system is fairly broken. It is too easy to max out your score half way in with a playthrough. It is not a big deal as this is an extra feature, but they should fix it next time.

Quote from: "cube_b3"
- Greater Exploration.

You posted that as your opinion, but it is indeed incorrect. The level placement in some games, like Sonic the Hedgehog 2, CD, 3 and Knuckles have much larger levels based on their layers of platforms. Most 3D Sonic games are straight away paths in the sky. Even the Adventure games were like this, with only very minor breaks in pathways.

Something the first Adventure game has over many newer games in the genre is that with all earlier 3D platformers, they had to use all of the visual assets around level design, unlike stuff like in Sonic Colors where the most interesting parts of the level are in the background - One of my biggest complaints with the newer games.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline cube_b3

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Re: So... Has anyone noticed... (Sega/Sonic related)
« Reply #80 on: March 31, 2011, 04:00:09 pm »
Yeah mine to.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Radrappy

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Re: So... Has anyone noticed... (Sega/Sonic related)
« Reply #81 on: March 31, 2011, 04:04:53 pm »
Sonic colors is the best sonic game in over a decade.  I am particularly amused by people who prefer games like SA2, Unleashed, and 06(games that had you play as sonic through 1/2 of the game at the MOST) to what is obviously a superior product.  I hope the anniversary project is in the same vein as Colors but I am open to changes.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: So... Has anyone noticed... (Sega/Sonic related)
« Reply #82 on: April 02, 2011, 12:51:10 am »
Quote from: "cube_b3"
Quote from: "Team Andromeda"
I know Comix Zone was developed by 'Sega Technical Institute' who I consider Sega, but I was deliberately talking in cubes standards, where anything outside of Sega Japan isn't 'Sega' even if they are...

Well that's just being silly on CUBE part. A In-House team is a In-House Team no matter where they happened to be based. I lot of the Pal and USA SEGA Hardware was never made in SOJ, but China and the like, does that mean they also don't count has not 'SEGA'. I guess Sonic II, III, Die-Hard Arcade, Alien Front Online weren't SEGA as they were all developed in USA

@ Ryan, TA and Sanus:

If you are going to talk about my silly/stupid/whatever criteria of a SEGA game atleast no what it is.

1) It is a SEGA game on a SEGA Console - Shut Up - IT IS A SEGA GAME:P
2) It is unique and innovative and made by a fresh designer. For example STI's Comix Zone (Peter Moriawec), The OoZe (Mark Cerny) and so on.
3) Those who have a past with the original SEGA teams such as Sumo Digital are accepted, they can make a new IP published by SEGA and I will accept it.
4) Collabration work such as the Phantasy Star Portable and Sonic Rush is accepted. Since Platinum Games have worked with SEGA Producers and offer so many SEGA references in Bayonetta, I accept it. But I'm still not going to play it, it just isn't for me.
5) Established IPs and Designers are not SEGA - Total War is an established brand with no intervention by any prominent SEGA personality. Sports Interactive and Creative Assembly were doing their own thing before SEGA acquired them and they are doing their own thing after SEGA acquired them.

SEGA simply wanted money from a target demographic with Managers and Strategy games and they now have it, I see no effort made to reel in actual SEGA fans towards that genre therefore I can't accept it.


Well that's being a bit silly , just to give a few examples

1). Again courier crisis a SEGA game lol

2). These people were brought in to SEGA, they didn't work their way up

3) Sumo also have a close working relationship with Codemasters, infact thier very 1st game was England International Football for Codemasters. Are Sumo a Codemasters In-House or Codemasters  Team now

4). So MSG is a NCL game, thanks to the NCL references in the Cube version ?

5). LOL  SO SEGA stopped being a SEGA in 1982 when a group of Outside investors bought the group , and SEGA Japan stopped being SEGA Japan in 2004, when again a group of outside investors 100% took over the group

Nice one
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »
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Offline cube_b3

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Re: So... Has anyone noticed... (Sega/Sonic related)
« Reply #83 on: April 02, 2011, 02:19:41 am »
1) yeah it is stilly, but it is their. It largely refers to the games developed for them today on Dreamcast or Genesis. They are made with a lot of love for SEGA.

