Sharky has his own personal reasons. For me, it felt like I did most of the work and had zero say in calling shots. Its not always true, G is a great person and would ask me for opinions. My decisions came from the information he and Chris feed me, thus information kept changing.
Basically we had a terms of contract for the SEGA Nerds merger with the site that we won't name here. I agreed that if those (mostly selfish reasons) where meet, I would write articles for them.
In the end the agreements changed and I was the one doing most of the work. I decided to leave. After awhile me and sharky started talking about writing together. We were going to join some of the (awesome) established SEGA blogs out there, but in the end I didn't want to feel like I had to ask for permission to do what I wanted. So I got together with Sharky, Shadi and there was another coder for the site.. that did the original look.. I forget his name...
Also, Yes, I seen your site. I was actually thinking of contacting you to see if you were willing to sell the url name when the only thing that sounded good was 'sega fanatic'. Took me awhile to get SEGA Bits.. though it seems quite obvious.