Author Topic: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Officially Confirmed  (Read 26916 times)

Offline George

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Re: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Officially Confirmed
« Reply #45 on: July 26, 2011, 10:30:49 pm »
I don't understand how companies can have DLC like 'Undead Nightmare' and the GTA Episodes, yet Capcom can't have this as a big pack?

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Officially Confirmed
« Reply #46 on: July 27, 2011, 04:04:10 am »
So you are OK with paying for rebalancing?

Just asking.

That seems like a loaded question. Rebalancing to what extent?

Two characters getting damage nerfs and one character getting a health buff? No.

38 characters getting new moves, altered properties for existing moves, overall mechanic changes to the system? Maybe.

All that plus new online modes, enhanced netcode, new backgrounds and minor aesthetic changes? Yes.

12 new charaters as well? Of course.

You do not understand.

The original version of this game will be largely useless once Ultimate is out. The community for the first release will completely die out and everyone will either move to the next game or just bail completely. To sum it up again, it was a $70 beta.

The 'community of the first game' were the people asking for new characters, rebalancing and new moves/system tweaks. So of course they are going to go onto the improved version which gives them what they ask for. They played the original for 8 months, which is a lot more than you can say for most retail games.

People who didn't want any of that stuff probably wouldn't be playing the game on a regular basis two months from release, let alone 8, so why do they care? They have their 38 characters, single player modes (Which were fleshed out nicely with the event mode and shadow battles)  and multiplayer against like-minded people. They can still boot up Vanilla and play casually against friends or against the computer if they really want to. IN SHORT: IT'S NOT A BETA.

I'm guessing most people who are part of the 'community' and are still consistently playing the game come November will pay for all the new content that THEY ASKED FOR.

Look at it this way, once Ultimate is out will you ever go back to the original version? Of course you will not, why would you? In past cases like the Street Fighter Alpha series, or upgrades to III the games changed a huge amount, artisitcally, stylistically, musically... Some people prefer the earlier releases because they are so different. This is just the same stuff from the original game with some new content that will not work with the original version. There is no reason for Capcom to at least offer connectivity, I mean Sonic & Knuckles offered it in 1994, why is it Capcom cannot in do this in 2011?

Nobody plays SF2 World Warrior, Next to nobody plays SF Champions edition, Nobody plays Super Street Fighter 2: new Challengers, nobody plays Alpha 1, Nobody plays Street Fighter 3, Nobody plays Street Fighter 3: Second Impact, Nobody plays Capcom vs SNK 1, Nobody plays Darkstalkers 1 (or whatever else there is apart from Vampire Saviour).

People will always go with the newest and most improved version, one of the few cases this didn't work is in the Alpha Series where it's split between Alpha 2 and 3, and that's because 3 was a pretty big departure from 2 which split the fanbase. I THINK (not sure) at the time most people just went to 3 though.

As for Sonic & Knuckles bit, do you mean just including the new Characters in Vanilla as DLC? I could see that working, but then what about the balance changes and upgrades etc? The community wants all that, and it can't be implemented piece by piece, it would need to be a major (almost certainly paid) upgrade anyway, which would be the same thing right?

I can see your point about releasing the characters for Vanilla only though, but at the same time, that doesn't explain how they would include all the other stuff without releasing a new version or upgrading it via DLC (which would be the same thing).

Now you sound like Sharky. :'(

(Seriously though, expand on that, because I'm trying to be as reasonable as possible with my arguments, and I'm open to change my mind on this. I'm also willing to admit that I'm being slightly blinded by the fact that a lot of the characters appeal to me personally).

I don't understand how companies can have DLC like 'Undead Nightmare' and the GTA Episodes, yet Capcom can't have this as a big pack?

They could, but they put it on a disc instead?

I'm not sure what your point is here. If it was all on download only as one 'big pack' then its the same issue of splitting the game into Ultimate or Vanilla. The people who wanted the new content and rebalance would buy it, and anyone who didn't care would still play Vanilla.