2) They were young designers groomed by SEGA, they worked under the likes of Cerny, Naka, Toyoda etc.

3) Sure, why not? I don't know all that much about CodeMaster. But the point is Sumo worked under Mie Kumagi of AM3, Yu Suzuki was still at AM2 around the time SUMO got involved. They've also worked with other legends when it came to SST & SSR, Uchida's Studio made the entire model for Gillius Thunderblade.

So they worked under SEGA for several ports, and they collabrated with the designers for SST, and finally in 2009 they released VT2009 independently.

4) I don't know what MSG & NCL stand for?

5) I got involved in the 90s and what you talking about?
Naka joined SEGA before he even went to uni?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: So... Has anyone noticed... (Sega/Sonic related)
« Reply #84 on: April 02, 2011, 05:32:09 am »
Guys, guys, hey listen, guys; you're all wrong. The only TRUE Sega game is 'Fonz'.

If you disagree you are Nintendo loving scum.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Radrappy

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Re: So... Has anyone noticed... (Sega/Sonic related)
« Reply #85 on: April 02, 2011, 12:16:44 pm »
It's simpler than all this.  

Bayonetta and Vanquish aren't sega games because they weren't developed by sega.  Same with the conduit.  They're Platinum games and High Voltage games.  I'll concede that Creative Assembly, now that they are owned by sega, are now sega developers.  But it feels wrong to label a franchise that they've developed long before sega came around as a "sega game through and through."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Suzuki Yu

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Re: So... Has anyone noticed... (Sega/Sonic related)
« Reply #86 on: April 02, 2011, 01:33:19 pm »
Quote from: "Radrappy"
Sonic colors is the best sonic game in over a decade.  I am particularly amused by people who prefer games like SA2, Unleashed, and 06(games that had you play as sonic through 1/2 of the game at the MOST) to what is obviously a superior product.  I hope the anniversary project is in the same vein as Colors but I am open to changes.

well, i enjoyed that half in Unleashed way more than Colors. i don't care about the other half that much as long as the gameplay and the stages design in Unleashed are the best thing that SONIC TEAM could ever came up with.

to clarify more if i would rate the day time part in sonic unleashed i would give it a 9 and i am serious here, but no way for Colors to receive the same appreciation.

and i feel the anniversary project will not disappoint me by adding power-up system, so i am expecting something as great/better than unleashed
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Sharky

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Re: So... Has anyone noticed... (Sega/Sonic related)
« Reply #87 on: April 02, 2011, 03:10:31 pm »
Quote from: "Suzuki Yu"
Quote from: "Radrappy"
Sonic colors is the best sonic game in over a decade.  I am particularly amused by people who prefer games like SA2, Unleashed, and 06(games that had you play as sonic through 1/2 of the game at the MOST) to what is obviously a superior product.  I hope the anniversary project is in the same vein as Colors but I am open to changes.

well, i enjoyed that half in Unleashed way more than Colors. i don't care about the other half that much as long as the gameplay and the stages design in Unleashed are the best thing that SONIC TEAM could ever came up with.

to clarify more if i would rate the day time part in sonic unleashed i would give it a 9 and i am serious here, but no way for Colors to receive the same appreciation.

and i feel the anniversary project will not disappoint me by adding power-up system, so i am expecting something as great/better than unleashed

I really don't get how so many people enjoyed Sonic Unleashed!

The night levels were the most terrible thing in a Sonic game in years and the day levels barely played like a Sonic game at all... There is nothing 'Sonic' about rushing through long, levels at break neck speed with little in the way of platforming.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »
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Offline Suzuki Yu

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Re: So... Has anyone noticed... (Sega/Sonic related)
« Reply #88 on: April 03, 2011, 02:30:47 am »
Quote from: "Sharky"
Quote from: "Suzuki Yu"
Quote from: "Radrappy"
Sonic colors is the best sonic game in over a decade.  I am particularly amused by people who prefer games like SA2, Unleashed, and 06(games that had you play as sonic through 1/2 of the game at the MOST) to what is obviously a superior product.  I hope the anniversary project is in the same vein as Colors but I am open to changes.

well, i enjoyed that half in Unleashed way more than Colors. i don't care about the other half that much as long as the gameplay and the stages design in Unleashed are the best thing that SONIC TEAM could ever came up with.

to clarify more if i would rate the day time part in sonic unleashed i would give it a 9 and i am serious here, but no way for Colors to receive the same appreciation.

and i feel the anniversary project will not disappoint me by adding power-up system, so i am expecting something as great/better than unleashed

I really don't get how so many people enjoyed Sonic Unleashed!

The night levels were the most terrible thing in a Sonic game in years and the day levels barely played like a Sonic game at all... There is nothing 'Sonic' about rushing through long, levels at break neck speed with little in the way of platforming.

no Sharky you are wrong ... totally wrong about the day levels
in Unleashed the stages built around many gameplay elements that fits with a speedy action platformer, you have jumping , quick stepping , sliding , drifting , boosting , stomping etc ... all works great and the flow of the game is just fantastic and above all that you have tons of things to discover in each level.
but in the opposite side the flow of the game in colors was terrible IMO, the game feels a little bit different than what a sonic game should deliver, some of the levels were amazing but not as amazing as the levels in unleashed not even close (not to mention how small it is in comparison), even abilities invented in Unleashed like quick step and the drift works absolutely awful in colors, the exploration in colors almost depends entirety on the new power-up system which was a bit off for a sonic game.
i am fine with colors, actually it's a pretty good game! but i look at it as spin off for change.
also i am not saying that the game lost everything the franchise known for but of course somethings feels off about it.

about the night levels as i said it doesn't matter that much for me as long as i am having a blast with the day time levels. but i am sure the werehog is far a way from been the worst thing that ever happened to sonic in the last years, there are far far worse things happened to the franchise.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: So... Has anyone noticed... (Sega/Sonic related)
« Reply #89 on: April 03, 2011, 04:23:16 am »
Quote from: "cube_b3"
1) yeah it is stilly, but it is their. It largely refers to the games developed for them today on Dreamcast or Genesis. They are made with a lot of love for SEGA.

2) They were young designers groomed by SEGA, they worked under the likes of Cerny, Naka, Toyoda etc.

3) Sure, why not? I don't know all that much about CodeMaster. But the point is Sumo worked under Mie Kumagi of AM3, Yu Suzuki was still at AM2 around the time SUMO got involved. They've also worked with other legends when it came to SST & SSR, Uchida's Studio made the entire model for Gillius Thunderblade.

So they worked under SEGA for several ports, and they collabrated with the designers for SST, and finally in 2009 they released VT2009 independently.

4) I don't know what MSG & NCL stand for?

5) I got involved in the 90s and what you talking about?
Naka joined SEGA before he even went to uni?

2) In most cases they started programming elsewhere, and moved to SEGA or however. Some of the main people that set up Crystal Dynamics came from STI, shame we count them as SEGA too ?

3) When you're porting stuff that's what tend to happens. If Travel Tails a In-House Corp, because they worked with Sonic Team and meet the likes of Yuji Naka . And no VT 2009 was no released independently, it was produced by SEGA.  

4) ? Metal Gear Soild and Nintendo Company Limited

5) ?  You like to say you can't be real SEGA unless you worked your way up and don't like to class outsiders as SEGA. Well CSK was nothing to do with SEGA untill 82 and only invested in SEGA for profits, Same with SAMMY. Both outsiders investing in SEGA; you're fin with that but not count the likes of CA as being In-House studios ??
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »
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