Author Topic: Sonic Generations General Discussion  (Read 191201 times)

Offline Sega Uranus

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Re: Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Zone / Metal Sonic
« Reply #90 on: August 08, 2011, 07:59:20 am »
But Sharky is right, There is too much focus on Sonic and these so called broken physics and cheap deaths like they wasn't any in the 16 bit Sonic titles in the 1st place. You look on YouTube and you can see a list of Videos for the likes of Zelda, GT 5, Forza III or Mario Sunshine all displaying iffy moments and real bad physics at times (and GT 5 and Forza are meant to be sims)

No he is not, but that is not my point at all. Sharky was being an ass to CrazyTails just because he did not like the direction of some things, but he was being very fair about it.

Sharky also went out on an awkward rant about a bunch of stuff that barely matters or makes sense, CrazyTails just disliked some concepts. Notice the different here?

Also, Mario Sunshine? Gran Turismo 5? Those games are the epitome of iffy.

You play any game bad enough and deliberately looking for flaws and you'll find them . It just seems it's the vogue to bash Sonic these days for the slightest reason , and best of all a lot of this bashing on-line is from people where one look at their gamercard shows they've not played the latest sonic games at all.

Like I said, the problem is just as bad from people defending Sonic Team. It just upsets each side of the fence more and more, so of course there is going to be huge wars on stupid crap like this.

It is really starting to get to me because now even the most modest and understanding classic fans look like the bad guys here when a lot of the complaints are actually very noteworthy - Like how rolling is only in here as a gimmick and not an actual gameplay function, et cetera.

Sonic Colors and the daylight section in Unleashed were a massive step forwards to getting Sonic back on track in 3D and Sonic Gen looks stunning with one of the most amazing Next gen engines I've ever seen. But rather than praise and highlight these, lets just knock the game for nothing more than it being a Sonic title

I hope this is not aimed towards me? I have been extremely accepting of Sonic Generations ever since the beginning.

Weren't you the guy who wouldn't stop complaining about Yakuza for the dumbest reasons? Those games take around a year each, this took three and the quality is already not even comparable. That is really, really sad any way you slice it.

Offline Sharky

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Re: Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Zone / Metal Sonic
« Reply #91 on: August 08, 2011, 09:04:48 am »
Seriously, shut up and deal with opinions that are not your own.

No he is not, but that is not my point at all.


But anyway, this is a discussion forum, we discuss things. You've clearly misread the tone of my post, I wasn't 'freaking out' at CrazyTails in the slightest, don't be so over sensitive.

The bottom line is that the Sonic series is under such ridiculous scrutiny these days with every so called 'fan' trying as hard as they can to deliberately find flaws with it instead of just playing the damn game and having fun like they would have when they were kids...

It seems the closer the Sonic series gets to being great the harder fans look for faults and the more they say it sucks... The easier it is for them to declare it BROKEN OMG.

There isn’t a person here didn't love Sonic Adventure when it came out, not one... I'm sure of it. But go back and put that game under the same fine tooth comb as people are using on Sonic Generations to look for the same kind of tiny glitches, abnormalities, anomalies and 'broken' bits and you'll find an absolute fuck ton of them. Let alone it plays nothing like classic Sonic, 80% of the time you aren't playing as Sonic or even Sonic like game play. Cheesy VA, cheesy music... Green eyes… It's got the works!

So why did everyone trying to pick holes in... the size of the badniks, the colour of Sonics eyes, the speed of the spin dash... love Sonic Adventure then? Because they were having fun with it, not trying to shit on it.

Seriously the fanbase has become a far uglier thing than Sonic Generations will ever be. The step up from Sonic 06 to Sonic Unleashed (day) was a huge step in the right direction, from there to Sonic Generations is an equally if not even bigger step in the right direction. Sure there are still minor issues but compared to only 5 years ago when simply the worst Sonic game ever made came out… I think they are so close to being perfect and they deserve some serious credit for that.

Thanks Iizuka! YOU ARE AWESOME! ;)
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Offline CrazyT

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Re: Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Zone / Metal Sonic
« Reply #92 on: August 08, 2011, 09:23:03 am »
Ah guys, I didn't really take offense by what Sharky said. I guess that I am one of the more picky and hard to satisfy fans around. But to me it's just like: Why would I prefer a new game with HD graphics but inferior gameplay to what we allready have? I would be able to settle for close (90% is way too high of a number). I'd be satisfied with that.

But it just looks very amateuristic and clunky at the moment. The original physics gave you a sense of freedom. Even if the levels were designed around the mechanics, you could do stuff the devs didn't originally intend the player to do. Now the game literally forces you to do what it wants. The ramps calculate the exact place and height you should be pushed to for a few seconds. Rolling is useless unless there are speed boosters again. He uncurls without asking for it. But apart from the quality presentation (visuals and music), it's  got nothing better than any accurate fanhack/game found in the community. Presenentation is tempting and sonic games are really good at wowing people. However without it, it's just another effortless attempt.

We've gone 3 years ever since the existance of the sonic unleashed formula. We've all became 3 years older since then. I am sure everyone can agree that is not a short time and look how far they came ever since. I  think within that time all of us could have become proffesional ball physics coders (lol)

The unleashed gameplay is just the same gameplay with different level design and aestethics. Your going to practically do the same only within different themes. Theres nothing extraordinary added or tweaked to the unleashed formula where it brings a great sense of variety compared to unleashed.

I know i'm being overly critical and I reckon  that an ordinary person wouldn't care and still think it looks great. But it just still doesn't stand out for me aside the other games that will come out. There is momentum ball physics(even in 3d) in super monkey ball fgs. I don't get what's preventing sonicteam to stop playing it so safe.

Seriously, if the controls and physics were not absent, this game would've been the best thing ever. Why would anyone in the team not want that?

« Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 10:07:07 am by CrazyTails »

Offline Sharky

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Re: Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Zone / Metal Sonic
« Reply #93 on: August 08, 2011, 09:42:18 am »
But it just looks very amateuristic and clunky at the moment. The original physics gave you a sense of freedom. Even if the levels were designed around the mechanics, you could do stuff the devs didn't originally imagine the player would do.

You can do that in all Sonic games, like in Sonic 4 you can stand on the walls... =)

But on a serious note, I think the issues you have found have only really become the issue of the day because all of the bigger and worse ones have been dealt with... The closer they get to getting it right the more of a big deal the problems the fans can find will be.

If when the next Sonic game comes out the only thing that’s wrong about it is the trajectory of springs or the jump being a little too floaty (things i think they'll have the hardest time fixing) then suddenly that'll be the BIGGEST PROBLEM THE SONIC SERIES HAS EVER FACED! and the fans will declare the game BROKEN BEYOND REPAIR! ANOTHER FAILURE etc etc etc.

I just think the whole thing is silly.

Sonic 3 was not as good as Sonic 2, not by a long shot imo... Sonic 1 was probably my least enjoyed of the classics, i felt it slow... YOU CAN’T EVEN SPIN DASH?! ZOMG BROKEN! So why ever play it when you can play Sonic 2? Well because they are all fun even with their differences as is Sonic Adventure and so will Sonic Generations be.
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Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Zone / Metal Sonic
« Reply #94 on: August 08, 2011, 10:33:01 am »
Sonic 1 was probably my least enjoyed of the classics, i felt it slow... YOU CAN’T EVEN SPIN DASH?! ZOMG BROKEN! So why ever play it when you can play Sonic 2? Well because they are all fun even with their differences as is Sonic Adventure and so will Sonic Generations be.

Sonic Jam's Sonic 1 is my go-to version. The fully functioning spin dash in Sonic 1 is great. Plus, the hard original, normal easy modes keeps it (and the other Genesis titles) fresh.

On the subject of the Unleashed formula, I see a huge improvement in Generations over Unleashed. Looks like a lot less ledges to fall off of, I actually prefer invisible walls to deadly nothingness (see Cool Edge). Plus, we FINALLY get underwater stages in an HD game! The free falling looks improved as well.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 11:38:43 am by Barry the Nomad »

Offline Waffle

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Re: Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Zone / Metal Sonic
« Reply #95 on: August 08, 2011, 11:05:44 am »
Hard mode in Sonic 1 does not exist.

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Zone / Metal Sonic
« Reply #96 on: August 08, 2011, 11:19:26 am »
Sharky also went out on an awkward rant about a bunch of stuff that barely matters or makes sense, CrazyTails just disliked some concepts. Notice the different here?

Sharky can go overboard in his defence of SEGA at times, just like others can go over the top in their knocking of SEGA. I do think Sharky is right on this subject . The knocking of Sonic games (even before they ship) is OTT at times

Also, Mario Sunshine? Gran Turismo 5? Those games are the epitome of iffy

yet the internet loves to bash Sonic, there most prob more Bugs and glitches in Fabe 2 and III than in every Sonic game ever made, but its not cool to bash Fable (unless it's on Kinect)

I hope this is not aimed towards me? I have been extremely accepting of Sonic Generations ever since the beginning

No the internet forums and gamers on general . Who are already bashing Sonic Gen or the likes of Sonic IV ECT. Let ones look at their gamertag shows they've never bought Sonic IV and I doubt they'll buy Sonic Gen - But you can be sure , they more than most will be the most vocal with even the slightest flaw

Weren't you the guy who wouldn't stop complaining about Yakuza for the dumbest reasons? Those games take around a year each, this took three and the quality is already not even comparable.

I've always praised the Yakuza game gameplay and story...  Its the tech and the animation that is the trouble with the series That and little new gameplay and still using the same City for most of  the games .  Kezan took over 3 years to make used the biggest Budget outside of Shenmue and yet had issues with very poor GFX (the water shaders are laughable) and really poor animation and plenty of iffy physics(like characters going through solid objects).

I think those are more than fair points myself

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Re: Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Zone / Metal Sonic
« Reply #97 on: August 08, 2011, 11:24:21 am »
It is not fair to compare Sonic Adventure with Sonic Generations. When Sonic Adventure came out it was considered a quality platformer, this was not an indication that we have become less forgiving but rather, games have become better. The bar has been raised and now Sonic Generations has to meet that bar. Compare other platformers from the time and you will see that issues now in them would be shot down if they were found in a major game right now. The issues in the classic Sonic games though are no where near the levels of Sonic Generations

Saying that, I do not see the problem with people like CrazyTails putting out what is wrong with each respective titles. It is thanks to them consistently what is wrong with the titles that we have found a stark improvement in the games, as opposed to before when anything was considered good enough. Whether the other side would like to admit it or not, if there was not such huge backlash to the current condition of Sonic games, strange minecart, multiple friends and bad physics would still be found in each title. So I say let them complain, thanks to them the franchise is on the up and hopefully they'll continue to be respectful in their complaints as well.

(Also strangely, this is the only computer that I can login to post, I wonder why? Been stopping me from posting)

Offline Trippled

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Re: Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Zone / Metal Sonic
« Reply #98 on: August 08, 2011, 01:28:59 pm »
I hope at least the Jump is changed somewhat, there is no reason to have it as it is.

Offline Radrappy

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Re: Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Zone / Metal Sonic
« Reply #99 on: August 08, 2011, 10:24:30 pm »
It is not fair to compare Sonic Adventure with Sonic Generations. When Sonic Adventure came out it was considered a quality platformer, this was not an indication that we have become less forgiving but rather, games have become better. The bar has been raised and now Sonic Generations has to meet that bar. Compare other platformers from the time and you will see that issues now in them would be shot down if they were found in a major game right now.

I dunno man, mario 64 never had any of the insane technical problems that SA1 had.  I don't even remember clipping into the floor in games like Croc or Crash Bandicoot.  But yes, games have gotten better and standards are extremely high now.  Good for us right?

Offline Waffle

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Re: Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Zone / Metal Sonic
« Reply #100 on: August 08, 2011, 11:11:40 pm »
I had far more technical issues in Mario 64 than Sonic Adventure. The physics and clipping were constantly being wonky or plain dysfunctional, and the camera was far worse.

People just like pretending Mario is flawless.

Offline Radrappy

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Re: Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Zone / Metal Sonic
« Reply #101 on: August 08, 2011, 11:21:21 pm »
I had far more technical issues in Mario 64 than Sonic Adventure. The physics and clipping were constantly being wonky or plain dysfunctional,

Oh. . .really?  Were they?  I guess I should pick it up again and see what you m-

and the camera was far worse.

Haha okay now that's just not true. 

Offline Waffle

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Re: Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Zone / Metal Sonic
« Reply #102 on: August 09, 2011, 07:34:20 am »
Oh. . .really?  Were they?  I guess I should pick it up again and see what you m-

Haha okay now that's just not true.
You seem a bit irate.

I do not blame the game for its flaws considering when it came out. Obviously at the time it was among the best (if not the best) of the 3D platformers available.

But the camera is worse and it kills me all the time. The game becomes very frustrating as the camera looks the wrong way (sometimes completely REVERSE of the direction you need to go, and it sticks), goes into walls, looks the wrong way and gets stuck, and generally does not have good flow. The more complicated a level gets, the more broken the camera is.

Physics are also always getting me killed, throwing me around like Vectorman, and simply not working (attacks not connecting, for example). Overall the game plays like what it is, a 3D platformer from 1996. Sonic Adventure is easily better in every regard to me, besides a few stupid additions that were never good (mainly the fishing), though this game tried a lot more than Mario 64, which ultimately made it larger and more fun. Why people feel the need to go back into a time machine and point out technical flaws from 1998/9 I do not understand, but pretending they ONLY exist in Sonic while Mario is perfect is a bold lie.

Offline Sega Uranus

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Re: Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Zone / Metal Sonic
« Reply #103 on: August 09, 2011, 08:50:03 am »
The bottom line is that the Sonic series is under such ridiculous scrutiny these days with every so called 'fan' trying as hard as they can to deliberately find flaws with it instead of just playing the damn game and having fun like they would have when they were kids...

Maybe a lot of these flaws seriously hurt their enjoyment of the games? Did you ever think of that?

It seems the closer the Sonic series gets to being great the harder fans look for faults and the more they say it sucks... The easier it is for them to declare it BROKEN OMG.

It seems to me it is more the fact that a game like Sonic Generations should have happened 10 years ago instead of now is the bigger issue. If fans are fully aware of problems that the games have had within each consecutive release, the bigger issue it becomes. Like, how did the Sonic Advance games start out fine but then got worse and worse? Who asked for "Innovations" like the werehog and the QTEs? If no one complains than it is likely the games will only get worse.

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 might have been a mess of a game regardless, but if it were released in it's original state imagine how much worse the backlash would have been. You have the people who complained to thank for that. Also, it is likely a game like Generations would not even exist if there was not such a loud fanbase, so think about that a little bit.

I am partially on your side with this though. I think people are overreacting, but for many cases it still makes sense. Although I cannot say how much I really appreciate them bringing back the classic style of gameplay, it's existence in 4 and Generations is literally a marketing gimmick slapped in. Of course it is not going to be the same, but at least they tried instead of making something like Heroes again.

There isn’t a person here didn't love Sonic Adventure when it came out, not one... I'm sure of it. But go back and put that game under the same fine tooth comb as people are using on Sonic Generations to look for the same kind of tiny glitches, abnormalities, anomalies and 'broken' bits and you'll find an absolute fuck ton of them. Let alone it plays nothing like classic Sonic, 80% of the time you aren't playing as Sonic or even Sonic like game play. Cheesy VA, cheesy music... Green eyes… It's got the works!

What does this have to do with anything?

Sonic Adventure has aged poorly, I will agree. But this is because everything about it was way ahead of it's time. Regardless of how someone feels about it's content, it has far, far more than literally every platformer being released today does. It has more music, levels, gameplay concepts, sound/voice clips, replay value, even more animations than so many games today even have. It was literally a groundbreaking title, much like the first Sonic was too.

A lot of how poorly the game has aged has to do with the game being rushed when they changed major elements very late into development, like how the speed of the game was doubled. If the game was released how it was originally intended to be made, it would probably be received better now, but would not have impressed as many people back in 1998.

But nothing like classic Sonic? You lost me. It is certainly not closer to it than the classic variation of Generations, but so many of the original concepts were still there. Much more reliance on actual level design instead of springs and dashpads everywhere, classic-themed level gimmicks, similar level themes and music to the classics, so many puzzles and so many sections where speed was entirely optional. It even had better rolling physics than all of the Sonic games today have!

So why did everyone trying to pick holes in... the size of the badniks, the colour of Sonics eyes, the speed of the spin dash... love Sonic Adventure then? Because they were having fun with it, not trying to shit on it.

The size of the badniks? They were the exact same size as they were in the Genesis games. They even were based on animals and had their own small animals in them.

The color of Sonic's eyes? I am sorry, but literally no one on this forum has ever said anything negative about his eyes, in fact many of us here like it. I personally love it. Drop it.

The speed of the spindash? It did not completely break any instance of the game, just was too easy to spam - Which they fixed in Sonic Adventure 2. You could also roll if you just tapped the button while moving with most characters, something Sonic Generations needs.

If you actually look back and not say you are looking back, you will find a lot of people were extremely hateful of Sonic Adventure because of how it relaunched the brand with a new style and was so focused on story and Adventure Fields. It had it's own style and I can appreciate that, but with a game like Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I or Sonic Generations that literally sells itself as a throwback... I expect that to be a true statement, not a "We tried" effort. I expect this is how most people feel.

I mean, Sonic Colors was it's own thing, and that was good in it's own right. Though the reviews got worse and worse as the weeks went on, it is in itself a good game and something very few people actually hate.

Sonic 3 was not as good as Sonic 2, not by a long shot imo... Sonic 1 was probably my least enjoyed of the classics, i felt it slow... YOU CAN’T EVEN SPIN DASH?! ZOMG BROKEN! So why ever play it when you can play Sonic 2? Well because they are all fun even with their differences as is Sonic Adventure and so will Sonic Generations be.

How can you complain about something that does not even exist in the series at that point? Now you are just trying too hard.

I can agree with your other comment though. I personally do not want this to play exactly like the classic games, but 1, 2, 3, CD and stuff like Chaos, Triple Trouble, Pocket Adventure and Advance barely play like one another, but I like it that way. I mean I want them to be similar high quality products, but it is hard to expect that from Sonic Team lately.

I am personally very excited for Sonic Generations, but there is certainly a lot wrong or not "Great" about the game. I am sure it will at least be good though.

yet the internet loves to bash Sonic, there most prob more Bugs and glitches in Fabe 2 and III than in every Sonic game ever made, but its not cool to bash Fable (unless it's on Kinect)

Are you sure? I have seen almost complete unanimous hate for the Fable series as it has progressed from the first game being overly hyped to people filling up comments of almost every game blog about how they will not be tricked into getting another Fable. The hatred is really similar as far as I see.

There are tons of IPs that get so much hate though, it is just more obvious because social media platforms and the like have grown so much lately. People like us that have a strong passion for SEGA stuff just are more aware of those type of comments aimed at Sonic, when in reality the Final Fantasy series is probably getting double the amount of hate the Sonic franchise is, and for good reasons.

I was just reading Joystiq today, and while the editor of the Chemical Plant Zone video actually said some negative stuff (the site is notorious for it's SEGA hatred) the comments were almost exclusively praising the game.

I've always praised the Yakuza game gameplay and story...  Its the tech and the animation that is the trouble with the series That and little new gameplay and still using the same City for most of  the games .  Kezan took over 3 years to make used the biggest Budget outside of Shenmue and yet had issues with very poor GFX (the water shaders are laughable) and really poor animation and plenty of iffy physics(like characters going through solid objects).

I think those are more than fair points myself

Kenzan mostly was made for the groundwork of games like Yakuza 3, 4 and OF THE END. I think it's budget was deserved in that it has significantly dropped the price of production for three major hits after it.

But games like Sonic Generations has a lot of this. The clipping in Generations is literally as bad and apparent as it was in Unleashed. Generations on the PlayStation 3 is very notable for it's slowdown, something that was a very common issue in Unleashed and most likely will be for the finished product of Generations. The Yakuza games simply do not have these problems, are MUCH bigger games and have a much smaller development cycle... How does that happen?

Also, it literally has the ugliest graphics I have seen this console generation for grass. Sonic Colors and Black Knight had great grass... How are they so backwards with something so basic like this?

The City Escape trailer for Sonic Generations even had a tree growing out of a roof in Spagonia... Come on. It was not even a full second of footage. The Yakuza team would never miss a really obvious and stupid detail like that.

The Yakuza engine is not the best thing around, but the Hedgehog Engine really is nowhere near as great as some people say. The potential is certainly there, but at it's current state... it is worse.

Offline Sharky

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Re: Sonic Generations Chemical Plant Zone / Metal Sonic
« Reply #104 on: August 09, 2011, 10:07:56 am »
Maybe a lot of these flaws seriously hurt their enjoyment of the games? Did you ever think of that?

It seems to me it is more the fact that a game like Sonic Generations should have happened 10 years ago instead of now is the bigger issue. If fans are fully aware of problems that the games have had within each consecutive release, the bigger issue it becomes. Like, how did the Sonic Advance games start out fine but then got worse and worse? Who asked for "Innovations" like the werehog and the QTEs? If no one complains than it is likely the games will only get worse.

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 might have been a mess of a game regardless, but if it were released in it's original state imagine how much worse the backlash would have been. You have the people who complained to thank for that. Also, it is likely a game like Generations would not even exist if there was not such a loud fanbase, so think about that a little bit.

I am partially on your side with this though. I think people are overreacting, but for many cases it still makes sense. Although I cannot say how much I really appreciate them bringing back the classic style of gameplay, it's existence in 4 and Generations is literally a marketing gimmick slapped in. Of course it is not going to be the same, but at least they tried instead of making something like Heroes again.

What does this have to do with anything?

Sonic Adventure has aged poorly, I will agree. But this is because everything about it was way ahead of it's time. Regardless of how someone feels about it's content, it has far, far more than literally every platformer being released today does. It has more music, levels, gameplay concepts, sound/voice clips, replay value, even more animations than so many games today even have. It was literally a groundbreaking title, much like the first Sonic was too.

A lot of how poorly the game has aged has to do with the game being rushed when they changed major elements very late into development, like how the speed of the game was doubled. If the game was released how it was originally intended to be made, it would probably be received better now, but would not have impressed as many people back in 1998.

But nothing like classic Sonic? You lost me. It is certainly not closer to it than the classic variation of Generations, but so many of the original concepts were still there. Much more reliance on actual level design instead of springs and dashpads everywhere, classic-themed level gimmicks, similar level themes and music to the classics, so many puzzles and so many sections where speed was entirely optional. It even had better rolling physics than all of the Sonic games today have!

The size of the badniks? They were the exact same size as they were in the Genesis games. They even were based on animals and had their own small animals in them.

The color of Sonic's eyes? I am sorry, but literally no one on this forum has ever said anything negative about his eyes, in fact many of us here like it. I personally love it. Drop it.

The speed of the spindash? It did not completely break any instance of the game, just was too easy to spam - Which they fixed in Sonic Adventure 2. You could also roll if you just tapped the button while moving with most characters, something Sonic Generations needs.

If you actually look back and not say you are looking back, you will find a lot of people were extremely hateful of Sonic Adventure because of how it relaunched the brand with a new style and was so focused on story and Adventure Fields. It had it's own style and I can appreciate that, but with a game like Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I or Sonic Generations that literally sells itself as a throwback... I expect that to be a true statement, not a "We tried" effort. I expect this is how most people feel.

I mean, Sonic Colors was it's own thing, and that was good in it's own right. Though the reviews got worse and worse as the weeks went on, it is in itself a good game and something very few people actually hate.

How can you complain about something that does not even exist in the series at that point? Now you are just trying too hard.

I can agree with your other comment though. I personally do not want this to play exactly like the classic games, but 1, 2, 3, CD and stuff like Chaos, Triple Trouble, Pocket Adventure and Advance barely play like one another, but I like it that way. I mean I want them to be similar high quality products, but it is hard to expect that from Sonic Team lately.

I am personally very excited for Sonic Generations, but there is certainly a lot wrong or not "Great" about the game. I am sure it will at least be good though.

Are you sure? I have seen almost complete unanimous hate for the Fable series as it has progressed from the first game being overly hyped to people filling up comments of almost every game blog about how they will not be tricked into getting another Fable. The hatred is really similar as far as I see.

There are tons of IPs that get so much hate though, it is just more obvious because social media platforms and the like have grown so much lately. People like us that have a strong passion for SEGA stuff just are more aware of those type of comments aimed at Sonic, when in reality the Final Fantasy series is probably getting double the amount of hate the Sonic franchise is, and for good reasons.

I was just reading Joystiq today, and while the editor of the Chemical Plant Zone video actually said some negative stuff (the site is notorious for it's SEGA hatred) the comments were almost exclusively praising the game.

Kenzan mostly was made for the groundwork of games like Yakuza 3, 4 and OF THE END. I think it's budget was deserved in that it has significantly dropped the price of production for three major hits after it.

But games like Sonic Generations has a lot of this. The clipping in Generations is literally as bad and apparent as it was in Unleashed. Generations on the PlayStation 3 is very notable for it's slowdown, something that was a very common issue in Unleashed and most likely will be for the finished product of Generations. The Yakuza games simply do not have these problems, are MUCH bigger games and have a much smaller development cycle... How does that happen?

Also, it literally has the ugliest graphics I have seen this console generation for grass. Sonic Colors and Black Knight had great grass... How are they so backwards with something so basic like this?

The City Escape trailer for Sonic Generations even had a tree growing out of a roof in Spagonia... Come on. It was not even a full second of footage. The Yakuza team would never miss a really obvious and stupid detail like that.

The Yakuza engine is not the best thing around, but the Hedgehog Engine really is nowhere near as great as some people say. The potential is certainly there, but at it's current state... it is worse.

Urh, shits getting serious and I don't have the patience for this kind of long winded novel sized reply anymore.

I'm sure flaws hurt the enjoyment of the game, but all games have flaws. Sonic Adventure had tons of them even when it released... But the same people who are expecting Sonic Generations to be completely flawless are the people that enjoyed Sonic Adventure despite all of its problems and not to mention it was the game that pretty much introduced everything people have been complaining about for the past decade like 'Shitty friends' 'Locked into loops' 'non sonic game play' 'wonky physics' ... 'green eyes'... (A lot of these Sonic Generations has fixed)

As for my list of things people complain about, you are clearly taking this all too personally. I never said anyone on this forum was complaining about these things... I’m not talking about anyone on this forum at all! I'm talking about the complained I keep seeing cropping up in the Sonic fan base. I HAVE seen people complaining about things like the size of the badniks… and other nonsense like that.

Finally, I'm not saying there is nothing wrong with Generations, I agree that the roll is off and the jump could be less heavy. But the fact is it's a million times better than a game that came out only a couple of years ago. They have improved vastly, but nobody is paying attention to that, instead there are people intentionally trying to break it and pick apart any little problem they can find. I saw a video of a guy trying to claim the game is broken after he spent about 3 mins trying to get Sonic to stand on the wall similar to Sonic 4 and he did, for a split second....

I would say it takes a lot more effort and skill to make a perfect Sonic game than any other platformer out there, the levels already have to be much bigger, they have to think about sonics speed, trajectory, physics all sorts. It's lame when you see the efforts Sonic Team have put in to this to make the game better and better and nobody giving any credit where it is due.
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