If you guys have just been arguing about putting the 12 characters as DLC for Vanilla, in theory I agree with you, but I would personally rather get an updated game with all the other improvements instead. I'm also not sure how easy it would be to put these characters into vanilla since they were built around the new version, but I would have no aversion to it at all. In fact I would probably buy Ghost Rider and Frank West just because.

Anyway, I really hope i'm not coming off as a jerk or fanboyish, I genuinely am looking forward to this and don't really understand the anger about it, if I do offend or come off too strong I apologise.

EDIT: Hoooly shit, I need to stop overthinking this stuff, I just wrote a lot more than I thought I would.

Offline George

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Re: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Officially Confirmed
« Reply #47 on: July 27, 2011, 06:21:56 am »
So did Rockstar, they put Undead Nightmare on a disc too and also offered their consumers the DLC.

ITs called caring about your paying consumer.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Officially Confirmed
« Reply #48 on: July 27, 2011, 12:36:58 pm »
The 'community of the first game' were the people asking for new characters, rebalancing and new moves/system tweaks. So of course they are going to go onto the improved version which gives them what they ask for. They played the original for 8 months, which is a lot more than you can say for most retail games.

I recall the same thing happening to Phantasy Star Online. First game hit, I (and other PSO players) ate it up, played it to death for 8 months and around the halfway marker we started wanting more modes, areas, weapons, classes, leveling past 100. So 8 months after the release of the first game we got ver.2, which answered many of the fan requests, and a good majority of players picked it up. We really weren't too bothered, as we had a load of time to enjoy the first version and welcomed all the bonuses of the second version. In fact, I don't even recall being bitter thinking "SEGA does not care about their paying customers". I welcomed ver. 2. Plus, I believe version 2 was cheaper. So it was essentially like paying for an upgrade, a bit like a pre-DLC patch and expansion.

Like MvC3, it looks like ver.1 players can still enjoy the game and play online, while new players and those who want an upgrade can play the Ultimate version, no problem.

OH! And we are waaaay past due for an update to VF5! Final Showdown needs a console release...
« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 12:40:59 pm by Barry the Nomad »

Offline George

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Re: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Officially Confirmed
« Reply #49 on: July 27, 2011, 02:41:34 pm »
There is a difference. I took Street Fighter II, Turbo and Super Street Fighter back in the day. I get it, they couldn't release the extra content any other way. Same with Phantasy Star Online Vol. 2.

But you know what ? Phantasy Star Online still played with the Vol.2 guys. All that original content in 1 was not obsolete. Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 will not play at all with the first title they just release, thus separating the fanbase.

I'm not against 'Game of the Year' releases, I'm against the fact that Capcom is not giving fans choices on how to purchase the extra content. Also hate the fact that they are selling 'fixes' to the game as new content. Its sad when games like Witcher 2, Portal 2 will both have free additional content in update fixes.... yet Capcom wants to force us to purchase another 40 dollar game to get their updates.... ?

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Officially Confirmed
« Reply #50 on: July 28, 2011, 05:37:53 am »
So did Rockstar, they put Undead Nightmare on a disc too and also offered their consumers the DLC.

ITs called caring about your paying consumer.

explain how putting it on your HDD would solve any of the problems I outlined with compatibility already...
You would still split the fanbase into 'ultimate' and 'vanilla' versions.

I'm pretty sure you can't use the new weapons from Undead Nightmare in Vanilla Red Dead Redemption single player story.

EDIT: 12 new characters, new stages and complete re-balancing with system changes is hardly a 'fix', it's new content. Honest question, how much do you actually play fighting games? I'm not saying this as an insult or to be snarky, but I used to think there was nothing to these upgrades either until I started delving further into the games and realised how much work goes into this kinda thing. I can't help but think you and Sanus are really underestimating and under-selling this thing.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2011, 05:41:20 am by MadeManG74 »

Offline Chaosmaster8753

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Re: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Officially Confirmed
« Reply #51 on: July 28, 2011, 02:50:59 pm »
I guess I'm on a similar boat as MadeMan. I was a bit surprised when it was first revealed mostly because of how soon it was coming out even to the point where they already revealed the boxart and pre-order bonuses. Plus, the "accidental" leak of the rest of the roster added up to even more long months waiting for this. I'm a bit upset that they don't have a DLC option, but I mostly just want more content to play in MvC3 and I'd rather have all the content on one disc then get it via DLC and take up more HDD space.

Offline George

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Re: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Officially Confirmed
« Reply #52 on: July 28, 2011, 04:05:19 pm »
explain how putting it on your HDD would solve any of the problems I outlined with compatibility already...
You would still split the fanbase into 'ultimate' and 'vanilla' versions.

I'm pretty sure you can't use the new weapons from Undead Nightmare in Vanilla Red Dead Redemption single player story.

EDIT: 12 new characters, new stages and complete re-balancing with system changes is hardly a 'fix', it's new content. Honest question, how much do you actually play fighting games? I'm not saying this as an insult or to be snarky, but I used to think there was nothing to these upgrades either until I started delving further into the games and realised how much work goes into this kinda thing. I can't help but think you and Sanus are really underestimating and under-selling this thing.
You can't use the weapons in undead nightmare, but you can use the skins. It came with new modes, but at least they told their fanbase "Here, buy it online if you want"

What is wrong with giving fans choices? You are the one against me having a choice. You want me to rebuy the game all over again. That shit is not worth 40 fucking dollars.

Move on.

Offline CosmicCastaway

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Re: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Officially Confirmed
« Reply #53 on: July 29, 2011, 04:02:01 pm »
One thing I would like Capcom to change is the Online match setup. I still think out of all the fighters I've played for this console generation MK vs. DC had the best online system.  It's easier to guess someone's skill level if you can see their win/loss (as well quitting) ratio before you even request a match. I've had so many satisfying matches online with MK vs. DC because I usually was playing with people who were about the same skill level as me. In Marvel vs. Capcom 3 there's no real way of knowing your opponent's skill level until you're already in the match. Losing is never fun, but I know that I lost because I made a big mistake or the person playing against me is better. However, I would at least like to have a chance of winning and 90% of my online experience with Marvel vs. Capcom 3 involved me getting trashed without even so much as touching the opposing player.
Anyways, it's my only real beef with the game and I hope Capcom does something to improve it for players like myself you play online more "casually".

I'm also hoping there is a bit more story to the arcade mode this time around. Capcom promised a robust story mode for Marvel vs. Capcom 3 but it really didn't turn out like they said it would. I shall remain hopeful.  :D
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 04:03:43 pm by CosmicCastaway »
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Re: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Officially Confirmed
« Reply #54 on: July 30, 2011, 05:55:29 pm »
Regardless of any of what has been said - Ultimate already has DLC announced for it. Some Ultimate edition.  ???

A big issue Mang is not getting is that most people who bought the game did not play it nonstop for those 8 months. I know people who played it a couple weeks and bought the DLC, now they are pissed because if they waited a few more months they could have gotten a way better version with way more content and a cheaper price. There is no real positive for them, the community for the game will die out because people will move onto Ultimate or just not care at all. Their game is practically useless to them, no one will want to buy it off of them either.

On the comments about "No one plays this or that game", it is a different situation. Like I said, a lot of those are different stylistically. I can tell you numerous situations where people prefer concepts in Alpha 2 more than 3, or how some hate the music and new characters or abilities in Super Street Fighter II. Look how the newest Mortal Kombat is doing all of this for instance. It can be argued their prices are high, but I can assure you they will release a fully loaded boxed release in the future. The correct way.

This next comment is not pointing to anyone on this site, but from what I have seen. People defending this "Ultimate" release... They are the same kind of people who defend Sonic Team shit even though they know what they are getting themselves into and get mad at the ones who try and point out obvious problems.

Offline Autosaver

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Re: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Officially Confirmed
« Reply #55 on: July 30, 2011, 08:43:02 pm »
Making DLC could even be cheaper, as buying it on Disc is buying another copy of the game. But with DLC, you are adding onto the game you own and you can't play it as a standalone.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Officially Confirmed
« Reply #56 on: July 30, 2011, 09:42:17 pm »
I give up, I feel like I'm speaking a different language to George and Sanus. I don't think I can explain it any clearer, so lets just agree to disagree.

Regardless of any of what has been said - Ultimate already has DLC announced for it. Some Ultimate edition.  ???
I actually agree this is stupid, thankfully the DLC for Ultimate sounds retarded and pointless, so nobody will care about it.

This next comment is not pointing to anyone on this site, but from what I have seen. People defending this "Ultimate" release... They are the same kind of people who defend Sonic Team shit even though they know what they are getting themselves into and get mad at the ones who try and point out obvious problems.

I know I should be ignoring this, but I feel I've given a sensible reason I don't hate this game for every argument you've given me. I also don't see how it's similar to Sonic Team's decisions either. To be blunt I think you are just trying to insult me.

Offline CosmicCastaway

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Re: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Officially Confirmed
« Reply #57 on: August 01, 2011, 06:51:23 pm »
Capcom has revealed what changes the existing characters from Marvel vs. Capcom 3 will have for the Ultimate version:

"Captain America will gain a double jump.
Viewtiful Joe can dodge incoming attacks with a new move.
X-23 will be able to cancel out other character's air moves with one of her own.
Arthur will have more health.
Iron Man will lose his double jump but gain an air dash to cancel his air moves.
Amaterasu will be able to change weapons in midair.
C. Viper will gain a new, never-before-seen move.
Wesker will speed up when his sunglasses are broken.
Wolverine has a new claw attack similar to Chun Li's lightning kicks.
Chris will be able to cancel out of normal moves that use his gun by using special moves.
She Hulk will gain a new special move.
Shuma Gorath can absorb an opponent's hyper combo gauge by using a standard throw.
Super Skrull's meteor smash can be done in midair.
Storm will gain a new special move.
Spencer will gain a new move that is alluded to in the game's latest trailer.
Zero will be able to cancel moves into his max buster.
Sentinel will have slightly less health.
Thor's midair throw command will have a larger range.
Taskmaster will gain a new special move.
Dante's devil trigger will allow him to triple jump and air dash twice.
Deadpool will be able to cancel out of special moves by warping.
Dormmamu will be able to execute his dark spell and revelation attacks in midair.
Trish's midair max voltage attack will let her follow up with an attack on a downed opponent.
Tron will have the invincibility parameters of her assist move reduced but will now be able to perform her servbot launch three times in a row.
Haggar's crouching hard attack will be able to knock people down.
Hulk will gain a new charge move.
Phoenix will have even less health.
Felicia will be able to perform her delta kick in midair.
Magneto will gain a new special move.
Modok will be able to cancel out of moves in mid-jump by dashing.
Morrigan will gain a new move that allows her to absorb some of an opponent's hyper combo gauge.
Ryu will be powered up some and play very differently, courtesy of new moves.
Hsienko will gain more items to throw during her anki hou attack.
Akuma will have less health.
Chun Li will gain a new move that will be a new version of her spinning bird kick. "

Most of these sound pretty good to me with the exception of Phoenix having even LESS health. The poor girl was already weak enough in that regard.
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Offline Chaosmaster8753

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Re: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Officially Confirmed
« Reply #58 on: August 02, 2011, 01:31:24 am »
After recently playing some of Justice for All, I'm even more anxious to see Phoenix Wright in action. I'd assume that either him or Nemesis will be the TGS reveal for Capcom's side of the roster. As much as I think Nemesis would be more likely due to Biohazard's popularity in Japan,  I wonder if they might want to show Phoenix Wright/Ryuichi Naruhado alongside (hopefully...) some new info on Professor Layton vs. Gyakuten Saiban (hey, it doesn't have an official English name yet.)

Offline Chaosmaster8753

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Re: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Officially Confirmed
« Reply #59 on: August 18, 2011, 02:21:13 pm »