The concept of taxing the wealthy is sorta of a muddled one, because there's no genuine profile of what constitutes a wealthy person. It serves only the purpose to create social envy and that's the best jailbait that any politician wants.
Not really, there is a cause and effect and many who gain wealth, particularly within a corporate structure, do so by taking advantage of the lower economic classes (employees within their company). As such they should have to pay back into the system,a reasonable amount, to help provide for these individuals.
Only in the sense that if you can convince people that if you'll vote for them under the false pretense that they will continue to live their lifes without any consessions and that the wealthy, so to speak, will pay it for them, since, according to popular belief, they were responsible for the meltdown.
I don't completely understand this, I apologize. I assume however you are saying that I want the rich to be the only taxed people? No, that isn't the case, I just want them to pay their fair share per capita. America has severe income disparity between the rich and poor, and this can be resolved through taxing.
Corporations don't hire exactly hire when they need to, but a flexible labour market makes it accessible for a company to hire a number of people over time and let them go when they are no longer required, since changes in corporate structure are a given, layoffs and hiring are a natural part of the system.
A flexible market is required but yet again there should be safeguards in place for employees, like unemployment insurance for example. Also, unions don't harm a markets' flexibility, lay offs can still occur, and have (to unions) during this economic downturn.
Yes, jobs are being created overseas, but in that case, President Obama's decision to drill on Brazil, while the oil reserves in US soil just sit there is not exactly helping the situation.
President Obama is a conservative, lets be clear here; Very few Democrats in the US are liberal, and Obama isn't one of them: Dennis Kucinich, Russ Feingold, Joe Sestak, Peter DeFazio, Merkley, Wyden, Bernie Sanders, those are liberals. Obama has continued most of Bush's policies or made them worse, like the wiretapping, or the Private Military Corps., or the unmanned drones. He is a terrible president, absolutely terrible, just like Bush was.
But getting back to the wealthy, the rich will always get a bigger tax cut, because even with tax cuts they still pay more than the average citizen, which is roughly 70% of the american working class.
In America the 400 richest people in the US, the top 400 according to Forbes has a net worth of $1.37 trillion dollars. The bottom 60% of the country, the poorest households, have $1.26 trillion dollars. The fact that 400 people in the US have more wealth than the lowest 184 million Americans is inexcusable. I don't see how one can see this disparity and propose that taxes on the rich should not be raised to assist in resolving America's multiple finance issues.