Author Topic: Tiger Woods PS3 Move  (Read 3084 times)

Offline cube_b3

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Tiger Woods PS3 Move
« on: April 15, 2011, 03:00:41 pm »
This game gave me a head ache, I sold my WII in order to buy PS3 Move.

Wii was a pretty pathetic console, the best experience I had was Wii Sports specifically Golf.
The 2nd best experience was Resident Evil 4 it was a Gamecube game sure, but the Wii brought it to the next level and when playing RE5 on my 360 I wish I had the wiimote.

So anyway I bought used Moves off ebay complete with navigational controller, camera and Sports Championship.

Sports Championship didn't have golf and over all the game is an extreme chore and no fun (atleast not in my hour or 2 off gameplay).
So the Demo Disk that came with the MOVE had Tiger Woods Golf. I installed the demo.

This game was a bitch to navigate through, as it doesn't have move support in the menu's and I had to connect my sixaxis or Navigational Controller.

Anyway I make it in to the game, it is extremely technical and nothing like Wii Sports.

I supposed I could get used to the realism, but I loved the Blue Skies Bright Visuals this game is pretty dark in contrast.

But the problem is this:

When golfing your supposed to press the T-Trigger and Point Down.

The PS3 Never accepts the T-Trigger or me pointing down it asks me a million times to press T and Point Down even though I Pressing T and pointing Down.

Sometimes out of sheer luck it acceps that I am pointing down and holding T Down, but it is when ever the damn thing feels like doing so.

At first I thought My Camera was busted, or the Move was busted, or the calibration was off but all these things are fine.

Here I thought Golf would be relaxing instead I am more stressed than I have ever been :S.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »